The Behavioral Insight Team culture+business Presentation The Behavioral Insight Team ™ Hong Kong ● Singapore ● New York Copyright 2014-2015, HCIA & Company. All rights reserved. Governed under the single user license terms agreed to by end user. May not be distributed without prior written permission. This file is part of the HCIA & Company culture+business Toolkit. Copyright 2014-2015, HCIA & Company. All Rights Reserved.
Agenda Executive Summary Product Features and Benefits Industry Overview Competitive Product Comparison Marketing Strategy Finance Plan Management Summary FAQs Your external delivery is directed outside of your company It includes competitive, not sensitive or confidential, information Begin by developing a matrix for your salespeople that highlights added values and their sources And create a side by side product comparison handout that focuses on you and your key competitor 2
Executive Summary [General Overview] [Short-term Target] Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 [Short-term Target] [Target 1] [Target 2] [Long-term Objective] [Financial] [Social]
Product Features and Benefits Your product [Features] [Benefits] Level of Importance to the Customer
Industry Overview Political Economic Sociocultural Technological Factor 1 Factor 2 Political Economic Sociocultural Technological The Added Value Comparison Matrix begins by naming your industry as defined in the internal presentation List your company along with your competitors and identify the most important added values you provide customers Then list up to three sources of your added value and fill in the grids to compare them to your competition
Competitive Products Comparison Feature [Your Product] [Competitor 1] [Competitor 2] [Competitor 3] Level of Importance to the Customer
Competitive Feature Checklist/Comparison [Product name] [Main Competitor] Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Feature 4 Feature N The Competitive Feature Checklist and Comparison is included in this toolkit This is a 1 page hard hitting summary that your salespeople can use to shoot down competitors quickly and easily Compare your product features to your main competitor and include a Unique Selling Proposition and benefits of your 3 main features [Unique Selling Proposition] [Benefit Feature 1] [Benefit Feature 2] [Benefit Feature 3]
SWOT Analysis ™ This file is part of the HCIA & Company Business Plan Toolkit. Copyright 2014, HCIA & Company. All Rights Reserved.
SWOT Template Instructions Perform a SWOT analysis for each major competitor Make a list of each of the following: Strengths: internal things about your company and its market position that help your chances of success Weaknesses: internal things about your company and its market position that weaken your chances of success Opportunities: external things that help your chances of success Threats: external things that weaken your chances of success Fill in the SWOT matrix with strategies based on these factors
Strengths (Internal) Strength 1 Strength 2 Strength 3
Weaknesses (Internal)
Opportunities (External) Opportunity 1 Opportunity 2 Opportunity 3
Threats (External) Threat 1 Threat 2 Threat 3
SWOT Analysis External Internal Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Strategies the company can exploit to take advantage of opportunities Strategies the company must deal with to take advantage of opportunities Threats Strategies the company can use to defend itself from threats Strategies the company must deal with to defend itself from threats External Internal
Marketing <Provide a top-level summary with details below.> Marketing Tactics & Promotion <Include everything you will be doing to market the product and make it successful.>
Finance Plan Marketing Mix <Include a pie chart showing the marketing mix from the product launch budget template. Include a short explanation of why you are allocating the funds the way you are.>
Project Manager HR Finance Marketing Consulting team Management Summary Project Manager HR Finance Marketing Consulting team
FAQ [FAQ 1] [FAQ 2] [FAQ 3] [FAQ 4] [Answer 1] [Answer 2] [Answer 3] Several selling tools that you want to develop from your findings include FAQ’s, white papers, talking points about competitors, and customer reviews You can never develop too many of these tools and you really want your company to go out of its way to ensure they are effective and comprehensive 18