17 March 2014 English IV Do Now: Get ready to present! Presentation on Frankenstein extras Frankenstein on film Prezi
17 March 2014 PSAT-10 Do Now: Get out worksheets on Idiom & Diction and a highlighter! Looking at the 9 weeks test Writing skills: Modifiers & Irregular verbs HW-Math!
17 March 2014 AP English IV Do Now: Tone 93 4 th 9 weeks poetry response assignment Contemporary novel project assignment Poetry-reading and discussing Love and Longing & Humor and Satire collections HW-Pick a novel from the list by this Friday!
18 March 2014 Dual Credit/English IV Nonfiction! Talking terms/Elements of F in NF Reading/Discussing a work of NF Reading/Answering questions about a work of NF
18 March 2014 English IV Do Now: Correcting common errors, Fragments and Run-ons A The Victorian Period, background HW-Vocab quiz 22; Buy Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy before class on April 3
18 March 2014 ACC English IV Do Now: Tone th Century, background HW-Vocab quiz 22; Buy Ocean at the End of the Lane before class on April 8
19 March 2014 English IV Do Now: Correcting common errors, Fragments and Run-ons A The Victorian Period, background HW-Vocab quiz 22; Buy Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy before class on April 4
19 March 2014 PSAT-10 Math! HW-Simon Quiz 5
19 March 2014 AP English IV Do Now: Tone 94 Poetry-reading and discussing Milestones & The Natural World collections HW-PR #1; Pick contemporary novel!
20 March 2014 Dual Credit/English IV More Nonfiction! Discussion of MS Tamale essay Groups reading 2 sets of NF essays Discussion on their connections If time, start film…
20 March 2014 English IV Do Now: Prepare for quiz! Vocabulary quiz 22-Latin and Greek Unit 1 Read: Tennysons Lady of Shallott and Ulysses Respond: Analyze the conflict experienced by the protagonists and how it emphasizes the overall themes in these poems. HW-Buy Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy before class on April 3
20 March 2014 ACC English IV Do Now: Prepare for quiz; Tone 94 Vocabulary quiz 22-Latin and Greek Unit 1 Read: Sassoons The Rear Guard and Owens Dulce et Decorum Est Watch: Life in the trenchesLife in the trenches Respond: Write a analysis of the two poems, comparing and contrasting the imagery, sound devices, and structure used.
21 March 2014 English IV Do Now: Prepare for quiz! Vocabulary quiz 22-Latin and Greek Unit 1 Read: Tennysons Lady of Shallott and Ulysses Respond: Analyze the conflict experienced by the protagonists and how it emphasizes the overall themes in these poems. HW-Buy Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy before class on April 4
21 March 2014 PSAT-10 Do Now: Ferris time! Ferris Bueller 5, 15 mins. Simon quiz 5 Discussing CR section from 9 weeks test HW-Verbal packet 5 due.
21 March 2014 AP English IV Do Now: Tone 95; PR #1 Discussing contemporary novel picks Poetry-2013 MC practice, 45 minutes timed HW-Get a copy of contemporary novel and start reading/working : )
24 March 2014 Dual Credit/English IV Finishing up film Discussing bias in it HW-Bring NF book for in class reading
24 March 2014 English IV Do Now: Subject-Verb agreement A Read: Brownings My Last Duchess and Porphyrias Lover Respond: Analyze the relationships of these two couples and what they reveal to the reader about the two speakers. HW-Vocab quiz 23; Buy Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy before class on April 3
24 March 2014 ACC English IV Do Now: Tone 95 Read: Eliots Preludes and The Hollow Men Watch: The Hollow MenThe Hollow Men Respond: Write an analysis of imagery in both poems. How does it reveal what Eliot is saying about modern life? HW-Vocab quiz 23
25 March 2014 English IV Do Now: Subject-Verb agreement A Read: Brownings My Last Duchess and Porphyrias Lover Respond: Analyze the relationships of these two couples and what they reveal to the reader about the two speakers. HW-Vocab quiz 23; Buy Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy before class on April 4
25 March 2014 PSAT-10 Do Now: Get out Verbal packet 5 and a highlighter! Receive packet 6; due April 2 nd Writing skills: Subjunctive & Coordination Subjunctive: Coordination: HW-Math
25 March 2014 AP English IV Do Now: Tone 96 Poetry-2008 AP Essay, 40 minutes timed HW-PR #2
26 March 2014 Dual Credit/English IV Do Now: Get out your nonfiction book. In-class reading time! HW-Bring book for in-class rough draft.
