STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC SMGSC on Compliance Database 27 June 2003, Bratislava
AIM AND MAIN TASKS collecting, processing, evaluating and providing reliable, unbiased and good quality statistical information on social and economic development of the society The SO SR mainly: - ensures development of official statistics - proclaims classifications, nomenclatures and registers - is responsible for contents and realisation of the Programme of Statistical Surveys - provides statistical results to state administration institutions, international organisations - realises transformation of statistical system for the conditions of market economy, and harmonisation with EU statistics
STATISTICAL LEGISLATION Law on State Statistics Law on Statistical Surveys of Population Law on State Information System Law on Personal Data Protection
LAW ON STATE STATISTICS (I.) Valid since 1/1/2002 Tasks and responsibilities of statistical bodies (semi-centralised system) Preparation of the Programme of Statistical Surveys Statistical Council Obligations of reporting units Confidentiality and protection of individual data International obligations Dissemination rules Access to administrative data sources
LAW ON STATE STATISTICS (II.) Main changes in comparison with the previous Law: Full compliance with the EU statistical legislation Standardisation of reporting obligations Harmonisation of terminology More precise and specific confidentiality rules Clarification of SOSR’s rights of access to administrative data sources Programme of Statistical Surveys - 3 years Fixed term of appointment of the president of SO SR (5y) Internal organisation of SO SR - regional offices became integral parts of the Headquarters
PROGRAMME OF STATISTICAL SURVEYS Compiled for a 3-year period Includes surveys that: are necessary from the society point of view are carried out efficiently without duplicities stressing purposeful use of administrative sources provide good quality and comparable data
STAFFING OF THE SOSR offices) 70 % are women 1128 employees (334 at headquarters ; cca 800 at regional offices) 70 % are women 42,2 % with university education age mainly between 46 – 55 (38%) 2002 – 20 new employees approved by government, 17 hired 2003 – 30 new employees approved – till 31 May no posts filled Law on Civil Service (since 1 April 2002)
COMPLIANCE MONITORING Integration Mondays (1999) - systematic evaluation of harmonisation - improve awareness of SOSR employees - clarification of competencies and responsibilities for individual legal norms Working group 12. STATISTICS - tasks division between SOSR and other ministries Annual Work Plan of the SOSR Annual Report of the SOSR
COMPLIANCE MONITORING (II) Compliance Database Useful for internal compliance monitoring Helps in evaluation and planning Identifying problem areas Up-to-date acquis (SRC) Progress Report Informs the SOSR staff on state of harmonisation process
DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY of STATE STATISTICS for 2003 – 2006 (I.) Goals achieved in 2002: New law on State Statistics valid since 1/1/2002 Application of internationally valid classifications NA compiled in line with ESA95 More effective use of administrative data sources Completion of demographic statistics in line with EU methods Population and Housing Census 2001 Farm Structure Census 2001 Improved data collection and dissemination Harmonisation of short-term and structural statistics
DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY of STATE STATISTICS for 2003 - 2006 (II.) Strategic goals for 2003: NA - revision of time-series in line with ESA95 General extension of data sets provided to Eurostat (business,economic, social statistics) Improvement of branch and social statistics Improvement of economic and regional accounts Harmonisation of price statistics Introduction of international trade statistics - FATS Setting up registers of SMEs Preparation of INTRASTAT Extension of information sources on living standard of population Introduction of TQM system ISO 9001
DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY of STATE STATISTICS for 2003 - 2006 (III.) Strategic goals for 2004-2006: Finalisation of pilot and national projects on implementation of acquis communautaire Adoption of new statistical approaches related to the globalisation process, new economic behaviour, European trade… Development of satellite accounts in economic and social statistics Development of model approach in SNA EMU - improvement of BoP, financial and sectoral QNA Providing data in NUTS2 (regional statistics) - structural funds Consistency and comparability of long time-series with MS