Alternative Marketing Strategies Programs and Resources.


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Presentation transcript:

Alternative Marketing Strategies Programs and Resources

Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin Program Economic Development Program designed to increase the purchase of Wisconsin locally grown or produced food by Wisconsin food buyers. Program Elements Identifies and addresses hurdles facing regional food system development: distribution, processing, access to markets, lack of state policy, institutional purchasing Consolidates, coordinated efforts to bring new market opportunities for producers, increasing farm income Develops programs and resources for Wisconsins local food producers and consumers

BLBW Grant Program Grants for projects that increase the purchase of locally grown or produced Wisconsin food products

Wisconsin Local Food Marketing Guide Search Buy Local

Producers First Attention: WI Local Food Producers –Do you have a need for one-on-one technical assistance on your farm? –Do you know an expert consultant that can assist you with your needs? Examples of projects include: Market development, business planning, accounting systems, packaging and branding development, etc.

Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin 2011 Regional Workshop Roadshows 1)ABCs of CSAs 2)Selling to Retail Outlets 3)Selling to Institutions 4)On-farm Food Safety

WI Farm to School Toolkits –Food Service Directors –Producers AmeriCorps Farm to School

Something Special from Wisconsin –a trademark marketing program –founded in 1983 –administered by DATCPs Division of Agricultural Development The trademark logo guarantees that at least 50% of a product's ingredients, production, processing activities or services are of Wisconsin origin. Every $ spent on SSfW products and services supports –local farmers –food processors –entrepreneurs –our communities and livelihood –the Wisconsin way of life.

Specialty Crop Block Grant Competitive grant process to fund projects to enhance Wisconsins specialty Crop Industry What are Specialty Crops? Specialty crops are defined in law as fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, and nursery crops, including floriculture. The USDA maintains a list of eligible specialty crops on its website that will be updated as USDA gets new questions. See: Who Can Apply? Proposals will be accepted from non-profit organizations, producer organizations, government agencies, universities, and other organizations involved in Wisconsin agriculture. Individual producers, for-profit businesses, or commercial entities may only apply if their project can demonstrate a benefit to the specialty crop industry Funding Priorities –Innovation within the Specialty Crop Industry –Market Development –Pest and Disease Control –Enhancing Food Safety –Sustainability

Contact Info Teresa Engel Lois Federman Juli Speck