‘The man trampled calmly over the child’s body’ Chapter 1 Contrasting adverb ‘The man trampled calmly over the child’s body’ Violent verb Theme(s): Aggression/Violence Character(s): Enfield, Utterson, Hyde
‘It wasn’t like a man; it was like some damned Juggernaut’ Chapter 1 Negative phrasing ‘It wasn’t like a man; it was like some damned Juggernaut’ juggernaut ˈdʒʌɡənɔːt/ noun a huge, powerful, and overwhelming force. Religious language Noun Theme(s): Aggression/Violence Character(s): Enfield, Utterson, Hyde
Chapter 1 Adjective ‘Gave me one look, so ugly that it brought out the sweat on me like running’ Simile Noun Theme(s): Good vs. Evil, Reputation/Appearance Character(s): Enfield, Utterson, Hyde
‘The more it looks like Queer Street, the less I ask’ Chapter 1 Colloquial term ‘The more it looks like Queer Street, the less I ask’ ‘A very good rule, too’ Queer street is a colloquial term referring to a person being in some difficulty, most commonly financial. Positive adjective Theme(s): Curiosity, Reputation/Appearance Character(s): Enfield, Utterson
Chapter 1 Repetition ‘There is something wrong with his appearance ... something downright detestable ... He gives a strong feeling of deformity’ Alliteration, plosives Noun Theme(s): Science/The Unexplained Character(s): Enfield, Utterson, Hyde
‘It offended him both as a lawyer and as a lover of the sane’ Chapter 2 Adjective ‘It offended him both as a lawyer and as a lover of the sane’ Adjective Theme(s): Friendship, Curiosity, Reputation/Appearance Character(s): Utterson, Jekyll
‘Hearty, healthy, dapper, red-faced gentleman’ Chapter 2 Alliteration ‘Hearty, healthy, dapper, red-faced gentleman’ Adjectives with positive connotations Theme(s): Friendship Character(s): Lanyon, Utterson
Chapter 2 Repetition Adjective ‘Too fanciful for me ... Wrong, wrong in the mind ... Such unscientific balderdash’ Short sentence, adjectives Theme(s): Science vs. Religion, Friendship Character(s): Lanyon, Jekyll, Utterson
Chapter 2 Verbs ‘There sprang up and grew apace in the lawyer’s mind a singularly strong, almost an inordinate, curiosity’ Abstract noun Sibilance Theme(s): Friendship, Curiosity Character(s): Utterson
Chapter 2 Noun Verbs ‘The mystery would lighten and perhaps roll altogether away, as was the habit of mysterious things when well examined’ Verb Theme(s): Science/The Unexplained Character(s): Utterson
‘If he be Mr Hyde ... I shall be Mr Seek’ Chapter 2 ‘If he be Mr Hyde ... I shall be Mr Seek’ Pun Theme(s): Curiosity, Good vs. Evil Character(s): Utterson, Hyde
Chapter 2 Verb Adverb ‘”He never told you,” cried Mr Hyde with a flush of anger, “I did not think you would have lied”’ Abstract noun Theme(s): Aggression/Violence, Friendship, Reputation Character(s): Hyde, Utterson, Jekyll
‘The man seems hardly human! Something troglodytic’ Chapter 2 Punctuation Alliteration ‘The man seems hardly human! Something troglodytic’ Adjective Theme(s): Science/The Unexplained Character(s): Utterson, Hyde
Chapter 2 Religious language Sibilance ‘If I ever read Satan’s signature upon a face, it is on that of your new friend’ Theme(s): Good vs. Evil, Friendship, Religion Character(s): Utterson, Hyde, Jekyll
‘The ghost of some old sin, the cancer of some concealed disgrace’ Chapter 2 Noun ‘The ghost of some old sin, the cancer of some concealed disgrace’ Alliteration Nouns with negative connotations Theme(s): Friendship, Reputation/Appearance Character(s): Utterson, Jekyll
Chapter 2 Repetition of noun Adjective ‘Master Hyde ... Must have secrets of his own: black secrets ... Compared to which poor Jekyll’s worst would be like sunshine’ Simile Theme(s): Friendship, Reputation/Appearance Character(s): Utterson, Jekyll, Hyde
Chapter 3 Adjective ‘Grew pale to the very lips, and there grew a blackness about his eyes’ Repetition Adjective Theme(s): Reputation/Appearance, Secrecy Character(s): Jekyll, Utterson
