Advocating for Change in Cardiac Care Breanna Ellis Health Director Heart Foundation Northern Territory
Heart Foundation Northern Territory The Heart Foundation aims to strengthen the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Rheumatic Heart Disease. Heart disease continues to be the single biggest killer of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People, who continue to die from this disease at far greater rates than non-Indigenous Australians. Heart Foundation was a strong advocate for the National RHD Strategy, which in 2007 the incoming Federal Labour Government adopted based on Heart Foundation policy asks leading into the 2007 Federal Election.
Heart Foundation And RHD ‘For All Hearts 2013-2017’ Goal 3 focuses of Health Equity. The Heart Foundation wants to address disparities in heart health so that all Australian can live longer and healthier lives.
Heart Foundation and RHD advocacy In the lead up to the 2016 Federal Budget the Heart Foundation advocated strongly for the continuation of the National Partnership Agreement on rheumatic fever strategy. These measures maintained and expanded the existing state based registers and programs that focused on ARF and RHD Heart Foundation election policy 'ask' focused on closing the gap on RHD. $10m over the next three years. Federal Government seems to indicate that the RHD initiative is on-going, though current funding runs to June 2017.
Heart Foundation and RHD advocacy Heart Foundation was a funding partner in the development of the ‘Take Heart’ Movie. ‘Take Heart’ was launched at the Northern Territory Parliament House in March 2016. Heart Foundation worked closely with the makers of the movie on an advocacy document AMA will soon be launching its annual Indigenous Health Report, which this year will focus on RHD. The Heart Foundation have been consulted throughout its development.
Heart Foundation and RHD advocacy Where to next….. The Heart Foundation continues to work closely with RHD Australia to champion the need for a greater and ongoing focus of ARF and RDH. In the Northern Territory we are currently working with key stakeholders on a number of fronts looking at how we can bring the Social Determinants of Health front and centre to all levels of government. This is crucial work if we wish to see any further traction in terms of closing the gap on RHD
Heart Foundation and RHD advocacy Where to next….. Through our Health Ambassador program we are trying to ensure that RHD is clearly in the minds of all Health Professionals working in the NT. Our Health Ambassador’s are often our best and strongest voices in the community. The Heart Foundation will continue to work with the NT Health Minister and encourage the new Government to be strong leaders in addressing the gaps not only in healthcare but housing, infrastructure, transport, education and employment.
Heart Foundation and RHD advocacy Where to next….. The Heart Foundation continues to work with the media to ensure that the rest of Australia are aware the issues of social disadvantage and ARF /RHD. Importantly we are advocating for improved cardiac care for all Territorians. The Heart Foundation would like to see all Territorians receive secondary care that is evidence based, measurable, culturally appropriate and improves the health outcomes for people. This includes appropriate cardiac rehabilitation.
Heart Foundation and RHD advocacy Where to next….. Heart Foundation continues to work in the media space to ensure that the rest of Australia are aware of this issue. Importantly we are advocating for improved cardiac care for all Territorians. The Heart Foundation would like to see all Territorians receive secondary care that is evidence based, measurable, culturally appropriate and improves the health outcomes for people. This includes appropriate cardiac rehabilitation.
Thankyou Breanna Ellis Health Director Heart Foundation breanna Thankyou Breanna Ellis Health Director Heart Foundation 89822700