tissues & organs the ileum the leaf
organ system cells tissue organ palisade mesophyll palisade cells Group of cells carry out same functions Group of tissues carries out one or ore function Group of organs work together to carry out function palisade mesophyll palisade cells spongy cells spongy mesophyll leaf Photosynthesis Transpiration epidermal cells epidermis xylem vessels vascular bundles sieve tubes companion cells
organ system cells tissue organ blood lymph circular muscle ileum Group of cells carry out same functions Group of tissues carries out one or ore function Group of organs work together to carry out function blood lymph circular muscle Complete digestion Absorb digested food Move undigested food to colon ileum muscle cells longitudinal muscle columnar epithelial cells epithelium goblet cells connective
lumen cs ileum outer serosa Connective tissue Very thin protective & supportive muscularis externa Outer longitudinal muscle: pendular movements Inner circular muscle: local constrictions & peristalsis Churn & mix food mucosa In contact with food Highly specialised to increase SA Villi & microvilli lumen submucosa Connective tissue/ blood vessels/ lymphatic tissue Transport absorbed food muscularis mucosa Thin layer muscle extends into centre villi Moves villi to increase contact with food in lumen
structure of a villus Goblet cells: Columnar epithelial cell: Secretes mucus Protects lining against enzyme digestion & lubricates to facilitate movement The inner layer of epithelial cells is highly folded & has specialised cells: Columnar epithelial cell: Microvilli, increase SA for enzyme attachment Mitochondria, energy, AT Together the microvilli form a Brush border Crypt of Lieberkuhn gland: Cells at base continually divide by mitosis & move up the surface to replace cells that are sloughed off Paneth cells have an antimicrobial function, protecting cell neighbours
absorption antibodies in babies glucose & aas glycerol & fatty acids Pinocytosis antibodies in babies lacteal AT & Facilitated Diff glucose & aas glycerol & fatty acids Simple diffusion Capillary network Lymph vessels
tissue layers muscosa lacteal muscularis mucosa submucosa circular muscle muscularis externa longitudinal muscle serosa