Maximizing the Millennial Ministry. Why Johnnie won’t come to church Maximizing the Millennial Ministry Why Johnnie won’t come to church Anthony F. Halley II
Most millennials are not uninterested in church they are disinterested in church
It would be easy if everyone in the church were the same-the same age, same generational type, same interests, same perspectives same worship style. There would be no arguments. And church would be so boring!
What should the church look like? Acts 2 In order for us to move forward in the church we must accept the mission and mandate of Christ Matthew 28:19-20
Worship preferences and styles Builders Boomers Gen X Millennials Size 75-100 300+ 200-300 Jury still out Affiliation Extremely denominational Independent. Somewhat denominational Denominational Interested but afraid of stagnation Emphasis Need to be heard Needs of the congregation. Sometimes! Needs of the community Me & the world at large Worship style Traditional Break from tradition, chorus driven. Some instruments Traditional and contemporary Merge of all. Converge traditions Worship times Sunday morning Flexible & varied Flexible &varied Media channel Print, newspapers Broadcast news News, Internet Internet, Social Media
Who are the millennials? Born: 1981 to 1998 Largest generation in western history (80 million) First generation to grow up with and embrace technology Financially in more debt Getting married and having children later in life if at all Why generation - what's in it for me? Less than 1% of this generation has a biblical world view Enjoy telling and sharing everything
Define words. Dilatory Martinet Indefatigable Logorrhea
Reaching Millennials Through Technology
Who cares? We do! Where do you stand? We’ve never used it What's the purpose What does it benefit Its too complicated We always use it What's not the purpose We can do everything with it Its easy
Why should we use technology?
Why should we use technology? 89% of millennials have some type of handheld technological device 85% use internet shopping 70% use smartphones or tablets while in the restroom 51% use smartphones while eating with family If we do not embrace technology we will lose a generation! With the loss of a generation we face the possibility of empty churches.
Why should we use it? Technology is a tool. Use it! (Ecclesiastes 3:1) Gives the church access to the world Gives the world access to the church (Matthew 5:16) Opens the possibilities for evangelism (Matt. 28:16-20)
How should we use it? To Equip Create tools on our websites that allow for Christian growth Create opportunities for worship when unable to attend To Evangelize Making the story of our God more accessible Making the story of our lives more transparent To Edify If we refuse to change we will get left behind Patrick Swayze