Chapter 4 Adjective Abstract noun ‘Ape like fury’ ‘Trampling’ ‘The bones were audibly shattered’ ‘The body jumped’ Sensory language Violent verbs Theme(s): Aggression/Violence Character(s): Hyde, Carew
‘The stick ... Had broken in the middle under the stress’ Chapter 4 Verb ‘The stick ... Had broken in the middle under the stress’ Noun Theme(s): Aggression/Violence Character(s): Hyde, Carew
‘Looking deadly sick’ ‘Did not rise to meet his visitor’ Chapter 5 Adverb ‘Looking deadly sick’ ‘Did not rise to meet his visitor’ Verb Theme(s): Reputation/Appearance, Suppression Character(s): Jekyll, Utterson
Chapter 5 Verb ‘I wish you to judge for me entirely ... I have lost confidence in myself’ Abstract noun Theme(s): Good vs. Evil, Friendship Character(s): Jekyll, Utterson
‘The two hands are in many points identical’ Chapter 5 Adjective ‘The two hands are in many points identical’ ‘Henry Jekyll forge for a murderer!’ Verb Noun Punctuation Theme(s): Reputation/Appearance, Duality Character(s): Utterson, Mr Guest, Jekyll
Chapter 6 Noun ‘He had his death warrant written legibly upon his face’ ‘Some deep seated terror of the mind’ Noun Adjective Theme(s): Science/The Unexplained, Secrecy Character(s): Lanyon, Utterson
‘I have had quite a shock’ Chapter 6 Abstract noun ‘I have had quite a shock’ Theme(s): Science/The Unexplained, Secrecy Character(s): Lanyon, Utterson
Chapter 6 Adjective ‘If you cannot keep clear of this accursed topic ... In God’s name, go, for I cannot bear it’ Blasphemous language Verb Theme(s): Religion, Secrecy Character(s): Lanyon, Utterson
‘If I am the chief of sinners, I am the chief of sufferers also’ Chapter 6 Noun ‘If I am the chief of sinners, I am the chief of sufferers also’ Nouns with negative connotations Theme(s): Duality, Good vs. Evil Character(s): Jekyll, Utterson
Chapter 7 Violent verb ‘The smile was struck out of his face and succeeded by an expression of such abject terror and despair’ Abstract nouns Theme(s): Duality, Reputation/Appearance, Suppression Character(s): Jekyll, Utterson, Enfield
‘Utterson knew that he was looking upon the body of a self destroyer’ Chapter 8 ‘Utterson knew that he was looking upon the body of a self destroyer’ Adjective, reference to suicide Theme(s): Religion, Suppression Character(s): Utterson, Hyde
‘I made sure my colleague was insane’ Chapter 9 Adjective ‘I made sure my colleague was insane’ Noun Theme(s): Friendship, Mental Health Character(s): Lanyon, Jekyll
‘”Have you got it?” he cried, “Have you got it?”’ Chapter 9 Verb Repetition ‘”Have you got it?” he cried, “Have you got it?”’ Interrogatives Theme(s): Reputation/Appearance, Science Character(s): Lanyon, Hyde
‘He was wrestling against the approaches of hysteria’ Chapter 9 Violent verb ‘He was wrestling against the approaches of hysteria’ Adjective Theme(s): Good vs. Evil, Suppression Character(s): Lanyon, Hyde
Chapter 9 Anaphora Adjectives ‘Will you be wise? Will you be guided? ... It shall be done as you decide’ Verb Theme(s): Friendship, Curiosity, Secrecy, Suppression Character(s): Hyde, Lanyon
‘I have gone too far ... To pause before I see the end’ Chapter 9 Adverb ‘I have gone too far ... To pause before I see the end’ Verb Theme(s):Curiosity Character(s): Lanyon, Hyde
Chapter 9 Verbs ‘He seemed to swell’ ‘The features seemed to melt and alter’ ‘”O God!” I screamed, and “O God” again and again’ Blasphemous language Repetition Theme(s): Duality, Science, Religion Character(s): Lanyon, Hyde
‘There stood Henry Jekyll!’ Chapter 9 Verb ‘There stood Henry Jekyll!’ Punctuation Theme(s): Duality Character(s): Lanyon, Jekyll, Hyde
‘I concealed my pleasures’ Chapter 10 Abstract noun ‘I concealed my pleasures’ Verb Theme(s): Reputation/Appearance, Suppression, Secrecy Character(s): Jekyll
