Actions and strategy for the social economy and social enterprises


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Presentation transcript:

Actions and strategy for the social economy and social enterprises Dr Ulla ENGELMANN Head of Unit Clusters, Social Economy and Entrepreneurship GROW F2 European Economic and Social Committee 08 March 2018

Presentation of the actions • Implementation of actions scheduled for 2017-2018. • Five pillars to be developed: 1. Access to funding; 2. Access to markets; 3. Improving framework conditions; 4. Social innovation, technologies and new business models; 5. International dimension.

Pillar 1: Access to finance 1. Reinforcing EasI guarantee and establishing a debt finance window ("EasI funded instruments"); 2. Implementing EFSI social equity instruments: Investments in or alongside financial intermediaries; Investments alongside BA or investments in BA funds; Payment-by-results scheme (pilot). 3. The new EuSEF Regulation (2013).

Pillar 1: Access to finance 4. Stimulating support for Social Enterprise Financing Markets under EaSI such as: Capacity building measures ("EaSI Capacity building"); Projects grants to develop markets; Operating grants for EU-level networks; Grants to reduce transaction costs of financial intermediaries for small investments.

Pillar 2: Access to markets 1. Implementing the revised rules on qualitative public procurement: Awareness-raising events & capacity-building measures to stimulate socially responsible procurement for public procurement officers in 2018. Updating the guide " Buying Social" (2011); 2. Reinforcing the cooperation between traditional enterprises and social economy enterprises: Study to select best practices; Preparation of a high-level conference : 3-4 July 2018 3. Stimulating cross-border activities for social economy enterprises – Call for tender to be launched in 2018

Pillar 3: Improving framework conditions 1. Preparing guidelines to assist Member States in developing regulatory frameworks for the social economy and social enterprises (if they wish to); 2. Reflection on updating the Guide on Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI); 3. Promoting the creation of social economy clusters in different Member States; 4. Boosting the establishment of social economy and social enterprise satellite accounts in national statistics;

Pillar 3: Improving framework conditions 5. Implementing the Pilot Project "Transfer of businesses under form of cooperatives" – Follow up activities. 6. Implementing the Pilot Project "Reduction of young unemployment and the setting up of cooperatives "; 7. Updating the mapping of social enterprise ecosystems in Europe; 8. Producing four in-depth country reviews with the OECD;

Pillar 3: Improving framework conditions 9. Disseminating the EC/OECD compendium of social enterprises policies and initiatives to showcase successful national initiatives; 10. Developing in co-operation with the OECD online policy assessment tools for inclusive and social entrepreneurship policies for local and regional and national authorities;

Pillar 4: Social innovation, technologies and new business models 1. Reflecting on the use and impact of new technologies by social economy actors and particularly social enterprises - Study to map and diffuse best practices in Europe in 2018. 2. Implementing the Pilot Project “Sharing Economy Start-up initiative – Financing the future of European Entrepreneurship”; 3. Building the momentum for social innovation and supporting concrete projects through the revamped European Social Innovation Competition.

Pillar 4: Social innovation, technologies and new business models 4. Creating market for social innovation via Social Innovation Challenge Platform. 5. Increasing visibility for concrete projects on social innovation, social economy & enterprises, social impact investment under Horizon 2020: 6. Reinforcing and mainstreaming the experimentation of Digital Social Innovation models under Horizon 2020. Ie: Launch of the Blockchain for Social good competition (EU to award €1 million to each of the best five decentralised solutions based on blockchain technologies to tackle social innovation challenges)

Pillar 5: International dimension 1. Promoting social economy and social enterprises in neighbourhood/enlargement policies and programmes: Launching a programme for enhanced economic development in the Southern Neighbourhood (e.g.: Southern Mediterranean); Developing bilateral and regional support (e.g.: Moldova, Armenia, Western Balkans). 2. Promoting social economy and social enterprises in development policies and SDGs objectives: Conducting a feasibility study under the Partnership Instrument with the FPI; Following up specific projects in Eastern Africa (Ethiopia / Kenya); Promoting inclusive business models through the Inclusive Business Action Network (IBAN); Following up on Framework Partnership Agreements (International Cooperative Alliance/ COM.

Pillar 5: International dimension 3. Economic Diplomacy: promoting the role of social economy and social enterprises in international fora (UNTFSSE, ILGSSE, G20, G7, ILO …): Meetings with international organisations and fora; Possibly organising a conference on "Financing the Social Economy" with ILGSSE (2018). 4. Promoting the relations with International Finance Organisations and Donor Community: Participating in the Global Social Impact Investment Steering group; Capitalizing on the possibilities offered by the new European External Investment Plan (EIP) 5. Cross-cutting actions: Preparing guidance documents & communication tools for external delegations and to relevant DGs and Services.

European Social Economy Regions 2018 pilot's (ESER) objectives: 1. To raise awareness about the social economy at regional and local level; 2. To build effective European networks of the social economy and social innovation stakeholders; 3. To make the local stakeholders' voice heard.

Any public regional entity with links to social economy is invited to submit a proposal for organising a local event in close collaboration with regional social economy stakeholders via an open call for expression of interest published at:

offering the regional organisers: The European Commission will contribute by offering the regional organisers: 1. Participation of a Commission expert for discussion (depending on a selected topic/discussion language); 2. Joint visual identity of the European Social Economy Regions 2018 pilot; 3. Promotion of the local events through a dedicated website and collaborative platform; 4. Opportunity to share the best practices and present the regional pilots' outcomes at the October's Global Social Economy Forum (Bilbao) and the European Week of Regions and Cities. The European Commission will not provide any financial support to the regional pilots.

Collaboration and Synergies 1. European Committee of the Regions/European Economic and Social Committee; 2. European Network of Cities and Regions for the Social Economy (REVES); 3. Other social economy umbrella organisations such as the European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN).

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