Adapted from Essential Biology, by Campbell et al. General Biology (I) (Welcome to the golden age of biology! There has never been a more exciting to teach and learn about life. Reading the newspaper or watching the news reminds us daily that the subject of biology is woven into the fabric of our society as never before. As the pace of biology discovery accelerates, so does the number of ways that it touches our lives. Medicine, agriculture, forensics, ecology, psychology, history-these are just a few of the subjects to which biology has made significant contribution in recent years. Through Biology, Concepts & Connections, we are privileged to help instructors educate the next generation of “citizen scientists”). Adapted from Essential Biology, by Campbell et al.
Biology: Exploring Life Chapter 1 Biology: Exploring Life Lecture by Richard L. Myers Translated by Prof. Dr. Nabih A. Baeshen
Introduction: Getting Acquainted with Biology Biology is the science of life in all its living forms, plants, animals and microorganisms including man The term “Biology” derived from bios = life and logos = science Living organisms have many attributes that distinguish them from non-living objects It comes in the first place the characteristic of adaptation: the innate fitness of an organism for its environmental condition The leopard is an excellent example of an organism adapted to its environment
Introduction: Adaptation It survives because of adaptations to its environment Examples are coat camouflage and hunting and climbing ability Adaptations are the result of evolution Evolution is the process of change that transforms life Biology is the scientific study of life Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
THEMES IN THE STUDY OF BIOLOGY Organization is another important attribute of living organisms that define the themes in the study of biology Constituents of living organisms are organized in several levels of increasing complexity best described as a hierarchy of life Atoms are organized into molecules ⇒ organells ⇒ cells ⇒ tissues ⇒organs ⇒systems ⇒organism ⇒ population ⇒ community ⇒ ecosystem ⇒ biosphere Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
The upper tier The middle tier The lower tier Life’s hierarchy of organization منظومة مراتب الحياة Biosphereالمحيط الحيوي كل الأنظمة البيئية على الكرة الأرضية Ecosystem النظام البيئي جميع العشائر المختلفة المتفاعلة مع ما يحيط بها من ماء وهواء وتربة ومناخ في منطقة معينة مثل ساحل فلوريدا Florida coast Community, All organisms on the Florida coast الجماعة: كل الكائنات المكونة للعشائر المختلفة في منطقة معينة مثل ساحل فلوريدا Population, Group of brown pelicans العشيرة: مجموعة من الكائنات الحية من نفس النوع تتزاوج فيما بينها مثل البجع البني Nucleus النواة Nerve عصب Spinal cord الحبل الشوكي Cellالخلية Nerve cell خلية عصبية Tissueنسيج Nervous tissue النسيج العصبي Organ العضو Brainالدماغ Organelle عضية نواة Molecule جزيئ DNA دنا Atom ذرة Organism الكائن Brown pelicanالبجع البني Organ systemالجهاز العضوي Nervous systemالجهاز العصبي Brain الدماغ The upper tier The middle tier Figure 1.1 Life’s hierarchy of organization. The lower tier
The upper tier is a global perspective of life 1.1 In life’s hierarchy of organization, new properties emerge at each level The upper tier is a global perspective of life Biosphere - all the environments (ecosystems) on Earth that support life Ecosystem - all the organisms (communities) living in a particular area Community - the array of organisms (different populations) living in a particular ecosystem Population - all the individuals of a species only interbread with each other within a specific area Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Many students enter our courses with a limited appreciation of the diversity of life. Ask any group of freshmen at the start of the semester to write down the first type of animal that comes to mind, and the most frequent response is a mammal. As the diversity of life is explored, the common heritage of biological organization can be less, and not more, apparent. The diverse forms, habits, and ecological interactions overwhelm our senses with striking distinctions. Emphasizing the diversity as well as the unifying aspects of life is necessary for a greater understanding of the rich evolutionary history of life on Earth. 2. We live in a world that is largely understood by what we can distinguish and identify with our naked senses. However, the diversity of life and the levels of biological organization extend well below the physical scale of our lives. For many students, appreciating the diversity of the microscopic world is abstract, nearly on par with an understanding of the workings of atoms and molecules. The ability to examine the microscopic details of the world of our students (the surface of potato chips, the structure of table salt and sugar, the details of a blade of grass) can be an important sensory extension that prepares the mind for greater comprehension of these minute biological details. Teaching Tips 1. Consider asking students to bring to class a page or two of some article about biology that appeared in the media in the last month. Alternatively, you could have each student e-mail a Web address of a recent biology-related news event to you. You might even have them e-mail relevant articles to you for each of the main topics you address throughout the semester. 2. The scientific organization Sigma Xi offers a free e-mail summary of the major science news articles appearing each weekday in major U.S. news media. The first paragraph or so of each article is included in the e-mail with a hyperlink to the rest of the article. The diverse topics are an excellent way to learn of general scientific announcements and reports. Typically, 5–10 articles are cited in each e-mail. To sign up for this free service, go to 3. For a chance to add a little math to the biological levels of organization, consider calculating the general scale differences between each level of biological organization. For example, are cells generally 5, 10, 50, or 100 times larger than organelles? Are organelles generally 5, 10, 50, or 100 times larger than macromolecules? For some levels of organization, such as ecosystems, communities, and populations, size/scale differences are perhaps less relevant and more problematic to consider. However, at the smaller levels, the sense of scale might enhance an appreciation for levels of biological organization. 4. The U.S. Census Bureau maintains updated population clocks that estimate the U.S. and world populations on its website at If students have an accurate general idea of the population of the United States, statistics about the number of people affected with a disease or disaster become more significant. For example, the current population of the United States is approximately 305 million (2009). It is currently estimated that about one million people in the United States are infected with HIV. The number of people infected with HIV is impressive and concerning, but not perhaps as meaningful as realizing that the number of people infected represents one out of every 305 people in the United States. Although the infected people are not evenly distributed among geographic and ethnic groups, if you apply this generality to the enrollments in your classes, the students might better appreciate the tremendous impact of the infection.
