A Separate Peace Jeopardy Vocabulary People Places Events Who Said It? $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy
Short statements of truth; adages Vocabulary $100 Short statements of truth; adages Aphorisms
Vocabulary $200 Peculiar Idiosyncratic
A deadly poison; cause of ruin Vocabulary $300 A deadly poison; cause of ruin Bane
Vocabulary $400 Luxurious Opulent
Deep-rooted, often mutual, hatred Vocabulary $500 Deep-rooted, often mutual, hatred Enmity
He said the accident was Gene's fault People $100 He said the accident was Gene's fault Brinker Hadley
People $200 The Narrator Gene Forrester
Crew manager of the rowing team People $300 Crew manager of the rowing team Quakenbush
People $400 Summer Head Master Patchwithers
The author of A Separate Peace People $500 John Knowles The author of A Separate Peace
Location/Name of the school Places $100 Location/Name of the school Devon
The River near the location of the Winter Carnival Places $200 The River near the location of the Winter Carnival Nagaumsett
Places $300 Which two sites did the narrator go back to Devon to see? The Devon River and the gym.
What state is the Devon school located? Places $400 What state is the Devon school located? New Hampshire
Places $500 Where is “Christmas Vacation?” Leper’s home in Vermont
Events $100 Why was the Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session created? It was created to formalize the jumping out of the tree ritual.
Events $200 Why didn’t Gene tell Phineas the truth at the infirmary? Dr. Stanpole came in before Gene could tell him.
Events $300 What was Phineas’ reaction when Gene did confess? At first he didn't want to believe it. Then he asked Gene to leave.
How did Gene react to Leper’s description of what happened to him? Events $400 How did Gene react to Leper’s description of what happened to him? Gene didn't want to hear it. He told Leper to shut up and then he ran away and left Leper alone. .
What finally happened to Phineas? (Be specific) Events $500 What finally happened to Phineas? (Be specific) He died because bone marrow got into his blood stream and stopped his heart.
Who Said It? $100 “I didn’t need to feel any tremendous rush of gratitude towards Phineas” Gene
Who Said It? $200 “Listen, pal, if I can’t play sports, you’re going to play them for me” Phineas
Who Said It? $300 “What’s the matter with our class anyway? It isn’t even June yet and we’ve already got two men sidelined for the duration.” Brinker
“There’s a long-distance call for you” Who Said It? $400 “There’s a long-distance call for you” Mr. Ludsbury
“I’m going to enlist in these ski troops” Who Said It? $500 “I’m going to enlist in these ski troops” Leper Lepellier
Final Jeopardy What two realizations did Gene have about his relationship with Phineas? Phineas was jealous of Gene's being the head of the class and had deliberately set out to wreck his studies.