Chapter 9 Vocabulary Review
The legal right to vote in the U. S The legal right to vote in the U.S., gradually extended to all citizens 18 years or older. Suffrage
Federal Election Commission A six member bi-partisan agency created by the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1974. This organization administers and enforces campaign finance laws. Federal Election Commission
The belief that one’s political participation really matters The belief that one’s political participation really matters. That one’s vote can actually make a difference. Political Efficacy
The idea that the winning candidate has the support from the people to carry out his or her platforms and politics. Politicians like the theory better than political scientists do. Mandate Theory
The phenomenon that people’s beliefs often guide what they pay the most attention to and how they interpret events. Selective Perception
National Party Convention The supreme power within each of the parties. The convention meets every four years to nominate the party’s presidential and vice-presidential candidates and to write the party’s platform. National Party Convention
A 1993 act that requires states to permit people to register to vote when they apply for a driver’s license. Motor Votor Act
The period before any votes are cast when candidates compete to win early support from the elite of the party and to create a positive first impression of their leadership skills. Invisible Primary
A method of raising money for a political candidate or cause, in which information or requests for money are sent to the people whose names appear on lists of those who have supported similar views or candidates in the past. Direct Mail
McGovern-Fraser Commission A group formed at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in response to demands for reforms by minority groups and others who sought better representation. McGovern-Fraser Commission
The official endorsement of a candidate for office The official endorsement of a candidate for office. Generally, success here requires momentum, money, and media attention. Nomination
Presidential Primaries Elections in which a state’s voters go to the polls to express their support for a party’s candidate for president. Most delegates to the national convention are selected this way. Presidential Primaries
A system used for the selection of convention delegates used in about a dozen states in which voters must attend a open meeting to express their presidential preference. Caucus
Electoral College A unique American institution created by the Constitution, providing for the selection of the president by electors chosen by the state parties. Although the Electoral College vote usually reflects a popular majority, less populated states are overrepresented and the winner-take-all rule concentrates campaigns on those close states. The electoral college also represents the Founding Fathers distrust of the common people’s decision in electing a president.
The recent tendency of states to hold primaries early in the calendar to capitalize on media attention and influence elections. Frontloading
National Party members who automatically get seats as delegates at the national convention. Used by Democrats only to ensure a voice for party officials and particular constituencies. Superdelegates
Campaign Contributions Donations that are made directly to a party or candidate and that must be reported to the FEC. As of 2014, individuals were able to donate up to $2,600 per election to a candidate and up to $32,400 to a political party. Campaign Contributions
Independent Expenditures Expenses on behalf of a political message that are made by groups that are uncoordinated with any candidate’s campaign. Independent Expenditures
Federal Election Campaign Act A law passed in 1974 to reform campaign finances. The act created the Federal Election Commission and provided limits on and disclosure of campaign contributions. It was meant to make political campaigns fairer and more transparent. Federal Election Campaign Act
Political contributions earmarked for party-building expenses at the grassroots level for the generic party advertising. For a time, such contributions were unlimited, until they were banned by the McCain-Feingold Act Soft Money
Buckley vs. Valeo, 1976 This SCOTUS Case tested whether the 1st Amendment protects campaign spending. The ruling it upheld the right of state legislatures to limit contributions to campaigns via the 1974 FEC Act (did not violate the 1st Amendment), but not how much one spends of his own money on campaigns. (no corruption possibility here).
Political Action Committee Interest Groups that raise money from individuals and then distribute in the form of contributions to candidates that the group supports. They must register with the FEC and report their donations and contributions to it. Individual contributions to these organizations are limited to $5,000 a year and may give up to $5,000 to a candidate for each election. .
Independent political groups which are not subject to campaign restrictions because they do not seek the election of particular candidates. Section 527 of the tax code specifies that such contributions must be reported to the IRS. This is the main loophole to the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Act of 2002. 527 Groups
Groups that are exempted from reporting political contributions and can received unlimited contributions. The tax code specifies that such groups cannot spend more than half of their funds on political activities. 501(c) Groups
Independent expenditure-only Political Action Committees which may accept donations of any size and can endorse candidates. Their contributions and expenditures must be periodically reported to the FEC. Super PACS
Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission – 2010 A 2010 landmark Supreme Court case that ruled that individuals, corporations, and unions could donate unlimited amounts of money to groups that make independent political expenditures. Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission – 2010
Battleground States aka Swing States The key states that the presidential campaigns focus on because they are most likely to decide the outcome of the Electoral College vote. Battleground States aka Swing States