Organ systems - have specific functions; are composed of organs 1.1 In life’s hierarchy of organization, new properties emerge at each level The middle tier is characterized by the organism, an individual living thing, which is composed of Organ systems - have specific functions; are composed of organs Organs - provide specific functions for the organism Tissues - made of groups of similar cells Many organisms, such as protists, algae, and bacteria, are composed of microscopic individuals that exist as single cells. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Many students enter our courses with a limited appreciation of the diversity of life. Ask any group of freshmen at the start of the semester to write down the first type of animal that comes to mind, and the most frequent response is a mammal. As the diversity of life is explored, the common heritage of biological organization can be less, and not more, apparent. The diverse forms, habits, and ecological interactions overwhelm our senses with striking distinctions. Emphasizing the diversity as well as the unifying aspects of life is necessary for a greater understanding of the rich evolutionary history of life on Earth. 2. We live in a world that is largely understood by what we can distinguish and identify with our naked senses. However, the diversity of life and the levels of biological organization extend well below the physical scale of our lives. For many students, appreciating the diversity of the microscopic world is abstract, nearly on par with an understanding of the workings of atoms and molecules. The ability to examine the microscopic details of the world of our students (the surface of potato chips, the structure of table salt and sugar, the details of a blade of grass) can be an important sensory extension that prepares the mind for greater comprehension of these minute biological details. Teaching Tips 1. Consider asking students to bring to class a page or two of some article about biology that appeared in the media in the last month. Alternatively, you could have each student e-mail a Web address of a recent biology-related news event to you. You might even have them e-mail relevant articles to you for each of the main topics you address throughout the semester. 2. The scientific organization Sigma Xi offers a free e-mail summary of the major science news articles appearing each weekday in major U.S. news media. The first paragraph or so of each article is included in the e-mail with a hyperlink to the rest of the article. The diverse topics are an excellent way to learn of general scientific announcements and reports. Typically, 5–10 articles are cited in each e-mail. To sign up for this free service, go to 3. For a chance to add a little math to the biological levels of organization, consider calculating the general scale differences between each level of biological organization. For example, are cells generally 5, 10, 50, or 100 times larger than organelles? Are organelles generally 5, 10, 50, or 100 times larger than macromolecules? For some levels of organization, such as ecosystems, communities, and populations, size/scale differences are perhaps less relevant and more problematic to consider. However, at the smaller levels, the sense of scale might enhance an appreciation for levels of biological organization. 4. The U.S. Census Bureau maintains updated population clocks that estimate the U.S. and world populations on its website at If students have an accurate general idea of the population of the United States, statistics about the number of people affected with a disease or disaster become more significant. For example, the current population of the United States is approximately 305 million (2009). It is currently estimated that about one million people in the United States are infected with HIV. The number of people infected with HIV is impressive and concerning, but not perhaps as meaningful as realizing that the number of people infected represents one out of every 305 people in the United States. Although the infected people are not evenly distributed among geographic and ethnic groups, if you apply this generality to the enrollments in your classes, the students might better appreciate the tremendous impact of the infection. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
Molecules - clusters of atoms 1.1 In life’s hierarchy of organization, new properties emerge at each level Life emerges at the level of the cell, the lower tier, which is composed of Molecules - clusters of atoms Organelles - membrane-bound structures with specific functions Cells - living entities distinguished from their environment by a membrane A study of reductionism could be introduced at this point. Reductionism is the reduction of complex systems, such as an animal, to simpler components that are easier to study. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Many students enter our courses with a limited appreciation of the diversity of life. Ask any group of freshmen at the start of the semester to write down the first type of animal that comes to mind, and the most frequent response is a mammal. As the diversity of life is explored, the common heritage of biological organization can be less, and not more, apparent. The diverse forms, habits, and ecological interactions overwhelm our senses with striking distinctions. Emphasizing the diversity as well as the unifying aspects of life is necessary for a greater understanding of the rich evolutionary history of life on Earth. 