Introducing QUANTiC™ series encoders Wider installation tolerances No separate interface or PCBs required Maximum linear speed of up to 24 m/s Integrated set-up LED Advanced Diagnostic Tool (ADTi-100) Please read the notes below: The QUANTiC series is a new all-in-one digital encoder family. In OEM applications, machine build time is critical, as time saved in component installation reduces lead times and increases profitability. QUANTIC encoders have been designed with this in mind and feature Renishaw’s widest ever setup tolerances, exceptional dirt immunity and the optional Advanced Diagnostic Tool (ADT) for remote calibration and in-depth diagnostics. QUANTiC, like VIONiC, combines all necessary interpolation and digital signal processing inside the readhead to eliminate the requirement for additional external interfaces. 10/11/2018
Value Value to you Wider installation tolerances Renishaw plc 10/11/2018 Value to you Wider installation tolerances Improved dirt immunity Easy setup Value Please read the notes below: Wider installation tolerances: Renishaw’s easiest encoder to install with +/- 200um rideheight tolerance during installation. Easy setup: QUANTiC encoders are designed to minimise system setup and calibration times, which helps to speed up production line installation. High speed: with a top speed of 24m/s. Faster processing and throughput for the customer. Diagnostic capability: compatibility with the ADTi-100 for installation and field diagnostics. Improved dirt immunity: new electro-grating design reduces non-harmonic signal frequencies that can occur due to contamination. This helps to maintain SDE over dirt and improve metrology. Diagnostic capability High speed 10/11/2018 Confidential
Specifications All-in-one digital readhead Renishaw plc 10/11/2018 Specifications All-in-one digital readhead Super-compact readhead size: 35 x 13.5 x 10 mm Linear resolutions to 50 nm and speeds up to 24 m/s Linear system accuracy of ±15 µm/m Multi-colour set-up LED and ADTi-100 available Please read the notes below: QUANTiC series’ readhead size is identical to TONiC™ = 35 mm x 13.5 mm x 10 mm (length x height x width). If additional specs are required, refer to the relevant data sheet. These are the headline features and are considered appropriate for this type of introductory presentation. 10/11/2018 Confidential
QUANTiC basic principles Readhead sensor uses patented filtering optics Addition of Versatile Interpolation ASIC (VIA) chip allows direct digital output to customer’s controller Advanced algorithms allow easy calibration and reference mark phasing For challenging installations, QUANTiC’s ADTi–100 provides comprehensive monitoring and diagnostic feedback Please read the notes below: Designed for manufacturing: The QUANTIC encoder system uses a 40 µm-pitch scale which translates to larger installation tolerances and higher operating speeds due to the unique optical design of Renishaw encoders. The QUANTiC encoder system is highly immune to dirt and contamination due to several advanced design features. QUANTiC readheads incorporate Renishaw’s well-established filtering optics that averages the contributions from many scale periods and effectively filters out non-periodic features such as dirt. Measurement signals are further enhanced by a range of electronic signal processing algorithms such as Auto Gain Control (AGC), Auto Offset Control (AOC) and Auto Balance Control (ABC). QUANTiC encoders also feature a third layer of signal filtering from a new detector design which helps to eliminate non-harmonic signal frequencies that can occur due to contamination on the scale. These signal conditioning features combine to ensure low Sub-Divisional Error (SDE) and minimal signal variation over contamination. ** Slide animates the scale and output waveform together – the presenter should allow several seconds for this to run** 10/11/2018
Advanced Diagnostic Tool (ADTi-100) Unrivalled ease of set-up and calibration is supported by an Advanced Diagnostic Tool (ADT) which combines both ADTi-100 hardware and ADT View software components. New software features include: Remote monitoring Visual and audio indication of signal size Readhead pitch indication Limit switch and reference mark indicators DRO output Lissajous plots Please read the notes below: Unrivalled ease of set-up and calibration is supported by an Advanced Diagnostic Tool (ADT) which combines both ADTi-100 hardware and ADT View software components. Features and benefits include: remote monitoring; visual and audio indication of signal size, limit switches and readhead pitch; DRO output, Lissajous output and the ability to save data in multiple common file formats. 10/11/2018
QUANTiC valuable features Digital output: all analogue and digital signal processing performed in the readhead Wider installation tolerances Operating temperature range: 0 °C – 70 °C Please read the notes below: All-in-one readhead allows cable termination flexibility, e.g. flying leads. Wider installation tolerances than VIONiC™: Rideheight = ±0.2 mm Yaw = ±0.9⁰ Designed for production lines where fast installation is critical for reducing costs and lead times. 10/11/2018
Linear scales for QUANTiC RTLC40 Lengths to 10 m ±15 µm/m accuracy (slope + linearity) at 20 °C FASTRACK™ carrier mounting Self-adhesive backing tape for easy installation RTLC40-S Please read below: CTE = Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (PPM/K) – make this clear to your audience if mentioned. Slope and linearity: slope is defined as the average error per increment of scale whereas linearity is a measure of the deviation from this. Scales with good linearity are obviously desirable. For RTLC40 and RTLC40-S, a scale linearity of ±5 μm/m can be achieved with two point error correction. QUANTiC scales come with customer selectable IN-TRAC™ reference marks embedded in the incremental channel and dual-limit switches. Please consult online data sheets for further information. 10/11/2018
The QUANTiC solution Any Questions? High performance 40 µm pitch encoder All-in-one digital readhead for the widest range of customer applications Wider installation tolerances Designed for faster installation on production lines. Advanced Diagnostic Tool (ADTi-100) for remote calibration and in-depth diagnostics Any Questions? Please read below: Any questions? slide Feel free to amend for your individual presentation; this should summarise your main points (no more than 5-6 total) 10/11/2018