JT Martin and Anthony Alanis 2/7/12 Period 3
In the state of Delaware you are not permitted to buy an air gun while under the age of 18. You are not allowed to own one unless you are at least 16 years of age. While you own at 16 years of age you are not allowed to use it unless within adult supervision. It is unlawful to shoot across a road or within 15 yards of a road, or within 100 yards of an occupied building or barn or any other building used in connection therewith.
To make the purchase of a real firearm there are some similar laws. To purchase a rifle or shot gun you must be of 18 years of age. To purchase a handgun a person must 21 years of age, submit themselves to a criminal background check and, an adult record check.
This affects the people under the age of 16. Someone would and should care about this because there are many children of Delaware who would like to buy an air gun, but are not permitted to by Delaware law. A big problem is that if you make the age the same to buy an air gun and to buy a rifle and shotgun then most 18 year olds given the choice would choose a shot gun or rifle over an air gun.
The cause is the age to buy an air gun at 18. The reason that is the age requirement is because of fear of injury. But if you have a fear of injuries with an air gun, there must be a fear with a shot gun or rifle.
The scope of this problem is on the state level In my case it is on the Delaware state level.
One solution is to amend the air gun law so the that you can purchase an air gun at a lower age such as 13 when a child turns into a pre-teen. This way when you buy a an air gun at age 13 you have a level of maturity. With this solution you are acquiring responsibility, learning the harm a gun can cause, and builds safety skills for when or if you buy a real firearm. A second solution is to raise the age to purchase a rifle or a shotgun to 21 where the hand guns are allowed to be purchased. This way you are not giving the choice to a 18 year old to either buy an air gun or a shotgun or rifle.
A third solution is to change the law so that a person the age of 16 can own an air gun as long as they are following the law of using it under adult supervision and it following the laws pertaining to roads and buildings.
The best solution is the first solution. This is because with this you are pleasing a lot of teens 13 or older. You are also no pestering adults with having to supervise teens while using the air guns. With this solution you are pleasing everyone.
I am contacting representative Danny Short and senator Robert Venables. These people were contacted because they represent Delaware and I am arguing with a Delaware state law.
Dear Representative Danny Short, I am writing you this letter in concern to one of the Delaware state laws against air guns. The law says that you have to be 18 or older to buy an air gun in the state of Delaware. You also have to be at least 16 to own an air gun. There are also some restrictions to where you shoot this air gun which have good reasoning behind them. Where this gun can be shot is the least of my concerns. You can also buy a rifle or a shotgun at the age of 18. This which does not make sense to have the same age limits on air guns as it does on rifles and shotguns. Using common sense if you were to give the choice to an 18 year old between an air gun and a rifle or shotgun they are likely to pick the rifle and/or shotgun. I have also read on Delaware fire arm restrictions, and have found that you can only purchase a hand gun at the age of 21. This part though is a smart choice. My solution to this problem is rather simple solution to this problem. I propose that one solution is to amend the air gun law so that you can purchase an air gun at the age such as 13 when a child turns into a pre-teen. This way when you buy an air gun at age 13 you have a level of maturity. This gets rid of the issue of an 18 year old choosing between an air gun and a rifle and/or shotgun. Another good point about selecting this solution would be that if you let them get an air gun at age 13 they have great responsibility and know all the safety issues for when and if they go buy a rifle or shotgun at age 18 or if they buy a hand gun at age 21. This proposed solution is also good because this way if you own your air gun at age 13 with my proposed amendment then people under the age of 18 do not have to pester their parents when they want to use their air gun. This would make parents happy with you so when they go and vote next year they would be optimistic about voting you or your party. This would help you also in the long run. So doing this could have a positive effect on you. This plan is cheap, simple, and a good move. Therefore, I think this is a good plan for the kids of 13 or older and possibly you. Please notify me of whether or not you are supporting my proposal. Sincerely, John T. Martin Anthony B. Alanis