A Recap of the 2017 National Orthopaedic Leadership Conference
National Orthopaedic Leadership Conference Held annually in Washington, DC Goal: Advocate for orthopaedics and our patients through congressional meetings and symposia. Schedule Thursday: “Hill visits” Walk the halls of Congress, meet with representatives and discuss topics pertinent to orthopaedics! Friday & Saturday: Meetings and Symposia
Hill Visits Organized by state orthopaedic societies and the AAOS’ Office of Government Relations. Met with congressional representatives and their legislative assistants to discuss legislative topics pertinent to the house of orthopaedics. Three key issues: IPAB repeal, POHs, and Tort Reform
Issue #1 – IPAB Repeal Independent Payment Advisory Board Group of 15 citizens, none of whom can currently practice medicine, whose role is to curb Medicare spending. Recommendations are “fast-tracked” = minimal oversight by Congress. Cuts would directly affect orthopaedic surgeons. Protecting Senior’s Access to Medicare Act S. 260/H.R. 849 Repeals IPAB from the ACA.
Issue #2 – POHs Physician-owned Hospitals ACA prohibited POH creation or expansion. However, POHs provide high-quality care and save the government money. 7 of the top 10 US hospitals were POHs (HVBP program). POHs save Medicare $3.2b over 10 years (Avalon Health Economics). The Patient Access to Higher Quality Health Care Act of 2017 H.R. 1156 Repeals the prohibition of POH creation or expansion from the ACA.
Issue #3 – Medical Tort Reform Nation’s medical liability system is expensive and ineffective. California (MICRA, 1975) and Texas (MLIIA, 1977) have both enacted successful tort reform laws. Limit attorney fees. Cap “non-economic” damages. Allows the expression of condolences w/out being used as admission of guilt. Accessible Care by Curbing Excessive Lawsuits Act of 2017 H.R. 1704 Mirrors MICRA and MLIIA, but nationally.
AAOS’ Office of Government Relations “Promotes and represents the viewpoint of the orthopaedic community before federal and state legislative, regulatory, and executive agencies.” Visit www.aaos.org/advocacy/pac/residents/ to become a resident member.
MORE Awards Media Orthopaedic Reporting Excellence Categories: A banquet to recognizes efforts by journalists who have furthered the public’s understanding of MSK health issues. 22 winners in 2017. Categories: TV Newspaper Internet Magazine
Friday and Saturday AAOS Business meetings Symposia examples: AAOS’ board of directors (BOD), board of councilors (BOC), and board of specialty societies (BOS). Symposia examples: “Health Policy Update” “Residents on the Rise” “Why Diversity Matters in Orthopaedics” “Cybersecurity for Physicians”
NOLC 2018 June 6-9, 2018 in Washington DC All residents can become involved! Advocacy is important: Have a voice in shaping future of healthcare Resident input greatly appreciated by decision makers in DC Meet other leaders of orthopaedics To become involved, contact your state society and/or the Resident Assembly, and visit: www.aaos.org/nolc