2. We live in a world that is largely understood by what we can distinguish and identify with our naked senses. However, the diversity of life and the levels of biological organization extend well below the physical scale of our lives. For many students, appreciating the diversity of the microscopic world is abstract, nearly on par with an understanding of the workings of atoms and molecules. The ability to examine the microscopic details of the world of our students (the surface of potato chips, the structure of table salt and sugar, the details of a blade of grass) can be an important sensory extension that prepares the mind for greater comprehension of these minute biological details. Teaching Tips 1. Consider asking students to bring to class a page or two of some article about biology that appeared in the media in the last month. Alternatively, you could have each student e-mail a Web address of a recent biology-related news event to you. You might even have them e-mail relevant articles to you for each of the main topics you address throughout the semester. 2. The scientific organization Sigma Xi offers a free e-mail summary of the major science news articles appearing each weekday in major U.S. news media. The first paragraph or so of each article is included in the e-mail with a hyperlink to the rest of the article. The diverse topics are an excellent way to learn of general scientific announcements and reports. Typically, 5–10 articles are cited in each e-mail. To sign up for this free service, go to 3. For a chance to add a little math to the biological levels of organization, consider calculating the general scale differences between each level of biological organization. For example, are cells generally 5, 10, 50, or 100 times larger than organelles? Are organelles generally 5, 10, 50, or 100 times larger than macromolecules? For some levels of organization, such as ecosystems, communities, and populations, size/scale differences are perhaps less relevant and more problematic to consider. However, at the smaller levels, the sense of scale might enhance an appreciation for levels of biological organization. 4. The U.S. Census Bureau maintains updated population clocks that estimate the U.S. and world populations on its website at If students have an accurate general idea of the population of the United States, statistics about the number of people affected with a disease or disaster become more significant. For example, the current population of the United States is approximately 305 million (2009). It is currently estimated that about one million people in the United States are infected with HIV. The number of people infected with HIV is impressive and concerning, but not perhaps as meaningful as realizing that the number of people infected represents one out of every 305 people in the United States. Although the infected people are not evenly distributed among geographic and ethnic groups, if you apply this generality to the enrollments in your classes, the students might better appreciate the tremendous impact of the infection. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
1.1 In life’s hierarchy of organization, new properties emerge at each level Atoms are organized into molecules ⇒ organells ⇒ cells ⇒ tissues ⇒organs ⇒ systems ⇒organism ⇒ population ⇒ community ⇒ ecosystem ⇒ biosphere A study of reductionism could be introduced at this point. Reductionism is the reduction of complex systems, such as an animal, to simpler components that are easier to study. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Many students enter our courses with a limited appreciation of the diversity of life. Ask any group of freshmen at the start of the semester to write down the first type of animal that comes to mind, and the most frequent response is a mammal. As the diversity of life is explored, the common heritage of biological organization can be less, and not more, apparent. The diverse forms, habits, and ecological interactions overwhelm our senses with striking distinctions. Emphasizing the diversity as well as the unifying aspects of life is necessary for a greater understanding of the rich evolutionary history of life on Earth. 2. We live in a world that is largely understood by what we can distinguish and identify with our naked senses. However, the diversity of life and the levels of biological organization extend well below the physical scale of our lives. For many students, appreciating the diversity of the microscopic world is abstract, nearly on par with an understanding of the workings of atoms and molecules. The ability to examine the microscopic details of the world of our students (the surface of potato chips, the structure of table salt and sugar, the details of a blade of grass) can be an important sensory extension that prepares the mind for greater comprehension of these minute biological details. Teaching Tips 1. Consider asking students to bring to class a page or two of some article about biology that appeared in the media in the last month. Alternatively, you could have each student e-mail a Web address of a recent biology-related news event to you. You might even have them e-mail relevant articles to you for each of the main topics you address throughout the semester. 