Pennsylvania Animal Research By: Gretchen Ruhl & Sonya Newton Click Here To Begin
Wilkes University ED 526 11/10/2018 Introduction Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Process Continued Have you ever peered out your window to see what animals were lurking in your backyard? In Pennsylvania we are lucky to be able to see so many animals in their natural habitat. Therefore, it is your job as an animal detective to gather amazing facts about an animal from Pennsylvania. This information will then be presented in a Power Point presentation. You will be sharing your discoveries with your fellow animal researchers. This culminating activity will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of animals that live in our beautiful state!
Wilkes University ED 526 11/10/2018 Task Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Process Continued Your job is to create a Power Point presentation about one animal that lives in Pennsylvania. This will include the following information: description of your animal; what your animal eats; your animal's habitat; adaptations your animal has developed to survive; at least 3 interesting facts about your animal.
Kids' Planet ESPECIES Animal Fact Sheets Wilkes University ED 526 11/10/2018 Process Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Process Continued Step 1: You will need to choose an animal from the list below: groundhog bat skunk great blue heron robin mouse red fox squirrel red tail hawk weasel pheasant muskrat rabbit raccoon goose mallard duck garter snake white tailed deer owl mole king fisher spider Step 2: You will be using time in class and library to research your animal. You are required to use at least 2 sources. This can be obtained through use of an appropriate Internet site, encyclopedia, and other non-fiction books related to your animal. Some Internet research sites are provided below. Kids' Planet ESPECIES Animal Fact Sheets Zoo Animals - 425+ Mammals, Wild Animals, Endangered Species - Animal Sound Clips - Kids' Zoo - Animal News
Wilkes University ED 526 11/10/2018 Process Continued Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Process Continued Step 3: You will be taking notes on the provided graphic organizer. Graphic Organizer Step 4: After you have researched your animal, you will begin your Power Point presentation. Use the directions provided below to help you with this process. We will be using class time as well. Power Point Step 5: Once the Power Point presentations have been completed, we will be spending an afternoon celebrating your hard work as a Pennsylvania animal detective.
Peace Valley PowerPoint Presentation Rubric Wilkes University ED 526 11/10/2018 Evaluation Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Process Continued Peace Valley PowerPoint Presentation Rubric Content Technology Works Cited Personal Work Conventions 4 Had 9 slides. Wrote an effective hook Used creative phrases Included detailed information Had effective animation and order Used effective bullets Had contrasting background that made lettering clear Enhanced key words Cited more than 2 sources completely. Worked independently Used conventions well 3 Had 7-8 slides Included a hook Used descriptive phrases Wrote a paragraph with 3 or more facts Enhanced key words Used background and colors that complement project Used some animation Cited 2 sources completely. Worked with minimal assistance Used good conventions 2 Had fewer than 7 slides Needed help to collect and organize facts Chose animation that was distracting Used background that made reading difficult Chose font that was difficult to read Used one resource or did not cite sources completely. Needed reminders to stay on task. Needed assistance with writing conventions 1 Had fewer than 5 slides Had incomplete slides Used distracting animation Did not choose background Did not include works cited Was NOT on task Used poor writing conventions
Now it is time to reflect Haven’t you had loads of fun? Wilkes University ED 526 11/10/2018 Conclusion Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Process Continued Now it is time to reflect On all that we have done, C’mon admit it, Haven’t you had loads of fun? Think about all the wonderful animals that live in Pennsylvania. By working through the Web quest, you have explored the variety of animals in our state. After sharing this information, we can make smarter decisions for all living creatures great and small. You have learned about adaptations animals use to survive and the importance animals have in our state. Now that you have completed your project, check out this interactive game focusing on the lessons you learned about Pennsylvania animals. Animal Science Review If you enjoyed this Web quest, learn more about animals from all over the world.
Wilkes University ED 526 11/10/2018 Teacher Page Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Process Continued Level: This Web quest is appropriate for 3rd grade through 5th. Standards: However, it is linked with 4th grade Social Studies Pennsylvania Standards (Standard 3.3-Biological Sciences) Science State Standards Subject Area: This project is also connected to technology, research skills, reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. Time Frame: This project can be completed in approximately 2-3 weeks. Contacts: If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the Web quest designers at the following email accounts: