Karen Nolan Living Well Sefton Coordinator Information session Karen Nolan Living Well Sefton Coordinator
Partnership working…
Aim of Living Well Sefton The aim of Living Well Sefton is to reduce health and social inequalities and improve the health and wellbeing outcomes of people and families in our most deprived communities
What Living Well Sefton does… Supporting people to make positive behavioural changes and improve their health and wellbeing Delivering ‘Making Every Contact Count’ training across service providers in Sefton Administering a ‘Community Resilience Fund’, providing small grants to organisations and individuals
Living Well Sefton provides a ‘no wrong door’ service A man came into May Logan Centre to enquire about giving up smoking He was seen straight away by the specialist stop smoking service The advisor did a universal consultation which identified poor mental wellbeing The man was immediately seen by a Living Well Mentor based in May Logan Centre
He was a single parent on out of work benefits, his washing machine was broken and he was washing his children’s clothes in the bath The mentor supported the man and helped him apply for a grant for a new washing machine He continues to be supported to stop smoking and continues to engage with the Living Well Mentor, attending sessions with his children
Living Well Sefton partnership
Making a referral… Call 0300 323 0181 Use the online referral form on the website. The form is fully encrypted and imports the client data directly into the database
Development of a web tool to support positive changes…
Making Every Contact Count… Making Every Contact Count (MECC) is a national strategy that enables frontline workers to encourage people to make healthier choices and deliver consistent health messages Living Well Sefton will be supporting the roll out of MECC training to a significant proportion of front line workers over the next 2 years
MECC progress so far… Since January we have trained over 750 people to a minimum of Level 1 Wide range of participants in a range of roles, including volunteers, CEOs, Council Staff, small community organisations, elected members etc Using Eventbrite to manage bookings and Twitter to promote training and networking opportunities
Living Well Sefton Community Resilience Grants The fund is worth £87,500 over the 2 years The first 2 rounds have allocated approx £57k to groups and individuals Round 3 closed on the 17th Nov, we will be allocating around £30,000 on Friday! Focus on partnership bids
Round 2 organisations… SMILE – Pain management group in Seaforth, mostly older people, for physical activity sessions such as Tai Chi, chair based exercise, yoga etc Independence Initiatives – Healthy cooking course for people in supported accommodation including healthier shopping, budgeting and cooking skills
Round 2 individuals… 18 year old woman to deliver arts and crafts sessions to young people with LD at risk of social isolation supported by Buddy Up Crosby mums football for fitness – a football coach wants to respond to demand for football based activities for ‘older women’, mums and ‘those who ever got the chance’ Others Charlies Way, Nifty Knitters, Butterflies