2. The scientific organization Sigma Xi offers a free e-mail summary of the major science news articles appearing each weekday in major U.S. news media. The first paragraph or so of each article is included in the e-mail with a hyperlink to the rest of the article. The diverse topics are an excellent way to learn of general scientific announcements and reports. Typically, 5–10 articles are cited in each e-mail. To sign up for this free service, go to 3. For a chance to add a little math to the biological levels of organization, consider calculating the general scale differences between each level of biological organization. For example, are cells generally 5, 10, 50, or 100 times larger than organelles? Are organelles generally 5, 10, 50, or 100 times larger than macromolecules? For some levels of organization, such as ecosystems, communities, and populations, size/scale differences are perhaps less relevant and more problematic to consider. However, at the smaller levels, the sense of scale might enhance an appreciation for levels of biological organization. 4. The U.S. Census Bureau maintains updated population clocks that estimate the U.S. and world populations on its website at If students have an accurate general idea of the population of the United States, statistics about the number of people affected with a disease or disaster become more significant. For example, the current population of the United States is approximately 305 million (2009). It is currently estimated that about one million people in the United States are infected with HIV. The number of people infected with HIV is impressive and concerning, but not perhaps as meaningful as realizing that the number of people infected represents one out of every 305 people in the United States. Although the infected people are not evenly distributed among geographic and ethnic groups, if you apply this generality to the enrollments in your classes, the students might better appreciate the tremendous impact of the infection. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
Life requires interactions between living and nonliving components. 1.2 Living organisms interact with their environments, exchanging matter and energy Life requires interactions between living and nonliving components. The nonliving components are chemical and nutrients required for life. to be living, a thing must be capable of growth, reproduction and metabolism. Photosynthetic organisms provide food and are called producers Others eat plants (or animals that profit from plants) and are called consumers The nonliving components are recycled and used over and over again. Carbon dioxide, oxygen, water, and various minerals are examples of components cycled within an ecosystem. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Many students enter our courses with a limited appreciation of the diversity of life. Ask any group of freshmen at the start of the semester to write down the first type of animal that comes to mind, and the most frequent response is a mammal. As the diversity of life is explored, the common heritage of biological organization can be less, and not more, apparent. The diverse forms, habits, and ecological interactions overwhelm our senses with striking distinctions. Emphasizing the diversity as well as the unifying aspects of life is necessary for a greater understanding of the rich evolutionary history of life on Earth. 2. We live in a world that is largely understood by what we can distinguish and identify with our naked senses. However, the diversity of life and the levels of biological organization extend well below the physical scale of our lives. For many students, appreciating the diversity of the microscopic world is abstract, nearly on par with an understanding of the workings of atoms and molecules. The ability to examine the microscopic details of the world of our students (the surface of potato chips, the structure of table salt and sugar, the details of a blade of grass) can be an important sensory extension that prepares the mind for greater comprehension of these minute biological details. Teaching Tips 1. Consider asking students to bring to class a page or two of some article about biology that appeared in the media in the last month. Alternatively, you could have each student e-mail a Web address of a recent biology-related news event to you. You might even have them e-mail relevant articles to you for each of the main topics you address throughout the semester. 2. The scientific organization Sigma Xi offers a free e-mail summary of the major science news articles appearing each weekday in major U.S. news media. The first paragraph or so of each article is included in the e-mail with a hyperlink to the rest of the article. The diverse topics are an excellent way to learn of general scientific announcements and reports. Typically, 5–10 articles are cited in each e-mail. To sign up for this free service, go to 3. Help the class think through the diverse interactions between an organism and its environment. In class, select an organism and have the class develop a list of environmental components that interact with the organism. Items in this list will likely fall into living and nonliving categories. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
The cycling of nutrients Ecosystem Producers (such as plants) Sunlight Cycling of chemical Nutrients Chemical energy Consumers (such as animals) ) Heat The cycling of nutrients and flow of energy in an ecosystem Figure 1.2 The cycling of nutrients and flow of energy in an ecosystem.