Chapter 10 Alliteration ‘A double dealer, I was in no sense a hypocrite; both sides of me were in dead earnest’ Pronoun Adjective Theme(s): Duality, Good vs. Evil Character(s): Jekyll
‘Man is not truly one, but truly two’ Chapter 10 Noun ‘Man is not truly one, but truly two’ Adverb Theme(s): Duality, Good vs. Evil Character(s): Jekyll
‘I learned to recognise the thorough and primitive duality of man’ Chapter 10 Verb ‘I learned to recognise the thorough and primitive duality of man’ Adjective Noun Theme(s): Duality, Science, Good vs. Evil Character(s): Jekyll
Chapter 10 Adverb ‘If I could rightly be said to be either, it was only because I was radically both’ Adverb Pronoun Theme(s): Duality, Good vs. Evil Character(s): Jekyll, Hyde
‘Bore the stamp, of the lower elements of my soul’ Chapter 10 Adjective ‘Bore the stamp, of the lower elements of my soul’ Noun with religious connotations Theme(s): Good vs. Evil, Religion Character(s): Jekyll
Chapter 10 Adjective Triple, positive adjectives ‘Younger, lighter, happier’ ‘An unknown but not an innocent freedom’ ‘I knew myself... To be wicked, tenfold more wicked, sold a slave to my original evil’ Repetition Noun Adjective Theme(s): Reputation, Duality, Good vs. Evil, Suppression Character(s): Jekyll, Hyde
Chapter 10 Repeated pronouns Adverbs ‘Less robust and less developed’ ‘Evil was written broadly and plainly on the face of the other’ ‘An imprint of deformity and decay’ Alliteration, negative adjectives Noun Theme(s): Duality, Good vs. Evil Character(s): Jekyll, Hyde
Chapter 10 Adverb Verb ‘No repugnance, rather a leap of welcome’ ‘This, too, was myself’ ‘It seemed natural and human’ Adjectives Theme(s): Duality, Good vs. Evil Character(s): Jekyll, Hyde
‘I had come to the fatal crossroads’ Chapter 10 Adjective with negative connotations ‘I had come to the fatal crossroads’ Noun Theme(s): Duality, Morality, Good vs. Evil Character(s): Jekyll
Chapter 10 Abstract noun Pronoun ‘My evil, kept awake by ambition, was alert and swift to seize the occasion’ Adjectives Verb Theme(s): Duality, Good vs. Evil Character(s): Jekyll, Hyde
‘My new power tempted me until I fell into slavery’ Chapter 10 Verbs ‘My new power tempted me until I fell into slavery’ Noun Theme(s): Duality, Good vs. Evil, Suppression Character(s): Jekyll, Hyde
Chapter 10 Adjectives with positive connotations ‘Professional in shape and size, large, firm, white and comely’ ‘Lean, corded, knuckly ... A swart growth of hair’ Adjectives with negative connotations Theme(s): Duality, Good vs. Evil Character(s): Jekyll, Hyde
Chapter 10 Positive adjectives Verb ‘I was slowly losing hold of my original and better self, and becoming slowly incorporated with my second and worse’ Negative adjectives Theme(s): Duality, Good vs. Evil, Suppression Character(s): Jekyll, Hyde
Chapter 10 Verb ‘I chose the better part, and was found wanting the strength to keep it’ Abstract noun Verb Theme(s): Duality, Good vs. Evil, Suppression, Morality Character(s): Jekyll, Hyde
‘My devil had long been caged, he came out roaring’ Chapter 10 Verb Pronoun ‘My devil had long been caged, he came out roaring’ Adjective Theme(s): Duality, Good vs. Evil, Suppression, Secrecy Character(s): Jekyll, Hyde
‘Tempted to trifle with my conscience’ ‘Secret sinner’ Chapter 10 Verb Alliteration ‘Tempted to trifle with my conscience’ ‘Secret sinner’ Noun Sibilance Theme(s): Morality, Good vs. Evil, Secrecy, Religion Character(s): Jekyll
‘My evil finally destroyed the balance of my soul’ Chapter 10 Violent verb ‘My evil finally destroyed the balance of my soul’ Noun Noun with religious connotations Theme(s): Duality, Good vs. Evil, Suppression, Religion Character(s): Jekyll, Hyde
Chapter 10 Religious language Contraction Pronouns ‘He, I say – I cannot say I’ ‘child of Hell’ ‘Nothing lived in him but fear and hatred’ Abstract nouns Theme(s): Duality, Good vs. Evil, Religion Character(s): Jekyll, Hyde