R. v. Morgentaler, 1988: Struck down the abortion law, tossing the issue back to Parliament.
R. v. Big M Drug Mart, 1985: One of the first rulings to strike down and void a law -- the Lord's Day Act
Han Vriend v. Alberta, 1998: Sparked a national debate; helped advance the rights of gays and lesbians.
R. v. Collins, 1987: Set the test for excluding evidence in criminal cases, a vital component in expanding the rights of the accused and limiting police powers.
Maria Hunter v. Southam Inc., 1984: Defined reasonable expectation of privacy and essential components of a reasonable search and seizure for both individuals and corporations.
McKinney v. University of Guelph, 1990: Created the test limiting the Charter to the public sphere; advocated deference to legislatures on broad, socio-economic matters.
Andrews v. Law Society of B. C Andrews v. Law Society of B.C., 1989: Struck down prohibition against non-citizens practising law.
Chaoulli and Zeliotis v. A. G. Quebec and A. G Chaoulli and Zeliotis v. A. G. Quebec and A. G. Canada, 2005: Delays in obtaining surgery were deemed to threaten life and security of the person.
Chaoulli, 2005: Struck down Quebec prohibitions on private health insurance; demonstrated the Court's willingness to enter contested public debates and challenge sacred legislative cows
R. v. Stinchcombe, 1995: Revolutionary ruling enshrined the right to pre-trial disclosure in criminal cases, placing strict obligations on police and prosecutors.
R. v. Askov, 1990: Led to tens of thousands of charges being dismissed in Ontario due to court delays.
Charkoui v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2007: Struck down portions of immigration security-certificate regime that denied detainees full answer and defence.
Assignment You will use Chicago Style Citation (the website will help you learn how to do this)
Actual Project Create a typed report analyzing the case Provide Context (explain the era and the laws already in place) Explain what happened in SIMPLE terms Explain the verdict and why the judge made it How did this case transform our law Relate this case to another future case that was influenced by it