AP, CLEP & Transient Permission
Advance Placement Scores AP scores are received via mail and a secure email from the College Board weekly throughout the year. A large AP file is received around July 1st each year. This file may contain 500 - 600 students. The Advanced Placement Program (AP) allows students at the high school level to earn freshman/sophomore credit for college classes in a variety of subjects. If a student has taken AP exams and would like to have the credits evaluated they will need to contact College Board at www.collegeboard.org/ap and request a copy of their scores be sent to UWG, the school code is 5900.
How are AP Scores evaluated? AP scores range from 1-5 UWG awards credit for a score of 3 or higher Scores of 4 or 5 are designated “Honors Credit” AP scores are given a grade of K. For Chemistry exams credit is awarded for 2 or higher. Computer Science and US & World History exams require a 4 or 5 to receive credit. Foreign Language exams allow exemption from 1001 & 1002 with a score of 2. UWG awards credit for either the English Literature or English Language exam, but not for both. If a student takes both exams and makes a 3 on one and 4 (or 5) on the other, the highest scoring exam will be applied. UWG awards European History credit for exam scores that were earned through Spring 2004. AP Scores are evaluated within 1 – 2 weeks of the date they are received in the Registrar’s office. Once the AP evaluation has been completed students are notified via their UWG student email. The email explains how they can check their credits in Banweb by: Login to myUWG, click the BANWEB tab and then click Student Transfer Evaluation. It can take 24 – 48 hours for Wolf Watch to refresh and show the awarded credits which should be visible in the appropriate Core Areas in Wolf Watch. If a student does not receive credit for an AP exam (any credits that can be awarded are evaluated and put into Banner) their email will contain an outline letting them know which exam they did not receive credit, the grade received, and the grade required for credit at UWG.
AP Emails to Students Student ID: Dear Your Advanced Placement score(s) have been processed. You may access (view & print) the credit(s) awarded via myUWG. Once you have logged in, click the BANWEB tab and then click Student Transfer Evaluation. Please see the attachment to determine how your Advanced Placement credit(s) were awarded. Please contact us at transfer@westga.edu if you have any additional questions about the AP evaluation. Student ID: Dear We received an imaged document of your AP examination results. However, please be advised that in order for our office to review AP examination reports, they must be submitted to the University of West Georgia directly from the College Board. You may contact the College Board at https://apscore.collegeboard.org/scores and request the AP score report be submitted to the University of West Georgia. Our college code is 5900. When received from the College Board, the score report will be evaluated for possible credit(s). The following link provides additional information concerning the University of West Georgia AP policy: AP Policy. Students may receive one of three emails regarding their AP scores. The first, on the left, is to notify the students that their scores have been processed. The second, not pictured, is a variation of the first which includes the aforementioned outline letting the students know what exam(s) they were not granted credit. The third, on the right, is sent in response to an imaged score report submitted to UWG. An imaged AP score is a copy of the students score report received by the student from College Board and forwarded to the university. This is not an official score report and students are notified via their student email to have an official copy sent to UWG for evaluation.
CLEP College Level Examination Program CLEP scores are received via secure email between daily and weekly. UWG CLEP exams are given by the Academic Testing Services office located in 110 Strozier Hall. Upcoming exam dates are listed on the Academic Testing Services webpage, along with fee and testing information. The CLEP exams allow students to save time & tuition by taking a standardized test over material they may already know. The College Board website offers study tips, practice tests, and study guides, as well as the ability for students to sign up for the exam itself.
How are CLEP scores evaluated? All CLEP exams have a minimum passing score of 50. CLEP scores are visible with a K grade, just like AP scores. Once a student takes a CLEP exam the scores typically are received via a secure email to the Transfer team the next day. All CLEP exam scores are evaluated within 1 – 2 weeks of the date they are received. The CLEP program is very underutilized by many department. The majority of the exams received are the Biology subject.
CLEP Emails to Students Students who pass their CLEP exam(s) will receive an email telling them their score(s) have been processed along with instructions on how to view their Banweb by logging into myUWG, clicking the BANWEB tab and then clicking Student Transfer Evaluation. Students who do not pass their CLEP exam(s) will receive an email with a table listing the exam name, their score, and the minimum score. Very rarely students may take an exam that UWG does not award credit, if such a score is received the student will be notified that the university does not award credit for that exam. A list of CLEP exams that UWG awards credit is available on the Registrar’s webpage under Transfer Credit and Credit By Exam.
Transient Permission The Registrar’s Office does not grant transient permission. Our offices only role is processing the form and placing it in the student record. Transient permission is given by the students College Dean.
Transient Permission Transient Permission is required for any student who would like to take courses at another regionally accredited institution. A completed Transient Permission Form is required before any transient coursework can receive credit. Transient Permission Forms are tracked using a shared Google Spreadsheet that allows each of the campus colleges to track. Retroactive Transient Permission is permission given after the student has already started, or completed, coursework at another regionally accredited institution. These forms are not tracked in a spreadsheet. If a student plans to take more than one course as transient they must submit one permission form per course if they will require different Department Chair signatures. There are six Regional Accreditation Agencies: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges http://www.sacscoc.org/ Middle States Commission on Higher Education http://www.msche.org/institutions_directory.asp New England Association of Schools & Colleges http://cihe.neasc.org/about-our-institutions/ Western Association of Schools & Colleges for Senior Colleges & Universities http://www.wascsenior.org/institutions Western Associate of Schools & Colleges for Community & Junior Colleges http://www.accjc.org/directory-of-accredited-institutions North West Commission on Colleges & Universities http://www.nwccu.org/Directory%20of%20Inst/Directory%20of%20Institutions.htm North Central Association of Colleges & Schools http://www.hlcommission.org/Directory-of-HLC-Institutions.html
Student Information Students must fill out the information requested in this section: Name Student ID# Address Home Phone or Cell Phone
Study Abroad Every student must answer the two questions listed in this section. The students will only need to obtain the ISP Director name and signature if they are planning to take courses as Study Abroad or if they are an International Student here at UWG and wishing to take courses at another regionally accredited institution for one semester.
Courses Requested For this section students must answer what Transient Term and the Year that they are seeking transient permission for. It is also important that they answer if they are graduating in the transient term. For the section above the student must work with their Academic or Faculty Advisor to ensure that the correct course and equivalent information is provided. Please include the full Host Institution Name, Course Prefix & Number, Hours, and the UWG Equivalent Course Subject & Number, and Hours. The student MUST also sign and DATE the form before our office can process it.
Approvals Finally the approvals section, where students must obtain their Academic or Faculty Advisor’s name and signature after meeting and filling out the previous sections of the form. The transient courses listed on the permission forms will determine which Department Chair’s name and signature is needed, if the student is taking an English course they will obtain the English Department Chair’s signature, etc. The final signature required is that of the Dean of the student’s Major College, if the student is an English major they will need the Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities or that colleges designee signature. Please note that starting with Fall 2016 permission forms, any form received with errors such as the incorrect Dean/Department Chair, or missing any required information, everyone who signed off on the form will be copied on the email informing the student of any errors that will need to be corrected before the form can be processed. This is being done to reduce the number of errors occurring and causing delays in processing of the forms in the long run.
I have permission, now what? Students can contact the Registrar’s office to confirm that their transient status has been approved by their College Dean. Copies of the form must be submitted to the Advisor, Department Chair, Dean’s Office, Financial Aid, and Registrar’s Office. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the transient school to register for classes. After the transient term ends it is the student’s responsibility to have an official transcript sent back to UWG for evaluation.
Who should I contact with questions? Please email transfer@westga.edu Please call 678-839-6438