OPS Supports YOU! OPS School Region Union Legal Investigative Cases General Investigative Unit (GIU) Civilian Investigative Unit (CIU) Administrative Review (AR) Civil Rights Compliance (CRC) OPS School Region Legal Union GIU CIU CRC Performance Cases 90 Calendar Day Non-compliance Attendance OPS serves as the gatekeepers for all investigative and performance personnel cases. We guide the schools, in conjunction with the Region offices through the process. OPS maintains lines of communication open between you, your region, the union and our legal department. All to ensure the best possible outcome for you and your students. Other Cases Fitness for Duty Reasonable Suspicion Records Checks Inspector General
Reporting Incidents You have been made aware of an allegation: Have the alleged victim provide a written statement. Have any witnesses provide a written statement. Speak with the alleged suspect about the incident. Take pictures of any marks and/or bruises. If it is determined that the incident may have happened: Contact the Region Office Personnel Director. Complete the PIM Reporting Form (FM-7039) Email it to pimreporting@dadeschools.net The Incident Review Team (IRT) will review the Lead Sheet and contact you for more information. Once IRT assigns it to the appropriate investigative entity, you will receive it. Reminder: Employee must be notified verbally within 1 business day and in writing within 2 business days. It is very helpful if you (as the site administrator) looks into the allegation by asking questions. It does not mean that you are doing the investigation. Always contact your region and keep them in the loop of what is occurring. You will receive an email the morning that IRT will discuss the Lead Sheet, therefore, it is imperative that the you are ready to answer the call. If for any reason, you will not be available, please inform your designee of the facts so that he/she can share the information with the IRT.
Be accountable for your actions! Ethics Matter Deal truthfully without offering a misrepresentation of facts or fraudulent information concerning educational matters. Avoid conflicts of interest or any appearance of impropriety both at work and in the community. Keep personal and professional views separate. Take reasonable precautions to distinguish between personal views and those of the organization with which you are affiliated. Cooperate to protect and advance the District and its students. Utilize only the District's collaboration sites and/or approved sites as directed by the Superintendent. Personal use of the District’s network, including e-mail and the Internet, is permitted as long as it does not interfere with your job responsibilities and complies with all District policies and standards, State and/or Federal law, and Florida’s Code of Ethics for the Education Profession. Be accountable for your actions! School Board Policies 1121.01 - Employment Standards and Fingerprinting 1124 - Drug-Free Workplace 1129 - Conflict of Interest 1210 - Standards of Ethical Conduct 1210.01 - Code of Ethics 1213 - Student Supervision and Welfare 7540.04 - Staff Responsible Use of Technology, Social Media and District Network Systems 7540.05 - Staff Electronic Email
Have a great school year! Important Reminders Summative Evaluations Carry over IPEGS cases Ongoing Attendance Issues Pending Administrative Reviews OPS conducts meetings at your region office once a month Visit ops.dadeschools.net for important information and to access OPS Manual PIM Manual Frequently used Documents Ethics Matter Summative Evaluations If the 2015-16 summative evaluation was withheld due to an unresolved personnel issue and/or pending investigation, if that employee had a “good year,” then according to state statute, he/she is entitled to a summative evaluation as soon as the issue is resolved. Anyone with developing or needs improvement on the Final Summative Performance Evaluation will engage in professional growth opportunities identified by the professional and the site administrator. This will occur without the requirement of an IPEGS Observation indicating below effective in one or more IPEGS Performance Standards. Those receiving unsatisfactory on the Final Summative Performance Evaluation will be placed on an IP. This will occur without the requirement of a Support Dialogue indicating that the professional did not remediate. Carry over IPEGS The “black out” period ended for all employees on an existing 90 Calendar Day Improvement Plan. Please plan to go soon after that date. Attendance If an employee was issued an “Absence from the Worksite Memorandum” during the 2015-16 school year and their attendance issue was not resolved then the site administrator should issue a reminder memorandum . Administrative Reviews which were not concluded during the 2015-16 year should be concluded as soon as possible. New Have a great school year!
Opening of Schools 2016-17 Contact Phone # Email Dr. Jimmie Brown, Administrative Director 305-995-7128 jimmiebrown@dadeschools.net Ms. Anne-Marie Duboulay, District Director 305-995-7175 aduboulay@dadeschools.net Ms. Carmen Gutierrez, District Director 305-995-7104 carmengutierrez@dadeschools.net Ms. Helen Piña, District Director 305-995-7103 hpina@dadeschools.net Ms. DanySu Pritchett, District Director 305-995-7595 dpritchett@dadeschools.net Ms. Maria Zabala, 305-995-7106 mzabala@dadeschools.net