School Counseling Department Mandarin High School April 26, 2018 Dual Enrollment School Counseling Department Mandarin High School April 26, 2018
What is Dual Enrollment? Dual Enrollment is an acceleration program that allows secondary students to take postsecondary coursework and simultaneously earn credit towards high school completion and an associate or baccalaureate degree at a Florida public or eligible private institution.
Advantages of Dual Enrollment Earn FREE college credit as a high school student Weighted, rigorous courses Accelerate Educational Goals Access to college resources and activities
Cautions of Dual Enrollment Withdrawing from a Dual Enrollment course after the FSCJ drop date will result in a (W) withdrawal being added as a permanent entry to the official college transcript. (Can negatively impact students' ability to receive financial aid). All Dual Enrollment grades are recorded as permanent entries on student’s high school AND college transcript. (Calculated in college scholarship eligibility- particularly Bright Futures). Students dropping below a 2.0 college GPA and/or 3.0 unweighted high school GPA are not eligible to enroll in subsequent Dual Enrollment courses. Students who do not successfully complete 67% of their college course work will be ineligible for federal financial aid. Students who enroll in the same college course more then twice will be required to pay out of state tuition on the third attempt. Withdraws count as attempts.
Dual Enrollment Partners FSCJ (Florida State College of Jacksonville) ERAU (Embry Riddle Aeronautical University) EWC (Edward Waters College)
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) Courses at MHS: ASC1000 Principles of Aeronautical Science ASC2560 Unmanned Vehicles and System Eligibility: Junior or Senior Minimum 2.5 GPA
Edward Waters College (EWC) Courses at MHS: SLS1103 Strategies for Success Eligibility: Junior or Senior Minimum 2.0 GPA
Florida State College of Jacksonville (FSCJ) Multiple course offerings at MHS and FSCJ Courses scheduled by semester SLS1103 Required Applications due by JUNE 1, 2018 to your School Counselor
FSCJ Eligibility Requirements SLS1103 Strategies for Success 3.0 unweighted GPA OR 2.5 unweighted GPA AND qualifying test scores (see chart) Academic Dual Enrollment Qualifying test scores on SAT, ACT, or PERT (see chart) Students may take up to 12 credit hours without a qualifying math score *PERT Testing May 24th for students who sign up
FSCJ Courses offered at MHS College Course College Course Code High School Credit English Composition ENC1101 English English Composition 2 ENC1102 English Introduction to Literature LIT2000 Introduction to Humanities HUM2020 Elective Macroeconomics (seniors) ECO2013 Economics Intermediate Algebra MAT1033 Math (0.5 credit) College Algebra MAC1105 Math Strategies for Success SLS1103 American History AMH2010/AMH2020 (pending) American Government (seniors) POS2041 (pending) American Government
Important Information to Note as you complete the application You are enrolling in FALL 2018 through FSCJ MUST use black/blue ink to complete Write CLEARLY Applications are DUE to your counselor with the residency portion completed and signed by your Parent/Guardian along with a their signature on the Student Contract before or on May 4, 2018 (off campus) or June 1, 2018 (on campus) You may not transfer this course to another DCPS high school You are enrolled in _______ through Florida State College at Jacksonville This course is for college credit and will reflect on your college transcript Final course grades of W (withdrawal), D, F, or FN, are permanent parts of your college transcript and may negatively impact transfer to other colleges and universities, scholarships, and eligibility for Federal Financial Aid We will complete the application together and all you will have to do is take it home to get it signed. Please do not work ahead. You MUST use black/blue ink to complete It is important that you write CLEARLY Applications are DUE to me with the residency portion completed by your parent/guardian, make sure they sign it, before or on _____________ Once your application is submitted for one DCPS high school, you are not allowed to transfer into the same course at another DCPS high school. (i.e. if a student is enrolled in SLS at John Brown High School and transfers to Mark West High School during the during the term you are enrolled in SLS, you will not be able to enroll in the course during the same term at Mark West High School. If it is within the timeframe, you will be withdrawn from the course at John Brown High School.)