1.3 Cells are the structural and functional units of life Form generally fits function By studying a biological structure, you determine what it does and how it works Life emerges from interactions of structures Combinations of structures (components) provide organization called a system Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Many students enter our courses with a limited appreciation of the diversity of life. Ask any group of freshmen at the start of the semester to write down the first type of animal that comes to mind, and the most frequent response is a mammal. As the diversity of life is explored, the common heritage of biological organization can be less, and not more, apparent. The diverse forms, habits, and ecological interactions overwhelm our senses with striking distinctions. Emphasizing the diversity as well as the unifying aspects of life is necessary for a greater understanding of the rich evolutionary history of life on Earth. 2. We live in a world that is largely understood by what we can distinguish and identify with our naked senses. However, the diversity of life and the levels of biological organization extend well below the physical scale of our lives. For many students, appreciating the diversity of the microscopic world is abstract, nearly on par with an understanding of the workings of atoms and molecules. The ability to examine the microscopic details of the world of our students (the surface of potato chips, the structure of table salt and sugar, the details of a blade of grass) can be an important sensory extension that prepares the mind for greater comprehension of these minute biological details. Teaching Tips 1. Consider asking students to bring to class a page or two of some article about biology that appeared in the media in the last month. Alternatively, you could have each student e-mail a Web address of a recent biology-related news event to you. You might even have them e-mail relevant articles to you for each of the main topics you address throughout the semester. 2. The scientific organization Sigma Xi offers a free e-mail summary of the major science news articles appearing each weekday in major U.S. news media. The first paragraph or so of each article is included in the e-mail with a hyperlink to the rest of the article. The diverse topics are an excellent way to learn of general scientific announcements and reports. Typically, 5–10 articles are cited in each e-mail. To sign up for this free service, go to 3. Help the class think through the diverse interactions between an organism and its environment. In class, select an organism and have the class develop a list of environmental components that interact with the organism. Items in this list will likely fall into living and nonliving categories. 4. Here is a simple way to contrast the relative size of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are thought to have evolved by endosymbiosis (see Chapter 16). Thus, mitochondria and chloroplasts are about the size of bacteria, contained within a plant cell. A figure of a plant cell therefore provides an immediate comparison of these sizes, not side-by-side, but one inside the other! 5. Examples of biological form and function relationships are nearly endless. Those immediately apparent to your students will be easiest to comprehend. Have your students examine (in photos or in specimens) the teeth of various vertebrates. The diet of these animals is implied by the shape of the teeth (sharp teeth in carnivorous cats and blunted molars in a rat). Sliding your tongue over your teeth reveals our omnivorous history, with sharp canine teeth for slicing flesh and flat rear molars well-suited for grinding plant material. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
1.3 Cells are the structural and functional units of life Two distinct groups of cells exist Prokaryotic cells Genetic material is not surrounded by a nuclear membrane Simple and small Bacteria are prokaryotic Eukaryotic cells Genetic material is surrounded by a nuclear membrane Possess organelles separated by membranes Plants, animals, and fungi are eukaryotic Regardless of the group studied, cells are enclosed by a membrane and use DNA as their genetic information. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Many students enter our courses with a limited appreciation of the diversity of life. Ask any group of freshmen at the start of the semester to write down the first type of animal that comes to mind, and the most frequent response is a mammal. As the diversity of life is explored, the common heritage of biological organization can be less, and not more, apparent. The diverse forms, habits, and ecological interactions overwhelm our senses with striking distinctions. Emphasizing the diversity as well as the unifying aspects of life is necessary for a greater understanding of the rich evolutionary history of life on Earth. 2. We live in a world that is largely understood by what we can distinguish and identify with our naked senses. However, the diversity of life and the levels of biological organization extend well below the physical scale of our lives. For many students, appreciating the diversity of the microscopic world is abstract, nearly on par with an understanding of the workings of atoms and molecules. The ability to examine the microscopic details of the world of our students (the surface of potato chips, the structure of table salt and sugar, the details of a blade of grass) can be an important sensory extension that prepares the mind for greater comprehension of these minute biological details. Teaching Tips 1. Consider asking students to bring to class a page or two of some article about biology that appeared in the media in the last month. Alternatively, you could have each student e-mail a Web address of a recent biology-related news event to you. You might even have them e-mail relevant articles to you for each of the main topics you address throughout the semester. 2. The scientific organization Sigma Xi offers a free e-mail summary of the major science news articles appearing each weekday in major U.S. news media. The first paragraph or so of each article is included in the e-mail with a hyperlink to the rest of the article. The diverse topics are an excellent way to learn of general scientific announcements and reports. Typically, 5–10 articles are cited in each e-mail. To sign up for this free service, go to 3. Help the class think through the diverse interactions between an organism and its environment. In class, select an organism and have the class develop a list of environmental components that interact with the organism. Items in this list will likely fall into living and nonliving categories. 4. Here is a simple way to contrast the relative size of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are thought to have evolved by endosymbiosis (see Chapter 16). Thus, mitochondria and chloroplasts are about the size of bacteria, contained within a plant cell. A figure of a plant cell therefore provides an immediate comparison of these sizes, not side-by-side, but one inside the other! 5. Examples of biological form and function relationships are nearly endless. Those immediately apparent to your students will be easiest to comprehend. Have your students examine (in photos or in specimens) the teeth of various vertebrates. The diet of these animals is implied by the shape of the teeth (sharp teeth in carnivorous cats and blunted molars in a rat). Sliding your tongue over your teeth reveals our omnivorous history, with sharp canine teeth for slicing flesh and flat rear molars well-suited for grinding plant material. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
DNAدنا Prokaryotic cell Membrane Eukaryotic cell Nucleus Organelles (no nuclear envelop) Prokaryotic cell Membrane Eukaryotic cell Nucleus (contains DNA surrounded by nuclear membrane) Organelles Contrasting the size and complexity of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells Figure 1.3 Contrasting the size and complexity of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. This figure indicates that the eukaryotic cell is subdivided into functional compartments (organelles) by membranes.
