Work shop & Demonstration Flower Arrangement Work shop & Demonstration
Flower Arrangement
Flower Arrangement Definition May be defined as art of organizing and grouping together plant materials (flower, foilage, fruits, twigs and so on) to achieve harmony of form, colour and texture, thereby adding cheer, life, and beauty to the surroundings.
Introduction Flower arrangement is very old art In india,flowers were earlier arranged in temples Ikebana were laid 1000 years ago
Introduction Before 1930,s it was not considered as a serious craft
Basics Creativity Beginners can develop art and experiment Research Practice
Basic Ingredients Mechanics Equipment Containers Bases Plant material
Mechanics Floral foam Green foam Brown/grey foam Chicken Wire Pin Holders Prong Florist’s Cone Adhesive clay Setting clay (dry & artificial arrangement)
Mechanics Adhesive tape Glue Pebbles and Marbles
Containers Vase and Jug Basket Bowls and trays Rose bowl Wreath frame Candle cup Mis. objects
Bases Table Mat Tree section Wood base Stone base Oriental base
Flower arrangement types/styles Based on Angle All – round arrangement Facing Arangement
All round
Mass style
Bunch in a vase
Traditional mass
Line style
Vertical line
Line Mass
Flower arrangement types/styles Based of the Space Mass Style Bunch in Vase Biedermeier Traditional mass Byzantine Cone Line Style
Flower arrangement types/styles Ikebana Vertical Line Line – mass style Triangular shape Circular shape Cresent shape Fan shape
Flower arrangement types/styles Hograth or S shape Mis. Parallel style Landscape syle
Flower arrangement types/styles Based on the effect Formal Informal arrangement Modern or free syle
Check list of Good flower arrangement Proportion Background Texture Balance
Making of circular flower arrangement Step 1 In your circular arrangement holder place one oasis on the top tray and another on the bottom tray. Secure the oasis with oasis tape to the trays.
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