Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty Retreat 2016 Fall Semester Monday, August 20
Agenda 8:30-9:00 Breakfast Snacks 9:00-9:05 Welcome and Opening Remarks Let’s Have a Great Academic Year! 9:05-9:10 Approval of May 3, 2016 faculty meeting minutes 9:10-9:20 Introduction to “New” Mechanical Engineering Faculty Yang Guo (Assistant Professor) Ricardo Mejia-Alvarez (Assistant Professor) Michael Lavignino (Teaching Professor) Like Li (Teaching Professor) Yuping Wang (Teaching Professor) John McGrath (Emeritus Professor)
Agenda 9:20-9:25 Update on 2017 faculty hiring GII hiring: 2 positions for Advanced Manufacturing 1 senior position in additive manufacturing 1 junior position in advanced manufacturing robotics and control 2 positions for Vehicles 1 position in vehicle dynamics 1 position (tbd) 9:25-9:55 Mechanical Engineering State of the Department
Mechanical Engineering Three Year Overview
AY 2015: Total Faculty FTE 5
Non-Tenure Track Faculty
Faculty Searches 2015-16
Faculty Teaching Load 14-15
Maximum Lecture Sizes
Maximum Lecture Sizes cont.
Faculty Diversity
Graduate Student Diversity
Undergrad Student Diversity
Undergraduate Enrollment
PhD Enrollment 14-15
Research Expenditures
Research Expenditures / Faculty
Support Staff per Faculty
Teaching Assistants
Space per Faculty Member
Agenda 9:55-10:10 Update on manufacturing laboratory renovation and student learning center (Averill) 10:10-10:30 Break 10:30-12:00 ABET discussion (Averill) 12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:00-1:10 College of Engineering (Dean Kempel) 1:10-1:25 Update on graduate program (Mukherjee) 1:25-1:40 Update on graduate student recruiting (Bush)
Graduate Program Organizational Structure ME Chair James Klausner Associate Chair Graduate Studies Ranjan Mukherjee Fluid-Thermal Science and Engineering Farhad Jaberi Solid Mechanics, Design, and Manufacturing Patrick Kwon Dynamic Systems and Control George Zhu Biomechanical Engineering Tom Pence
Agenda 1:40-2:20 Overview of graduate research and education focus groups Fluid and Thermal Science and Engineering (Jabari) (10 min) Biomechanics Engineering (Bush) (10 min) Solid Mechanics, Design & Manufacturing (Xiao) (10 min) Dynamic Systems & Control (Zhu) (10 min) 2:20-2:35 Briefing on MSU led major research proposals smaRt Institute (Benard) (5 min) CLOUD Car (Zhu) (5 min) ROOTS (Yeom) (5 min) 2:35-2:50 MSU Foundation (David Washburn) 2:15-3:15 Break
Agenda 3:15-3:45 Graduate studies committee qualifying exam proposal (Klausner)
Big Ten Mechanical Engineering Qualifying Exam Procedures University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana (New Format Starting Fall 2016) Prerequisite to Sit for the Exam: a grade of B+ or higher in each of four independent courses. Courses can be from a single area or combination of two areas. Oral Exam: Committee of two faculty appointed by the Associate Head will administer an hour long exam. Committee may not have student’s thesis advisor. Student will be assigned to read a journal article and be expected to answer questions relevant to the article. Student also responsible for cited literature.
Big Ten Mechanical Engineering Qualifying Exam Procedures The Ohio State University Qualifying Exam Policy: A single eight hour exam administered by faculty advisor and two four hour exams administered by student supervisory committee, followed by an oral exam. Exam Format: Open ended.
