COLLABORATION RESEARCH Research funding from industry Increased interaction with industry/society No. of new external collaboration projects No. of publications together with industry/society No. of collaboration through infrastructure 11/10/2018 Chalmers
COLLABORATION RESEARCH Active scientist with assignment within industry/society No. of adjunct university teachers or doctorate students partially employed by industry No. of PhDs employed in industry No. of adjunct professors No. of appointed associate professors (externally employed) No. of shared employments with CIT or similar employments 11/10/2018 Chalmers
EDUCATION COLLABORATION Interaction with industry No. of interactions with industry (e.g. invited teachers or industry visits with students) No. of external bachelor's/master's theses Professional education (No. / Year) 11/10/2018 Chalmers
EDUCATION COLLABORATION Knowledge transfer No. of larger meetings/workshops organised by the university No. of Dr theses with external supervisor No. of lectures/seminars open for external attendees Providing advices or invited to take part in public debate No. of steering committees 11/10/2018 Chalmers
INNOVATION AND COMMUNICATION No. of intellectual assets No. of published “impact stories” on the website 11/10/2018 Chalmers
No. of adjunct professors Analysis from KPI: One useful indicator is adjunct professors, which might mirror the University-Industry Interaction and strengthen the relationship as well as the exchange of knowledge and challenges Analysis from KPI: One useful indicator is adjunct professors, which might mirror the University-Industry Interaction and strengthen the relationship as well as the exchange of knowledge and challenges Fluid Dynamics Combustion Dynamics M&CM Vehicle Safety VEAS AM 11/10/2018 Chalmers
Interaction with industry in education Analysis from KPI: What we can see here from our reflections and discussions is that some divisions has increased their ambition to involve industrial challenges in courses and one needed to engage themself more in the courses to enhance the quality. The higher nr is not always the better, but the discussion make us move forward and improve how we work with utilisation Analysis from KPI: One useful indicator is adjunct professors, which might mirror the University-Industry Interaction and strengthen the relationship as well as the exchange of knowledge and challenges 11/10/2018 Chalmers
No. of external meetings/workshops Analysis from KPI: To increase network, improve interactions and create opportunities in order to disseminate knowledge and bring relevant research issues back, researcher need to regularly meet industry. We follow up this action or activity in order to stimulate research groups to initiate and drive external meetings. 11/10/2018 Chalmers
No. of publications (WoS) together with industry Analysis from KPI: To publish is one way to disseminate knowledge and therefore co-publication is a valued parameter to follow. According to CWTS Leiden Ranking we know that Chalmers as a university is ranked high on that list, but we need to secure a good development. Just to increase focus and discussion around co-publication, the number of publications has increased. In this case only papers in journals within WoS are measured, which not make co-publication with industry a fair picture, but we can still influence the trend which is shown in this example. 11/10/2018 Chalmers
Employee satisfaction VS strategy and goals We know from literature that organizations with known and clear goals and vision are more efficient, people are more engaged and satisfied compared to organizations without clear and transparent goals. This is off course valid in research organizations as well. This is also what we found from our employee survey at AM/Chalmers. Engaged people are the key for success in all projects. With this in mind we are even more convinced that our model brings value to the research organizations. 11/10/2018 Chalmers
Chalmers’ KPIs Regarding Utilisation Co-publications with industry 2,5% Collaboration projects with external non-academic organisations 2,5% Adj Prof and Industrial PhD 2,5% Professional educations (participants) 2,5% Impact Stories 0% 11/10/2018 Chalmers