CROHN TUBERCULOSIS Inflammatory Bowel Diseases S. Rad and Tabriz University of Medical Sciences Tabriz-Iran S. R. Nov-18
Areas of the gas distention and thickening of the bowel wall and mesentery may be seen in both of them in plain film of abdomen. S. R. Nov-18
R S. R. Nov-18
Alternative narrowing and dilatation with mucosal thickening is characteristic of Crohn S. R. Nov-18
Tiny superficial ulcerations may be seen in every IBD. S. R. Nov-18
S. R. Nov-18
S. R. Nov-18
S. R. Nov-18
S. R. Nov-18
S. R. Nov-18
Superficial ulcerations and erosions is a common finding in IBD. S. R. Nov-18
String sign is characteristic for Crohn. S. R. Nov-18
Apart string sign there is involvement of the ascending colon as well. S. R. Nov-18
Narrowing and deformity of ileo-cecal region may be seen in both. S. R. Nov-18
Proctitis creates benign narrowing in advanced chronic cases. S. R. Nov-18
Benign narrowing in chronic proctitis. S. R. Nov-18
This elderly man was referred for bladder distension but narrowing was obviously seen behind bladder and proved later by BE. R S. R. Nov-18
Proctitis in single and double contrast studies. S. R. Nov-18
Advanced proctitis accompanied with rectal tumor. S. R. Nov-18
Recto-sigmoid inflammation. S. R. Nov-18
Behcet disease is very similar to Crohn and TB in ileocecal region S. R. Nov-18
Tuberculosis involves rather ileocecal region and there is valve destruction. Nov-18
Aphtous ulcers of terminal ileum with involvement of the ileocecal valve and duodenum are characteristics of Crohn disease. S. R. Nov-18
TB is usually secondary to lung disease. S. R. Nov-18
Fistula may be seen in both Crohn and tuberculosis Fistula may be seen in both Crohn and tuberculosis. This case was a case of tuberculosis in a young lady. S. R. Nov-18
Another case of the fistula in ileocecal tuberculosis. S. R. Nov-18
Pleuro-pulmonary TB with lateralization of the right sub-pulmonic fluid was in medical records of the patient. S. R. Nov-18
Advanced destruction of the ileocecal valve so- called gaping valve. S. R. Nov-18
Gaping valve with small fistula in terminal ileum. S. R. Nov-18
R S. R. Nov-18
Pleuro-pericardial effusion and pulmonary TB with ileo-cecal involvement. S. R. Nov-18
Ileocecal deformity in CT of the same child corresponds exactly to the barium study. S. R. Nov-18
Entero-colostomy after right hemi-colectomy in recurrent Crohn disease S. R. Nov-18
Thickening of mucosal folds in this recurrent Crohn case. Nov-18
I always have difficulty about discrimination of Crohn and TB in Ileocecal region because I have noticed: TB is more common in the areas where Crohn is not a common disease and vice versa. S. R. Nov-18
Conclusion Although inflammatory bowel diseases are easily diagnosed and differentiated from neoplasm but apart from some characteristic signs, recognition of the inflammation types is not so easy because of overlapping of the similar patterns. This is true especially in discriminating ulcerative, granulomatous and tuberculosis type colitis which are mimicking each other and have confusing pattern. S. R. Nov-18