Section 2 The Republic Main Idea- An extreme government changed French society and tried through harsh means to eliminate its critics within France.
Key Terms and Names Maximillian Robespierre Guillotine Counterrevolution Reign of Terror Standard Number: 4.0 Governance and Civics Standard: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens with in their community, nation, and world. Learning Expectations: The student will 4.1 understand the development of major systems of world governance. 4.2 understand how individuals are affected differently by varied forms of governance. 4.3 understand the development of nation-state governments.
A Radical Government National Convention Convened September 20, 1972 -Radical Representatives were in control. -Revolution takes an extreme turn. -No longer a constitutional monarchy -Republic
Factions in the New Government All members of Convention supported the Revolution. Grouped themselves into 3 political factions 1. The Mountain- Montagnards were the most radical Many belonged to Jacobins Support came from the lower middle class and poor. 2. The Girondins- moderates Came mainly from the provinces Resented the excesses of the Paris mob Generally supported a constitutional monarchy. 3. The Plain Made up of swing voters Originally supported Girondins but switched to Montagnards.
Radical Leaders Jean-Paul Marat Advocate of violence and leader of the Paris sansculottes George-Jacque Danton A violent agitator in the early days of the revolution Popular with the public Compromiser who hated the publics excesses Maximilien Robespierre Known for dedication to Revolution Led convention during its most blood thirsty time.
Execution of the King King placed on trial Girondins hoped to avoid a trial Montagnards wanted to try and execute the King in order to protect the Revolution from future monarchies January 21, 1973 King led guillotine Head shown to everyone to see. Word spread across Europe Europeans reacted wit h horror
Tightening Control After execution, Convention began to tighten its hold on France. Committee of Public Safety to manage military forces on the borders. Drafted all able bodied men between 18 and 45 for military service Established court called Revolutionary Tribunal Supposed to eliminate people who threatened the Revolution.
Transforming Society Tried to completely transform French society Leaders wanted to erase the old ways of life including religion. Many clergy lost their positions Closed churches in Paris Robespierre created cult called Supreme Being which enthusiasm for Revolution was the object of worship People change bibles to read “Declaration of the Rights of Man”. Metric system was adopted as well as new calendar.
The Reign of Terror The Revolution was getting carried away with itself. After the execution of Louis XVI, a new government called the National Convention was elected by universal manhood suffrage. The Convention established a Committee of Public Safety to protect the French people from the absolute monarchies of Austria and Prussia. The committee quickly drafted every unmarried man between 18 and 25!
The Reign of Terror France was being invaded by an alliance of Great Britain, the Netherlands, Spain, Sardinia, Austria, and Prussia Committee of Public Safety adopted “conscription” a draft All unmarried, able-bodied men between 18-25 were subject to Military service Opposition – European monarchs formed an alliance against France. Counterrevolutionary armies developed and fought the revolutionary army
The Revolution was getting carried away with itself The Revolution was getting carried away with itself. After the execution of Louis XVI, a new government called the National Convention was elected by universal manhood suffrage. The Convention established a Committee of Public Safety to protect the French people from the absolute monarchies of Austria and Prussia. The committee quickly drafted every unmarried man between 18 and 25!
The Reign of Terror Catholics, conservatives, and now even Girondists began to fight back against the radical measures of the Jacobins. After a well known Jacobin, Jean-Peal Marat, was assassinated by a Girondist, the Convention established a Revolutionary Tribunal to try and execute “enemies of the Revolution” known as counterrevolutionaries.
At first Danton and Robespierre concentrated their efforts on the Girondists, Catholics and Monarchists. Robespierre said, “It is necessary to annihilate both the internal and external enemies of the republic or perish with its fall.”
However, after an assassination attempt, Robespierre became more and more suspicious of everyone around him. Ultimately, he had even Danton guillotined.
All told, between 15,000 and 40,000 people were killed for engaging in counterrevolutionary activities. What would each of the following philosophers have said about the Reign of Terror? Locke? Voltaire? Montesquieu? Rousseau? Hobbes?
Ultimately, the French people rejected the strict “rationalism” and radical agenda of Robespierre and the Jacobins. Robespierre himself was guillotined in 1794. The bourgeoise became the most powerful group in France by 1795 and wrote another new Constitution, known as the Constitution of the Year III. Only male property owners could vote. This constitution had a bicameral legislature. The lower house was known as the Council of 500 and the 250 senators were known as the Council of Elders. Five directors were chosen by both houses of the legislature for one year terms. This government was known as the Directory.
However, the five Directors often fought one another – not unlike the First and Second Triumvirates of the Roman Republic. Just like in the Roman Republic, the various leaders had to rely on the army to control the population and settle disputes between one another. This paved the way for powerful military leaders like Napoleon Bonaparte to come to power in a coup d’etat in 1799. Napoleon said, “I found the crown of France lying on the ground, and I picked it up with my sword.”