Completing Your Dual Enrollment Application complete using black/blue ink only Part 1 Application Term Fall Term Select the appropriate status Dual Enrollment (Traditional) Returning DE Student Where will you be taking the DE course List the name of the high school that you will be taking the DE course, the city (Jacksonville), and your anticipated HS graduation date Let’s complete Part 1 of the Application In the upper right hand corner, select the appropriate Application Term, Spring Select your appropriate status for the term that they are applying. If you have never taking a Dual Enrollment Course through FSCJ, select Dual Enrollment (Traditional). If you have taken a Dual Enrollment Course through FSCJ before, select Returning DE Student. If not already listed on the application, list the name of the high school, the city (Jacksonville), and list your expected high school graduation date. (June 20??)
Completing Your Dual Enrollment Application complete using black/blue ink only Personal Information Use your legal name as listed on your schedule/report card List Social Security Number Social Security numbers MUST be included for all applicants; If you are not 100% sure of your SS#, leave it blank List your best contact number Email address listed in this section should be an email address that can be regularly accessed Again, it is important that you write neatly. (Can someone else read your hand writing?) Fill in your legal name as listed on your schedule or report card If you know your Social Security Number by heart and you are 100% sure it is correct, fill it in. If not, leave it blank. Fill in your best contact number Fill in your current mailing address, be sure to include the city, state, zip and email address FSJC Dual Enrollment coordinators send updates and announcements using the email address that is listed on the application
Completing Your Dual Enrollment Application complete using black/blue ink only Personal Information Fill in your date of birth and age Bubble in your gender Enter your country of birth (i.e.. United States) Bubble in your primary language (i.e. English, Spanish, or Other) Fill in your Parent/Guardian as your Emergency Contact and their phone number(s) The information in the box is optional, you do not have to complete it if you do not wish to do so Fill in your date of birth and age Bubble in your gender Enter your country of birth (i.e.. United States) Bubble in your primary language (i.e. English, Spanish, or Other) Fill in your Parent/Guardian as your Emergency Contact and their phone number(s) The information in the box is optional, you do not have to complete it if you do not wish to do so For those of you who wish to complete the information, bubble whether or not you are Hispanic/Latino or you prefer not to disclose Select the racial category or categories you identify with. You may select as man as apply.
Completing Your Dual Enrollment Application Check the classes you have ALREADY completed. Check all high school mathematics courses you have already completed. NOT that you are enrolled in, but that you have earned credit for.
YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT THIS INFORMATION! Completing Your Dual Enrollment Application complete using black/blue ink only Add your Social Security Number in the top right hand corner Student Agreement Read the student agreement and sign (in cursive) and date Parent/Guardian Agreement & Residency Fill in your name Your PARENT will need to complete the date they became a Florida resident If they have lived in FL since birth, then the date entered should be their date of birth Have your parent sign and enter their phone number and email address YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT THIS INFORMATION! Have students read and sign the student agreement Fill in your name under the Parent/Guardian Agreement & Residency Your parent will need to complete the date they became a Florida resident. If they have never lived in any other state then this date will be their date of birth. Stress that this it the parents information and not the student’s information and that the application will not be processed without this information. Have your parent sign, date, enter their phone number and email address
Completing Your Dual Enrollment Application complete using black/blue ink only High School Personal Authorization Complete all sections with the appropriate information Your Name High School County - Duval Student’s Authorized Term Registration List the courses that you want to take here Fall ENC1101 English Composition MHS Fill in your name If not already listed on the application, fill in the name of your High School (__________________), and the county (DUVAL) If not already completed, advise students not to complete the Student’s Authorized Term Registration You do not need to write anything in the Student Authorized Term Registration as this will be completed by your counselor.
Completing Your Dual Enrollment Application complete using black/blue ink only STUDENT CONTRACT Read each portion of the contract carefully. Expectations Program Level Requirements Print your name, birth date, sign (cursive), and date Have your parent or guardian sign and date Review each bullet point with students (and parents if present). Explain that by signing the contract students and parents acknowledge that they understand the expectations of the Dual Enrollment program and the implications that the student’s performance will have on their High school GPA, College GPA as well has their eligibility for post-secondary financial aid options.