26 March 2014 English IV Do Now: Get ready for quiz! Vocabulary quiz 23-Latin and Greek Unit 2 Hardys Channel Firing and Housmans Is My Team Ploughing? Response: Analyze the use of irony and anticlimax in these poems and what they reveal about Victorian life and concerns. HW-Read Doyles The Final Problem; Buy Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy before class on April 3
26 March 2014 ACC English IV Do Now: Prepare for quiz; Tone 96 Vocabulary quiz 23-Latin and Greek Unit 2 Read: Yeatss Lake Isle of Innisfree and Easter, 1916 Watch: The Easter Rising of 1916The Easter Rising of 1916 Respond: Some critics consider Yeats to be the first Modern poet, while others see him as continuing the Romantic tradition. Read other Yeats poems in our book (The Second Coming 923 and The Wild Swans at Coole 982) then argue whether you see him as a poet with Romantic or Modern concerns. Use examples from the 4 poems as support.
27 March 2014 English IV Do Now: Get ready for quiz! Vocabulary quiz 23-Latin and Greek Unit 2 Hardys Channel Firing and Housmans Is My Team Ploughing? Response: Analyze the use of irony and anticlimax in these poems and what they reveal about Victorian life and concerns. HW-Read Doyles The Final Problem; Buy Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy before class on April 4
27 March 2014 PSAT-10 Math! HW-Simon quiz 6
27 March 2014 AP English IV Do Now: Tone 97; PR #2 Poetry-Workshop of essay from last class, revise and type final draft HW-Bring rough and final drafts of essay
28 March 2014 Dual Credit/English IV In-class analysis writing, based on the NF work you read HW-Bring rough draft to finish up and conference on with Schooler.
28 March 2014 English IV Do Now: Pronoun-Antecedent agreement A Quiz on HW reading Doyle background Start watching The Reichenbach Fall HW-Vocab quiz 24; Buy Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy before class on April 3
28 March 2014 ACC English IV Do Now: Tone 97 Read: Thomass Fern Hill and Do Not Go Gentle Watch: Respond: Compare and contrast Thomass thoughts on youth and old age as presented in these poems. HW-Vocab quiz 24
31 March 2014 English IV Do Now: Pronoun-Antecedent agreement A Quiz on HW reading Doyle background Start watching The Reichenbach Fall HW-Vocab quiz 24; Buy Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy before class on April 3
31 March 2014 PSAT-10 Do Now: Get ready for Ferris 5 check! Ferris Bueller 6, 11 mins. Simon Quiz 6 HW-Verbal packet 6 due
31 March 2014 AP English IV Do Now: Tone 98 Prose-Reading and discussing
1 April 2014 Dual Credit/English IV Finish up final draft Conference with Schooler HW-Type final draft of essay; bring rough draft.
1 April 2014 English IV Do Now: Prepare for quiz! Vocabulary quiz 24-Latin and Greek Unit 3 Finish watching The Reichenbach Fall Compare/contrast writing HW-Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy!
1 April 2014 ACC English IV Do Now: Prepare for quiz; Tone 98 Vocabulary quiz 24-Latin and Greek Unit 3 Read: Heaneys Digging and The Grauballe Man Watch: Respond: Discuss how the poets use of comparisons in both works reveal his themes.
2 April 2014 English IV Do Now: Prepare for quiz! Vocabulary quiz 24-Latin and Greek Unit 3 Finish watching The Reichenbach Fall Compare/contrast writing HW-Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy!
2 April 2014 PSAT-10 Do Now: Get out Verbal packet 6 and a highlighter! Receive 7; due April 10 th Writing-PSAT practice in groups HW-Math
2 April 2014 AP English IV Do Now: Tone 99 Prose-Reading and discussing HW-PR #3
3 April 2014 Dual Credit/English IV Discussing Inquiry paper Reading examples in Sticks and Stones HW-Bring 3 questions for inquiry
3 April 2014 English IV Do Now: Pronoun forms A The 20 th Century background notes Assigning reading schedule and journal for Hitchhikers Guide HW- Vocab quiz 25
3 April 2014 ACC English IV Do Now: Tone 99 Read: Audens Musee des Beaux Arts Respond: Activity with art HW-Read Achebes Marriage is a Private Affair; Vocab quiz 25
4 April 2014 English IV Do Now: Pronoun forms A The 20 th Century background notes Assigning reading schedule and journal for Hitchhikers Guide HW- Vocab quiz 25
4 April 2014 PSAT-10 Math! HW-Simon quiz 7
4 April 2014 AP English IV Do Now: Tone 100; PR #3 Prose-2013 MC practice, timed