Election Lingo
Attack Ads – Ads that tell you why you should not vote for someone Check the small print
Battleground States – states up for grabs
Blue Collar workers – hourly workers White Collar workers – salary workers View life differently
Lobbyists – professional influencers University lobbyist try to get help for universities Funding, helpful laws
Mudslinging – negative nasty personal attacks
Political Action Committee (PAC) Private organization that collect money for campaigns Limit of $5,000 per candidate Help with advertisement
Spin – candidates interpret what happened after the fact. What I meant was… I didn’t know they were moving to China! slow release of information (slight of hand)
Swing Votes – voters who are not registered to the republican or democratic party Undecided voters
Super PAC – no affiliation to the candidate No limits on funding
Youth Vote – 18 - 24 year olds 2004 2008
Voting in Mt. Pleasant
The Youth Movement Voting Statistics