Texas State Leadership Consortium for Curriculum Development Rural Entrepreneurship Support Networks for Economic Development (RESNED) Mid-Year Report March 28, 2006 Institution Name: TRCCN Project Director: Glynis Strause Coastal Bend College
Texas Rural Community College Network (TRCCN) is: a catalyst for community and economic development in rural Texas; a collaborative to build partnerships; and a leader to strengthen workforce education and technical programs and services.
Partners South Plains College Coastal Bend College Dr. Dick Walsh, Provost Workforce Development Coastal Bend College Glynis Holm Strause, Continuing Education Coordinator Texas A & M University Dr. Greg Clary, Extension Economist, Texas Cooperative Extension, Texas Center for Rural Entrepreneurship
Partners Texas Rural Community College Network Coordinating Colleges South Plains College (lead) Frank Phillips College Coastal Bend College Wharton County Junior College Paris Junior College + Nineteen rural community colleges Rural Community College Initiative Southern Rural Development Center Dr. Alan Barefield, Associate Director Rural Community College Alliance Office of Rural Community Affairs Texas Administrators of Continuing Education [TACE]
Partners’ Roles South Plains College Coastal Bend College Lead college in TRCCN and fiscal agent Coastal Bend College Project leader and coordinator, working with research and deliverables. Texas A & M University Dr. Greg Clary is developing and writing the E-ship curriculum and deliverables.
Partners Texas Rural Community College Network Coordinating Colleges TRCCN will preview. serve as quality assurance of the curriculum modules, and will help to disseminate module deliverables. Rural Community College Initiative RCCI focus groups have met in brainstorming focus groups, completed needs assessments, and minutes of meetings over two years reflect need for curriculum development. Southern Rural Development Center Dr. Alan Barefield has served as consultant, research generation, and has set up demonstration of project to Rural Community College Alliance meeting. Rural Community College Alliance Focus group for quality control, feedback, and dissemination of deliverables. Office of Rural Community Affairs Leadership has met with leaders, served to focus project, and will aid with dissemination statewide. Texas Administrator of Continuing Education [TACE] Conference has scheduled special session to preview and discuss curriculum and deliverables.
Project Summary Three new entrepreneurship (Eship) courses will provide the knowledge, skills and tools individuals need to: Employ Eship as an economic development strategy Develop the capacity and atmosphere in rural communities for entrepreneurs to be successful Assist entrepreneurs with early stage ventures Assist entrepreneurs with growth companies
Project Benefits Create jobs, self-employment, distributed wealth Decrease unemployment, poverty, youth problems Community colleges more involved in ED Increase capabilities of agency employees in ED area More local community involvement
Deliverables & Timeline Deliverables (qtr due) On Target Needs assessment (1) completed Skills analysis (2) completed State/National Curriculum Models/Products (2) completed Curriculum/Skills Crosswalk Matrix (2) completed List of Courses w/Descriptions and Learning Outcomes (2) completed Curriculum Plan (3) Yes Course Syllabi (3) Yes Learning Activity Plans (4) Yes Learning Outcomes Assessments (4) Yes Formative Product Evaluation (4) Yes Dissemination Plan (4) Yes
Statewide Dissemination Plan TRCCN workshops Regional agency workshops Regional economic development conferences Public programs CD version (planned) Online version (planned)
Evaluation Written reviews will be completed by: TRCCN members Rural committee of Texas Economic Development Council Texas Cooperative Extension Community Resources & Economic Development faculty State agencies involved in ED Faculty developing extension online entrepreneurship community of practice All participants of pilot workshops
Contact Information Greg Clary, PhD, (author) Extension Economist Director, Texas Center for Rural Entrepreneurship (www.tcre.org) PO Box 38, Overton, TX 75684 g-clary@tamu.edu 903.714.0232 Glynis Strause (Project leader) Continuing Education Coordinator 3800 Charco Road Coastal Bend College Beeville, Texas 78102 361-354-2419 CE Office 361-354-COED (2633) Toll free 866-722-2838 ext. 2419 Fax 361-354-2210 ghstraus@coastalbend.edu