1.4 The unity of life: All forms of life have common features All living things share common properties Order - he complex organization of living things Regulation - an ability to maintain an internal environment consistent with life Growth and development - consistent growth and development controlled by DNA Energy processing - acquiring energy and transforming it to a form useful for the organism through metabolism Teaching Tips 1. The authors make an analogy between the four bases used to form genes and the 26 letters of the English alphabet used to create words and sentences. One could also make an analogy between the four bases and trains composed of four different types of railroad cars (perhaps an engine, boxcar, tanker, and caboose). Imagine how many different types of trains one could make using just 100 rail cars of four different types. (The answer is 4100.) 2. The seven characteristics of life described in Module 1.4 can easily become another list to memorize. Exercises that require reflection and analysis of these significant traits can help to make this list more meaningful. Consider creating examples of each of these properties for students to analyze and identify.
1.4 The unity of life: All forms of life have common features Common properties continued Response to the environment - an ability to respond to environmental stimuli Reproduction - the ability to perpetuate the species Evolutionary adaptation - acquisition of traits that best suit the organism to its environment These common properties separate life forms from Earth’s other forms. Viruses, for example, are very important infectious agents but, because they do not share all of the properties listed here, are not considered “living.” Not all viruses have DNA; some use RNA as their genetic information. Viruses cannot generate energy through metabolism, but rather depend upon host cells for their energy needs. Teaching Tips 1. The authors make an analogy between the four bases used to form genes and the 26 letters of the English alphabet used to create words and sentences. One could also make an analogy between the four bases and trains composed of four different types of railroad cars (perhaps an engine, boxcar, tanker, and caboose). Imagine how many different types of trains one could make using just 100 rail cars of four different types. (The answer is 4100.) 2. The seven characteristics of life described in Module 1.4 can easily become another list to memorize. Exercises that require reflection and analysis of these significant traits can help to make this list more meaningful. Consider creating examples of each of these properties for students to analyze and identify. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
(7) Evolutionary adaptation (3) Growth and development (4) Energy processing (2) Regulation Order (5) Response to the environment (6) Reproduction (7) Evolutionary adaptation Figure 1.4B Some important properties of life. Some important properties of life
All living things exhibit complex but ordered Organization, as seen in the highly ordered Structure of a sunflower Some important properties of life Figure 1.4B Some important properties of life. (1) Order
Some important properties of life For example, a jackrabbit can adjust its body temperature by regulating The amount of blood flowing through its ears. when the rabbit’s body temperature rises, more blood flows through the vessel in its ears, allowing excess heat to be released to the air. Figure 1.4B Some important properties of life. (2) Regulation
Some important properties of life Information carried by genes the units of inheritance that transmit information from parents To offspring – controls the pattern of growth and development in all organisms, including the Nile crocodile Figure 1.4B Some important properties of life. (3) Growth and development
Some important properties of life Fro example, when this bear eats the fish, it will use the chemical energy stored in the fish to power its own activities and chemical reactions (metabolism) Figure 1.4B Some important properties of life. (4) Energy processing Metabolism
Fro example, a Venus flytrap closes its trap in response Some important properties of life All organisms respond to environmental stimuli Fro example, a Venus flytrap closes its trap in response to the environmental stimulus of an insect landing on it Figure 1.4B Some important properties of life. (5) Response to the environment
Some important properties of life Organisms reproduce their own kind, by producing offsprings. This emperor Penguins is protecting its baby. By reproduction survival of the species, not extinction, is achieved Figure 1.4B Some important properties of life. (6) Reproduction
Some important properties of life Reproduction underlies the capacity of populations to change (evolve) over time Fro example, the appearance of the pygmy seahorses has evolved in the way that camouflage the animal in its environment Figure 1.4B Some important properties of life. (7) Evolutionary adaptation
THE PROCESS OF SCIENCE Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