Big Ten Mechanical Engineering Qualifying Exam Procedures University of Minnesota Qualifying Exam Policy: Three oral exams of 30-60 minutes in duration. Exam Subject Areas: Fluid mechanics Heat transfer Machine design Solid mechanics System dynamics and control Thermodynamics
Big Ten Mechanical Engineering Qualifying Exam Procedures University of Wisconsin Qualifying Exam Policy: A single two hour fundamentals (math, physics, engineering science) exam and three two-hour area exams Exam Subjects Areas: Controls Heat Transfer Computer Aided Engineering Fluid Mechanics Thermodynamics Materials Processing Dynamic Systems/Vibrations Design/Solid Mechanics Kinematics/Dynamics
Big Ten Mechanical Engineering Qualifying Exam Procedures University of Michigan Qualifying Exam Policy: Tested on Four exams at the graduate level; at most three can be in the student core research area Exam Format: Not expressly defined
Big Ten Mechanical Engineering Qualifying Exam Procedures Northwestern University Qualifying Exam Policy: Students will pass an oral qualifying exam that tests research ability. The purpose of the exam is to demonstrate the ability to define a research problem, explain its relevance in scientific terms, and articulate current research challenges and a methodology to address such challenges, as well as for the student to demonstrate an understanding of the underlying fundamental concepts related to the research topic. A two-page abstract should be provided to the committee a week before the exam. Exam Format: 30 minutes presentation and 30 minutes of questions. Committee consists of three faculty members including thesis advisor.
Big Ten Mechanical Engineering Qualifying Exam Procedures Purdue University Qualifying Exam Policy: A single exam in applied mathematics and at two area exams. Exam Subject Areas: Acoustics Applied optics Control Design Dynamics Fluid mechanics Heat and mass transfer Solid mechanics Thermodynamics
Big Ten Mechanical Engineering Qualifying Exam Procedures Penn State University Qualifying Exam Policy: Three Sections: each section will have a written and oral portion of the exam. Exam Section Subjects: Solid Mechanics Rigid Body Mechanics System Dynamics Thermodynamics Fundamentals of Engineering Analysis Fluid Mechanics Heat Transfer
2. ME Qualifying Exam Charge to Graduate Committee: draft a proposal for review and discussion by faculty that ties ME Qualifying Exam to Core graduate courses Proposal: 1. Sitting for the qualifying exam is the NORM for all incoming Ph.D. students 2. The qualifying exam will remain as is and consist of a WRITTEN portion of the exam covering MATHEMATICS and TWO other SUBJECT areas at the advanced undergraduate level. Subject areas are listed in Table 1. 3. MSU students (B.S., M.S., and Ph.D.) taking core courses will be excused from taking the qualifying exam in a specific subject area if they earn a grade of 3.5 OR BETTER in an associated core graduate course listed in Table 1. 4. Only the first FOUR core graduate courses attempted will be considered for a grade of 3.5 or better to be excused from a qualifying exam subject area. 5. The qualifying exam will be administered the week prior to the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters. 6. Students sitting for the qualifying exam will only have TWO attempts for each SUBJECT area and must pass all qualifying exam requirements BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF THE FOURTH SEMESTER (not counting summer) after starting the Ph.D. program.
ME Core Courses
Agenda 3:45-3:55 MSU Department of Mechanical Engineering Teaching Fellowship (Klausner)
MSU Department of Mechanical Engineering Teaching Fellowship The MSU Department of Mechanical Engineering Teaching Fellowship serves to encourage outstanding graduate Ph.D. students to consider engineering education as a professional path. Fellowship awards will be made to two ME Ph.D. students on a semester by semester basis. During the award period, the awardee will be assigned to teach an undergraduate lecture course in either the Fall or Spring semester and will supported at the same rate as a ½ time RA during the award period. Criteria The applicant must be a Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering with a demonstrated interest in an engineering education career. Passage of the qualifying exam is required, and students within a year or less of defending their thesis at time of teaching will be given priority. The applicant must have a graduate GPA of 3.5 or higher The applicant must submit two letters of recommendation from MSU faculty
Application Submission Applicants will submit the following application materials to the Associate Chair for Graduate studies: Applicant CV Applicant Undergraduate and Graduate Transcripts Two letters of recommendation from MSU faculty A one page written statement on the applicant’s teaching philosophy and why undergraduate teaching experience will be beneficial to the applicant’s planned career path. Applicant should identify courses they would be interested in teaching and demonstrate their expertise in those areas. Submission Deadline For both Fall and Spring Consideration: LAST BUSINESS DAY IN MARCH Selection Fellowship awardees will be selected by the Graduate Studies Committee. Additional Support Awardees are also encouraged to apply for the ASME Graduate Teaching Fellowship, loans/fellowships/graduate-teaching-fellowships and receive an additional $5,000 support.
Agenda 3:55-5:00 Faculty research overview presentations (5 min each) Lillehoj Ranganathan Lee Yuan Toulson Guo Mejia-Alvarez Gao Roccabianca Pouya Yeom