Graduate Plan of Study e-Form Training Presentation


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Presentation transcript:

Graduate Plan of Study e-Form Training Presentation

Graduate Studies eForm Why the eForm? Single Page Document Streamline the process for making changes to a students Plan Of Study. Simple, efficient and cost-effective. Allow administrators to quickly add transfer work and course substitutions / student exceptions. Includes options for status changes and waivers.

Graduate Studies eForm Bridge GPS The eForm serves as a Bridge to the GPS. Any changes you request in this form directly affects how your student’s GPS will appear. For instance, if you request a course be waived though the eform and it is approved, then that course in the report will show as being satisfied! If you request transfer credit to be used to satisfy the student's core requirements, then that update will be made and that area will be satisfied on the report. Please note that this is a real-time update and therefore you wouldn’t have to wait overnight for the change to take effect like you currently would in the DARS system.

Graduate Studies eForm GPS In Case you’ve never seen what the GPS Interactive Report here is what it looks like! The highlighted section are reference numbers that are important to include in the eform when you place request for changes.

Graduate Studies eForm Navigation: Grad Custom > Grad eForms Home Page Start a new eGRAD. Main Menu>GRAD Custom>GRAD eForms Home Page>Start a New eGRAD

Graduate Studies eForm Select “Graduate Plan of Study”. Click Graduate Plan of Study

Graduate Studies eForm To search an existing student record, you must first Enter an Emplid or Name, then click 000000987 Rider Knight Lets use KNIGHT RIDER as our sample student. After clicking on search you will notice that this student has has multiple programs. You must select the program you intend to change. If more than one program appears in the search results, SELECT the program you intend to change.

Graduate Studies eForm 000000999 Knight Rider General student & program information This is how the eFORM should appear when you initiate a new form: The First Section houses Student Demographic and Program information. The Second Section is where you’ll be doing most of your work. Here you’ll be entering your requests for changes in your student’s record. Options for Changes in the GPS

Graduate Studies eForm No Changes Needed to the GPS Option Select this option if there are no anticipated changes to your student’s Program of Study (POS). Each student MUST have a Plan of Study on file by his 12th Hour. Since every student MUST have a Plan of Study on file before his/her 12th hour, you must select this option to initiate a new plan of study.

Graduate Studies eForm Attachments up to 3 MB may be uploaded to the form by clicking on the Attach button. “Comments” or “Messages” to your college approver and/or CGS may be entered in this section. Since these forms are handled by multiple administrators, and those administrators see several students in any given day, it is very important that each person adds comments and supporting documents regarding requests for changes in the student’s record. The system automatically adds a time and user stamp to a document whenever it is submitted or approved. “Comments are Encouraged” Click “Submit”.

Graduate Studies eForm Select “YES”, to submit your form. Here is your confirmation that the eForm was submitted to the next Evaluator for Approval.

Graduate Studies eForm New GPS Exceptions Needed / Revision to Existing GPS Options Selecting either the “New GPS exceptions needed” OR the “Revision to Existing GPS” radio buttons, will cause other fields to open requesting more detailed information. Most of the request for changes to the student’s record are executed here.

Graduate Studies eForm COURSE WAIVERS Requests for course waivers may be entered in this section. FIU ENGR 3000 1165;10 Additional lines may be added, as needed, for additional course requests by selected the plus (+) button. NOTE: The Pre-Req waiver type is specifically for admissions related curriculum & is NOT an enrollment waiver option. This Requirement line number is very important. It can be found in the student’s GPS report and it is there to easily identify the line of information. Since you WONT have access to the GPS reports yet, you may leave these BLANK. An example of a note would be: “ Restricted Electives”

Graduate Studies eForm EXTERNAL TRANSFER WORK/COURSE SUBSTITUTION FIU ENGR 3000 SPR 2010 3 3 A ENGR 3001 Restricted Electives 234,10 Requests for external transfer work and/or course substitutions may be entered in this section. Any items/boxes notated with an asterisk (*) must be completed prior to submitting the form. This transfer work section should be something you are already familiar with from the paper documents you were once made to submit. We’ve decided to add it here to make it easier for you. Its always best practice to enter information in every field, however only fields with asterisks require information. “Approved Traveling Scholar courses” should be identified in the last area of this section using the designated check box.

Graduate Studies eForm UCF COURSE MOVES Indicate whether or not the student will be using courses from an EARNED Master’s degree or Certificate Program. Requests for internal transfer work and/or course substitutions may be entered in this section. Courses that have fallen into the Unsatisfactory Grade box (i.e. C-grade courses) that a program wishes to accept may be requested in this section. Internal Transfer coursework are any courses taken not in their current program. You only need to check this box if the course you’re listing is from an earned degree.

