AP US History Week 3
Preparing for the AP Exam $16 $11 Preparing for the AP Exam *Good if you prefer a physical book *Make sure to get 2018 edition as the exam has changed
Study guide on my website for Module 1 Exam Looking Ahead… Study guide on my website for Module 1 Exam
This Week Read Chapter 3 1.05 Quiz 1.06 Writing Assignment
Chapter 3 Mercantilism Navigation Acts European history Anglo-Dutch War England gain New York territory (1683) Glorious Revolution- Protestants have more power 1689 Bill of Rights- Parliamentary powers Carolina (1670) Offered Religious toleration Pennsylvania (1681) The Holy Experiment by Quakers
First British Empire
Dutch Empire
Chapter 3 Slavery (African) introduced in the Chesapeake colonies. Replaces Indentured Servants Race and Racism associated with American slavery Bacon’s Rebellion (1676)
End of Colonial Autonomy 1675- Lord of Trade to oversee colonial affairs 1680s- England reduces colonial autonomy 1690- Forced to abide by the English Toleration Acts
Colonial Society The Salem Witch Trials Diverse populations from Ireland, Germany, Scotland Religious diversity: Protestant dominated. Jews and Catholics faced the most discrimination. Regional diversity: commerce in the north and agriculture in the south Social Classes: Elite dominated, and poverty was prevalent. Most lived in the middle class Women Women worked in the beginning of the colonies but soon reduced to traditional roles Overall, in the colonies, individuals had more freedoms- access to vote, acquire land, worship, and escape repressive governments*
1.05 Quiz Cash crops Tobacco Virginia Company Indentured servitude v Slavery Maryland vs Virginia Slave Law
Assignment 1.06 Introduces the short answer essay Require you to prepare brief responses that ask you to address themes in US history and utilize your historical analytical skills Do Not Require Thesis Statements! You don’t have to develop a persuasive argument You only have to provide facts Answers should be a paragraph in length (4-6 sentences)
Option 1 Think about your HAP-P Chart A: Write down what you know about Jamestown in 1615 For B and C: Be able to identify persons in the picture, their activities Social (human interaction): religion, class system (how do you know someone is rich or poor), gender, ethnicity, culture
Know the differences between the three major colonies in the pictures Option 2 Know the differences between the three major colonies in the pictures Social and Economic- religion, how did each region make money, gender roles
Short Answer Pay close attention to the time periods!! Make sure the events you include fit in the period being discussed Remember the directions ask for ONE example! But make sure to provide facts!
Any Questions? Reminder: September 6 OCVS Social Studies Workday from 9-3 Thank You For Coming! Have a great day!