Gate Evaluation Secret Sharing and Secure Two-Party Computation Vladimir Kolesnikov University of Toronto
Secure Function Evaluation One-Round f: D1 £ D2 D3 Input: y 2 D2 Input: x 2 D1 … f(x,y) f(x,y) ?
SFE Models Semi-honest Malicious Both players follow the protocol Observe communication, try to learn additional info Malicious Players can freely cheat Solutions can be obtained by “compilation” of a semi-honest protocol
Approaches to SFE SFE for specific functions Greater Than, Auctions, Voting SFE for arbitrary functions Functions given as a circuit, branching program, etc. This work: SFE of any boolean formula
Oblivious Transfer (OT) Input: secrets s0, s1 Input: b sb Learn: Learn: nothing
Reduction of SFE to OT OT is a fundamental primitive Rabin ’81, Kilian ‘88 Unconditional reductions are possible OT is implementable under a variety of computational and physical assumptions
Previous Work Yao’s Garbled circuit Sander, Young and Yung ’99 Kilian ’88 + Cleve ’90 (also CFIK ’03) Based on Permutation Branching Programs Ishai and Kushilevitz ’00, ’02 Based on Branching Programs
Secure Gate Evaluation x 2 {0,1} y 2 {0,1} G(x,y) ? s0’,s0’’ G(0,0) s0’,s1’’ G(0,1) s1’,s0’’ G(1,0) s1’,s1’’ G(1,1) sy’’ OT (x, (s0’,s1’)) sx’,sy’’ G(x,y) ?
Composition Gate Evaluation Secret Sharing (GESS) s00 s01 s10 s11 … … x 2 {0,1} y 2 {0,1} … s03,s04 s’G1(0,0) s00 s03,s14 s’G1(0,1) s01 s13,s04 s’G1(1,0) s10 s13,s14 s’G1(1,1) s11 I s00 s01 s10 s11 Gate Evaluation Secret Sharing (GESS)
GESS for Gates with Binary Inputs Wire 1 Wire 2 Output wire s00 b R0 R0 © s00 R1 © s10 s01 s10 1 R1 R0 © s01 R1 © s11 :b s11 Permute if b=1 b 2R {0,1} Reconstruction: (c r, r0 r1) r © rc Exponential growth with depth For OR and AND gates either left or right columns of wire 2 are equal!
GESS for AND/OR gates Key: view secrets as being equal, except for one column of blocks. share column-wise. (1) (2) (4) (1) (3) (4) n blocks of size k example: n = 3 2R ( {1..n+1} {1..n+1}) Shares have the same block equality properties
GESS Performance Given a boolean formula F Previous best Cost ¼ di2 ( di – depth of leaf i) F is balanced quazilinear in |F| Rebalance F to log depth (Bonet-Buss, Spira) Previous best exponential in depth directly for circuits quadratic in |F| via Branching Programs
GESS Performance Cost of SFE of boolean NC1 circuit of depth d This work O(2d d2) Previous best (2d 2d1/2) (Kilian-Cleve, Cramer-Fehr-Ishai-Kushilevitz ‘03)
Other results Lower Bounds New Efficient Protocol for GT Generalization of Yao’s Garbled Circuit
Lower Bounds When secrets are independent H(Ai) + H(Bj) ¸ 3 H(S) Wire 1 Wire 2 Output wire S00 A0 B0 S01 1 S10 A1 B1 S11 When secrets are independent H(Ai) + H(Bj) ¸ 3 H(S)