Learning with hierarchical templates – A platform for formative assessment and review in cell biology Kirill Kiselyov, PhD, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh
Pitt BIOSC1500 25-62 students. 2017 is 62 students. Majority are: Senior, biological science, molecular biology or neuroscience track; Pre-med; Understand the need to read primary research literature; Interested in translational science; Very well or well prepared.
Science of cellular management How does the cell work as a unit? How do cells coordinate and communicate? Why does miscommunication cause disease?
Competencies Components Understand the basic cell biological principles, Textbook and lectures (narrative, focus) Read and understand research papers, Primary research literature (aided by presentation exchange), Discovery phases, in-class activities, and the conference (discovery, new skills) Peer-Review Presentation Exchange Evaluate the impact of scientific findings, Understand pathogenesis of diseases.
Presentation exchange Submission checklist Review checklist Instructor Narrated presentation Student presenter Student reviewer Review
2171_BIOSC_1500 gains POST-
2171_BIOSC_1500 help POST-
2171_BIOSC_1500 gains POST- I am now knowledgeable about how scientists test their hypotheses and explain its overall, central importance to the scientific world. I never knew how research worked in detail so reading modern literature really opened my eyes to how experiments are conducted, what each experiment's role is, how mechanisms are proved or disproved, and how these findings are used in the clinical setting. These concepts can be universalized throughout all science classes. I better understand cell biologists thought process when trying to understand processes within a cell.
Assignment via email or Courseweb Record slide show (manual provided)
Cell biology is especially rich in complex ideas and advanced concepts
Protein traffic involves SELECTIVE recruitment of cargo into vesicles based on TAGS. TAGGING vesicles for SPECIFIC delivery. REGULATED docking and fusion. Matching vesicles to SPECIFIC organelles. Figure 13-1 Molecular Biology of the Cell (© Garland Science 2008)
Coat formation Vesicle formation depends on binding of cargo to the receptors. This works as a SWITCH triggering coat formation Figure 13-1 Molecular Biology of the Cell (© Garland Science 2008)
Switches in coat formation Coat formation depends on GTP-dependent switches actuated by GEFs Figure 13-1 Molecular Biology of the Cell (© Garland Science 2008)
GDP-dependent switch
HOMEWORK: How is the fission driven by switches?
Shedding of the coat
Switch that tags the vesicles
Vesicle matching to the target organelle Rab-tagged vesicles can only fuse with target compartments containing compatible Rab effectors Table 13-1 Molecular Biology of the Cell (© Garland Science 2008)
Importance of primary literature
Goals Challenge Highly complex knowledge (many components and relationships) Priorities are not obvious/hard to retain Retrieval is difficult Formative assessment Solution Help prioritize components and relations Help identify the relations Paper trail Peer-review System that helps with hierarchical organization (priorities and relations) of knowledge
Is mindmapping the solution?
Is mindmapping the solution or is it too easy?
Proposal: Fillable hierarchical templates for analysis and sharing
Fillable hierarchical templates Protocol Fill out right after class Curated by the instructor Cross-assigned to peers Retained for self-review Benefits Forces to rethink the material Helps establish priorities and relationships Peer-review Formative assessment Paper trail
Assignment via email or Courseweb
Rubrics/checklists Submittor Identify main message Identify key findings and observations Make logical transitions and connections Reiewer Is this a complete account of material? Do you agree with the main conclusion? Are there logical transitions and connections? Did it improve own understanding?
Assessment Attitude Perceived improvement in confidence and attitude towards complex concepts discussed in the class 3 or 5-point Lickert’s scale Efficacy Tangible evidence of improvement in the learning outcomes provided by this approach Mini-quizzes on material (manuscript assignments) with and without the templates. Factual knowledge and retention
Partially pre-filled, even wrong templates as tools