Graduate Studies eForm Status Change Options The graduate status change area of the eform should be familiar to you with the exception of the “Thesis Option” check box and the “Masters along the way” check box.

Graduate Studies eForm Entering a Graduate Status Change If you are entering an update for a masters student that is in a thesis option, please indicate that in the first box. We have included this option because the earlier we know whether or not the Student is in a Thesis Option, the sooner the student will have the correct program information and milestones populate in his/her Plan of Study. If this option is not selected, the student will automatically be defaulted to the Non Thesis Option Program Requirements.

Graduate Studies eForm Requests for changes to requirement term/catalog year may be entered in the section below. This is where you enter your requirement term; Please click the magnifier, then click “Look Up” to access a list of terms to choose from. It can be no earlier than the admit term.

Graduate Studies eForm Requests for changes to a student’s status/classification may be entered in the section below. Click the drop down arrow for a list of possible options, select the appropriate option then ENTER a Reason for the change in the Field Below. The drop down menu above reveals the following options:

Graduate Studies eForm Requests for program/plan changes may be entered in this section below. There are two options here: You may either Add or Change the “Program” or the “Sub-Plan” – Again, click the magnifier to reveal a list of possible options in each case. The reason you ENTER should CLEARLY indicate that the student wishes to either Change or Add a new Program/Sub-Plan.

Graduate Studies eForm Requests to add a “Master’s Along the Way” career may be done in this section. If your student intends to apply for a Masters on the Way, you must check this Box. Just like the Thesis Option check box, please check the Masters along the way box early in order for us to provide the student correct Program and Milestone information. Please also Note that we REMOVED the Qualifying Exam which was on the previous version of this form but is now a checklist item for programs who requested it.

Graduate Studies eForm College-Level Approval Process If you are a college-level approver, you MUST navigate to your worklist from the main menu of the PeopleSoft homepage. Selecting the Worklist option, you will open all pending eForm requests. You must review each one and process accordingly. Your “Worklist” will display a list of every eform sent to you from the initiator. Click on the student link to select that particular form. Click on the student name hyperlink to access the eForm.

Graduate Studies eForm At this stage, the student form you selected to review should be Approved, Denied, Recycled, or Held by clicking the appropriate button at the end of the form. If you Approve and eForm, it will be sent to the next evaluator to be approved or if you are the last evaluator, a message will be sent to the Program and/or the College informing them of the Approval. If you Deny an eForm request, the form will lay dormant. If you Recycle a request, the eForm will be sent to the last approver or the Initiator to be edited / corrected. If you Hold an eForm, it will sit in your local “Worklist” until you are ready to make changes and submit. After clicking on any of these commands, an auto-email will generate to the appropriate party informing them of a change to the student’s GPS or an action that party must take to complete the eForm.

Graduate Studies eForm Please enter your Comments here. A history of comments is stored for future reference. As discussed earlier, it is very important to add comments. Even though the manner in which our fields are constructed are clear. It still helps to prevent processing delays if your intent is stated clearly. After clicking Approve, this message appears. Click “Yes” to confirm. Please note that the final approver will always be the College of Graduate Studies.

Graduate Studies eForm After you’ve selected “YES”, this message pops ups confirming your approval and submission.

Graduate Studies eForm View an e-Form in ViewStar (Samples)

Graduate Studies eForm Sample emails that auto generate Email sent to College Approver notifying them of a new “program level” form to be approved.

Graduate Studies eForm Email sent to CGS Approver notifying them of a new form from the College Level to be approved.

Graduate Studies eForm Email sent to initiator notifying them that the eform is placed on Hold.

Graduate Studies eForm Email sent to program and college informing them that the eform was approved by College of Graduate Studies. ******************************** This email was generated by a DEVELOPMENT system. Its contents do not reflect real business. Form ID: 184498 Status: AUTHORIZED The Graduate Plan of Study (GPS) for Abou-Senna, Hatem has been processed and approved. Any updates to the GPS can be viewed through myUCF.

Graduate Studies eForm Email sent to the initiator with a CC to the Student informing them that the eform was Approved by CGS.

Graduate Studies eForm Pop up messages This message will pop-up on the search page if the person already has an eForm that has not yet been approved. This message will pop-up if the requirement term is earlier than admit term. If you try initiating a new eform but there is already one in the queue that has not yet been processed you will see the first pop-up. In the Requirement term / Catalog year section under status changes; you will notice the second pop-up if the requirement term you added is earlier that the student’s admit term.

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