1.1B Numerical Reasoning
The Big Day Out is a three day music festival. At the Big Day Out audience members can purchase Green Days. The organisers will use all the income from these to buy carbon credits. These carbon credits will be used to purchase trees, which aims to offset the carbon emissions from the event.
This assessment activity requires you to determine the minimum number of trees that could be purchased using carbon credits from the Big Day Out.
Use the following information to find out the minimum number of trees that could be purchased using carbon credits from the Big Day Out for the given year.
In the solution of this problem you should: Show calculations, as appropriate, that you have used in the solution of the problem; Use mathematical statements; Explain what you are calculating at each stage of the solution.
The quality of your discussion and reasoning and how well you link this to the context will determine the overall grade.
The audience number at the Big Day Out was 19,000 (to the nearest 1000); Big Day Out attendees can choose to purchase 0, 1, 2, or 3 green days when they buy their tickets. 23% of the attendees purchased green days; Of those who purchase green days, one quarter purchase three days, one third purchase two days and the rest purchase one day; One green day costs NZ$1.34; A carbon credit costs US$18. Exchange rate: US$1= NZ$ (October 2010); The organisers are able to buy 10 trees with every three carbon credits.
Step 1 Find out how many Green days were bought
The audience number at the Big Day Out was 19,000 (to the nearest 1000); Big Day Out attendees can choose to purchase 0, 1, 2, or 3 green days when they buy their tickets. 23% of the attendees purchased green days;
The audience number at the Big Day Out was 19,000 (to the nearest 1000); As this is rounded, the minimum audience number was 18, 500
The audience number at the Big Day Out was 19,000 (to the nearest 1000); As this is rounded, the minimum audience number was 18, 500 Big Day Out attendees can choose to purchase 0, 1, 2, or 3 green days when they buy their tickets. 23% of the attendees purchased green days;
Of those who purchase green days, one quarter purchase three days, one third purchase two days and the rest purchase one day;
Income One green day costs NZ$1.34
Conversion to $US Exchange rate: US$1= NZ$ (October 2010);
Number of carbon credits A carbon credit costs US$18.
Number of trees The organisers are able to buy 10 trees with every three carbon credits.
Estimate The organisers will be able to buy a minimum of 1,400 trees.
Other considerations Exchange rate may change.