Marine Birds Birds have light, hollow bones for efficient flight


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Presentation transcript:

Marine Birds Birds have light, hollow bones for efficient flight Marine birds, or seabirds, are birds that spend a significant part of their lives at sea and feed on marine organisms Most breed in large colonies on land True seabirds have webbed feet for swimming

Marine Birds Seabirds require a tremendous amount of food to supply the energy required to maintain their body temperature Only 3% of all birds are marine birds Marine birds, like reptiles, have salt-excreting glands to allow salt from their diet to drip out passages on their beaks (and movements, reproduction, etc.)

Penguins Fatty insulation keeps penguins warm while denser bones allows them to maintain neutral buoyancy in the water Streamlined bodies; can alternately swim and jump out of the water to reduce drag and increase swimming efficiency

Penguins All penguins are found in the Southern Hemisphere Believed to consume 85% of all food taken by birds in the Southern Hemisphere!

Penguins Dense, waterproof feathers trap air that, warmed by their body heat, protects against the cold The larger penguins (such as Emperor and King) hunt for squid and fish Small penguins (such as Adélie) feed primarily on krill

Tubenoses The tubenoses comprise a large group of seabirds with distinctive tube-like nostrils and heavy beaks that are usually curved at the tip Includes albatross, petrels, and shearwaters Spend months and often years at sea Salt glands empty into the nostrils to get rid of excess salts

Tubenoses Tubenoses are very skillful fliers Albatross have the largest wingspan of any bird (up to 11 feet from tip to tip)

Marine Birds