Completing Your Dual Enrollment Application complete using black/blue ink only Missing Safety and Security Information Every student enrolled in a course via FSCJ (on campus, online, or at their local high school) must complete the security agreement Answer the two questions Sign at the bottom This form must be on file for all students seeking to enroll in a Dual Enrollment course offered through FSCJ. Read through form with students and have them sign. If they have questions, advise them to speak with you at a later time.
Questions about ON CAMPUS Dual Enrollment?
Off Campus FSCJ Dual Enrollment SLS1103 is required at MHS in the first two semesters of Dual Enrollment Students CANNOT enroll in a course at FSCJ that is offered at MHS A maximum of 3 Dual Enrollment courses per semester, with a maximum of 2 courses at FSCJ Students taking courses at FSCJ will have a partial schedule at Mandarin Consider MHS class schedule, extra-curricular activities, and drive time when selecting the times and locations of their FSCJ courses Provide own transportation to FSCJ. Parents will not have access to professors, grades and attendance at FSCJ College students of all ages enrolled in courses at FSCJ
Early Admissions Early Admissions is a form of Dual Enrollment permitting high school students to enroll in college FULL TIME. Students must be seniors, have a 3.5 or higher unweighted high school GPA, 2.0 or higher college GPA, and qualifying test scores. Application DEADLINE: MAY 1, 2018
Selecting Off Campus Courses- Reference the Associate of Arts Degree Requirements Note that students can meet their English and Humanities requirements with classes taught at MHS Students need a qualifying math score to take science and math classes Social Studies is a popular choice.
Students should reference their remaining graduation requirements and use district recommendations.
How to Search for FSCJ Courses Click on “Fall Courses” on FSCJ’s website.
How to Search for FSCJ Courses Click on “View Schedule” on FSCJ’s website.
How to Search for FSCJ Courses Select the term to “Fall 2018” Select course career “college credit” Make sure to have the “open classes only” box checked. Type the course number or prefix that you want (ex “POS2041” or just “POS” You can also limit your search to a specific campus if you would like.
How to Search for FSCJ Courses & Completing the Application Make sure you pick a day and time that works with your personal and MHS schedule! Fall 2018 POS2041 1202 American Federal Government Deerwood
After the Application is Submitted Once students have been notified that they are registered for a course at FSCJ, they will need to log on to their “myFSCJ” account and print out a schedule to turn in to their counselor. Once counselors receive the schedule from FSCJ, the student and counselor can work together to modify the MHS schedule accordingly.
Create “myFSCJ” Account AFTER you receive word that you have been registered in your off campus courses.
Use your “myFSCJ” Account for locating your schedule, textbook information, transcripts, and more!
Textbooks Log into your “myFSCJ” account to see what textbooks are required. Complete the “STUDENT TEXTBOOK REQUEST FORM” and submit it to Ms. Johnson in Guidance by August 3, 2018. Check with your School Counselor to determine if required textbooks are available in MHS inventory. If the textbook is not in the MHS inventory, students will need to go to a Follett bookstore on the FSCJ campus between August 29 and September 26. Students will need their FSCJ schedule and a picture ID to use their textbook account to purchase books at a Follett bookstore. Textbooks are paid for by DCPS. NOTE: If purchasing a book with an access code, buy the SET, not the book and access code separately or you will not have enough money in your account! Students will need to bring the textbook receipt to their School Counselor by September 28th. Textbooks must be returned to student’s School Counselor at the end of the semester or textbook fees will be added to the student’s debt list at school.
Locating textbook information to complete the textbook form You have two ways of accessing book information. You can do a schedule search and select the course that you are registered in. (Be sure to pick the correct class number) scroll down to the bottom of the schedule and you will see the link for “Course Materials” Clicking on that will open the window and show the book title and information. The second way is by logging into your student account. Once logged in select the student tab, then my academics. Select your class schedule on the left side. Here you will see all your courses, you can select the hyperlink and course information will appear.
FSCJ Student ID & Parking Pass Student ID Card Bring a copy of your current schedule and photo ID to Student Services. Parking Pass Bring a copy of your current FSCJ schedule and FSCJ ID to the Security Office on the campus you attend.
Tonight's Presentation is Available on the School Counseling Website Go to: Click "More" to see the drop down menu Click "Dual Enrollment" To download click the blue box "Dual Enrollment Parent Night Presentation 2018"