Street Rhymes! I say stay inside; You say, “Let’s go out.” I say go this way, You don’t like that route. We needn’t argue Or get mad, you see: Let’s put our heads together, And soon we’ll agree.
How can we look at things in a different way?
We are going to sing about a caught fish in a different way. One way we grow and change is to attempt new things? Attempt means to try. What new skill is the child in the blue shorts attempting to do with his mother? Let’s add Learn New Skills to our concept map. Children learn different skills as they get older. What order would you put learning the new skills, first, next and so on. Let’s add these to our concept map.
Listen for the Amazing Words: miserable, freedom, and selfish.
The song says the fish wants freedom.
When you have freedom, you can go where you want to go.
When the injured bird was healed, we gave it freedom and let it fly away. An important idea in America is that all people have freedom. Do you think you have more freedom now than you did as a baby? Why or why not? T & T free-dom
You would be miserable if you lost your bike. My cold made me feel miserable. My dog fells miserable when I scold her.
Show me what you would look like if you were miserable.
Selfish children won’t share their toys. It was selfish of the man to arrive late and keep everyone waiting. If you don’t help at home, you are being selfish with your time.
Would you want a selfish person for a friend? Explain.
How do you think the girl with only two crayons feels. Why How do you think the girl with only two crayons feels? Why? Use miserable in your answer.
Is either of those children selfish? How do you know?
Look at the picture of the man and the bird Look at the picture of the man and the bird. The man is giving freedom to a bird called a loon. Why is it a good idea to set wild animals free? Use the word freedom in your answer.
The fish had freedom when ____. _____makes me feel miserable. One way to be selfish is to _______.
What rhymes with brown. I see a clown What rhymes with brown? I see a clown. Themiddle sound in clown is /ou/, I see three crows. The middle sound in crows is long o.
Listen to the sounds in round: Listen to the sounds in show: /sh/ /o/ /w/ town bow elbow window ground frown pound
couch mouth sour out shout town row bow grow
I see a picture of an owl., a picture of snow, and a picture of a mouse. When I say owl, I hear /o/ at the beginning of owl, spelled with ow.
Tessa-A Alisa-A Braylin-A Noah -B Darron-B Haylee-B Leslie-A Kyra-A (Teacher Station) (Word Study Station) (Fluency Station) Tessa-A Alisa-A Braylin-A Noah -B Darron-B Haylee-B Leslie-A Kyra-A Amir-A Jayden-B Joshua-B Zachary-B -SaDayia-C Evelyn-A Heaven-A - Jeremiah-B Haydn-B
Word Study Spelling Words Partner A: Draw a card from the stack. Say the word Partner B: Spell the word. Check your spelling using the Partner A’s card.. Partner B should make a sentence using the word. Switch Roles If you finish before I call time, reread “Peaches and Cream” Get Fluent (Fluency Station) READ “Peaches and Cream” Before reading, practice reading the “Build A Word” cards. With your partners read the book. Partner “A” reads the left side of the page and Partner “B” reads the right side of the page. When Partner “A” reads, Partner “B” must Cover, Remember, Retell. When Partner “B” reads, Partner “A” must Cover, Remember, Retell.