1.7 Scientists use two main approaches to learn about nature Two approaches are used to understand natural causes for natural phenomena Discovery science - uses verifiable observations and measurements to describe science Hypothesis- based science - uses the data from discovery science to explain science This requires proposing and testing of hypotheses Inquiry is at the heart of science, and scientists conduct research on a variety of specific questions. Inquisition drives science. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. The authors’ distinction between natural and supernatural explanations is essential to understanding the power and limits of scientific explanations. This distinction is important when distinguishing between science and supernatural explanations for the origin of life and the generation of biodiversity. 2. Contrasting the concept of faith with the tentative nature of science can help to define and distinguish science from other ways of knowing. Students sometimes enter science classes expecting absolutes of facts and rigid dogma. Instead, scientific knowledge reflects degrees of confidence closely correlated to the strength of evidence. 3. The common use of the terms law and theory often blur the stricter definitions of these terms in science. In general, laws describe and theories explain. Both are typically well-established concepts in science. A free online publication by the National Academy of Sciences helps to define these and related terms more carefully. See Chapter 1 of Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science at Teaching Tips 1. Have your students explain why a coordinated conspiracy promoting a specific idea in science is unlikely to succeed. Have your students describe aspects of science that would check fraudulent or erroneous claims and/or political efforts. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
1.7 Scientists use two main approaches to learn about nature There is a difference between a theory and a hypothesis A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a set of observations A theory is supported by a large and usually growing body of evidence Most nonscientists think of a theory as being nothing more than a “hunch.” Actually, a theory is accepted by most scientists as being factual. For example, the theory of relativity and the theory of evolution are supported by a significant amount of factual data. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. The authors’ distinction between natural and supernatural explanations is essential to understanding the power and limits of scientific explanations. This distinction is important when distinguishing between science and supernatural explanations for the origin of life and the generation of biodiversity. 2. Contrasting the concept of faith with the tentative nature of science can help to define and distinguish science from other ways of knowing. Students sometimes enter science classes expecting absolutes of facts and rigid dogma. Instead, scientific knowledge reflects degrees of confidence closely correlated to the strength of evidence. 3. The common use of the terms law and theory often blur the stricter definitions of these terms in science. In general, laws describe and theories explain. Both are typically well-established concepts in science. A free online publication by the National Academy of Sciences helps to define these and related terms more carefully. See Chapter 1 of Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science at Teaching Tips 1. Have your students explain why a coordinated conspiracy promoting a specific idea in science is unlikely to succeed. Have your students describe aspects of science that would check fraudulent or erroneous claims and/or political efforts. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
1.8 With hypothesis-based science, we pose and test hypotheses We solve everyday problems by using hypotheses An example would be the reasoning we use to answer the question, “Why doesn’t the flashlight work?” Using deductive reasoning we realize that the problem is either the (1) bulb or (2) batteries. The hypothesis must be testable The hypothesis must be falsifiable A hypothesis must be testable—find ways to check the validity of the idea. A hypothesis must also be falsifiable—find ways to reveal whether such an idea is actually not true. Teaching Tips 1. Consider using a laboratory exercise to have your students plan and perhaps conduct investigations using discovery science and/or investigations using a hypothesis-driven approach. Emphasize the processes and not the significance of the questions. Students can conduct descriptive surveys of student behavior (use of pens or pencils for taking notes, use of backpacks) or test hypotheses using controlled trials. Students will need some supervision and advice while planning and conducting their experiments. 2. Consider presenting your class with descriptions of several scientific investigations that you have written or found described in the media. Edit or include numerous examples of improper methodology (small sample size, several variables existing between the control and experimental groups, failure to specifically test the hypothesis, etc.). Let small groups or individuals analyze the experiments in class to identify the flaws. This critical analysis allows students the opportunity to suggest the characteristics of good investigations in class. 3. Have your students explain why a coordinated conspiracy promoting a specific idea in science is unlikely to succeed. Have your students describe aspects of science that would check fraudulent or erroneous claims and/or political efforts. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
Test falsifies hypothesis Test does not falsify hypothesis Dead batteries Observations Question ا Hypothesis #2: Burned-out bulb Test prediction Test falsifies hypothesis Test does not falsify hypothesis Prediction: Replacing batteries will fix problem hypothesis-based science An example of Figure 1.8A An example of hypothesis-based science.
You should now be able to Describe life’s hierarchy of organization 2. Describe living organisms’ interactions with their environments 3. Describe the structural and functional aspects of cells 4. Explain how the theory of evolution accounts for the unity and diversity of life 5. Distinguish between discovery science and hypothesis-based science 6. Describe ways in which biology, technology, and society are connected Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
المصطلـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــح تعريف المصطلــــــــــح Introduction: Getting Acquainted with Biology مدخل : التعريف بعلم الحياة المصطلـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــح تعريف المصطلــــــــــح Biology Is The Science Of Life In All Its Living Forms, Plants, Animals And Microorganisms Including Man علم الحياة هو علم دراسة ظاهرة الحياة ممثلة في النبات والحيوان والكائنات الدقيقة وكذا الإنسان Biology Is The Scientific Study Of Life علم الأحياء هو الدراسة العلمية للحياة The Term “Biology” Derived From Bios = Life And Logos = Science Logos مصطلح “Biology” مشتق من كلمتين يونانيتين : Bios يعني حياة و Logos يعني علـــم Living Organisms الكائنات الحية Adaptation التكيف وهي التهيؤ والاستعداد الفطري للكائن الحي للعيش تحت ظروف بيئته التي يوجد فيها Evolution التطور هو عملية التغير المفطور عليها الكائن التي يكيف بها حياته ويحورها Organization التعضية صفة أخرى هامة للكائنات الحية بها تحدد موضوعات الدراسة في علم الأحياء Hierarchy Of Life التنظيم الهرمي للحياة Emergent Properties صفات جديدة تعرف بالصفات الناشئة Biosphere الغلاف الجوي – كل البيئات (الأنظمة البيئية) الداعمة للحياة على الأرض
Ecosystem النظام البيئي – كل الجماعات من الكائنات المختلفة التي تعيش في منطقة معينة Community الجماعة – كل الكائنات المختلفة (العشائر المختلفة) التي تعيش في نظام بيئي معين Population العشيرة – كل أفراد النوع الواحد يتزاوجون فيما بينهم فقط في منطقة معينة Organ Systems الأجهزة العضوية – لها وظائف محددة وتتألف من أعضاء Organs الأعضاء – تؤدي وظائف محددة للكائن Tissues الأنسجة – مكونة من مجموعة من الخلايا المتشابهة Molecules جزيئات – تجمع من الذرات Organelles عضيات – تراكيب غشائية ذات وظائف محددة Cells خلايا – كيانات حية تفترق بغشاء عن بيئتها Living And Nonliving Components المكونات الحية والغير الحية Photosynthetic Organisms الكائنات القادرة على البناء الضوئي Producers Are Called And Provide Food المُنتجات توفر الغذاء Consumers بالمُستهلكات كائنات تتغذى على النباتات ( أو على حيوانات تتغذى على النباتات ) The Nonliving Components المكونات غير الحية عبارة عن مواد غذائية كيميائية ضرورية للحياة
Recycle Chemicals إعادة تدوير الكيماويات Necessary For Life Move Energy Through The Ecosystem تحريك الطاقة خلال النظام البيئي Prokaryotic Cells خلايا أولية النواة Genetic Material Is Not Surrounded By A Nuclear Membrane المادة الوراثية غير محاطة بغلاف نووي Simple And Small صغيرة وبسيطة Bacteria Are Prokaryotic البكتيريا أولية النواة Eukaryotic Cells خلايا حقيقية النواة Possess Organelles Separated By Membranes تمتلك عضيات محاطة بأغشية تفصلها عن السيتوبلازم Plants, Animals, And Fungi Are Eukaryotic النباتات والحيوانات والفطريات حقيقية النواة Nucleus نواة Contains DNA Surrounded By Nuclear Membrane تحتوي على دنا محاط بغلاف نووي Membrane غشاء DNA Is The Genetic (Hereditary) Material Of All Cells الدنا هو المادة الوراثية لكل الخلايا A Gene Is A Discrete Unit Of DNA الجين عبارة عن وحدة مميزة من الدنا
Order النظام – التعضي المعقد للكائنات الحية Regulation التنظيم – المقدرة على المحافظة على بيئة داخلية متناسقة مع الحياة Growth And Development النمو والتطور الجنيني Energy Processing معالجة الطاقة – إكتساب الطاقة وتحويلها لصورة نافعة للكائن بممارسة الأيض Response To The Environment الاستجابة للبيئة – قدرة الاستجابة للمؤثرات البيئي Reproduction التكاثر – المقدرة على إكثار النوع Evolutionary Adaptation التكيف التطوري – اكتساب الصفات الأكثر تناسباً للكائن مع بيئته Domains عوالـــم The Three Domains (Groups) Of Life هناك ثلاث عوالم ( مجاميع ) حيوية Bacteria - Prokaryotic, And Most Are Unicellular And Microscopic البكتيريا – أولية النواة ، وعادة ما تكون وحيدة الخلية و مجهرية Archaea - Like Bacteria, Are Prokaryotic, And Most Are Unicellular And Microscopic البدائيات – أولية النواة ، وعادة ما تكون وحيدة الخلية و مجهرية شأنها شأن البكتيريا Eukarya - Are Eukaryotic And Contain A Nucleus And Organelles حقيقيات النواة – خلايا حقيقية النواة أي لها نواة و عضيات
THE PROCESS OF SCIENCE الطريقة العلمية Discovery Science العلم الاستقرائي – يستخدم مشاهدات وقياسات متنوعة لوصف العلم Hypothesis- Based Science العلم الافتراضي (الإستنتاجي – الإستدلالي) – يستخدم البيانات الذي يوفرها العلم الاستقرائي وذلك لوضع تفسيرات علمية (إنه العلم التجريبي) A Hypothesis الفرضية هي تفسير مقترح لمجموعة من المشاهدات وبمعنى آخر هي الإجابة التخمينية للأسئلة التي تثيرها المشاهدة A Theory النظرية هي إستنتاج علمي مبني على التجربة مؤيد بعدد كبير ومتزايد من الأدلة المدعومة بالتجارب