You have the POWER to save lives
? Who is Conversation Starter! Ask if anyone had heard of NJ Sharing Network before Speaking Points NJ Sharing Network is a non-profit, federally designated organ procurement organization (OPO) committed to saving and enhancing lives through the miracle of organ and tissue donation and transplantation. NJSN operates 24/7/365 with a team of over 150 highly trained and dedicated members on staff. NJ Sharing Network Foundation is committed to increasing the number of lives saved through innovative transplant research, family support, public awareness and education about the life-saving benefits of organ and tissue donation and transplantation. NJSN covers 55 hospitals within 14 different counties.
4,000 Conversation Starter! Ask the student show many people are waiting for a life saving organ transplant in NJ. Once the number is revealed ask if it seems like a big number or small number. Speaking Points Currently, there are more than 4,000 people in NJ waiting for a life saving transplant. This link will bring you to how many people are waiting in your city/town Relative to NJ it may seem sort of small, BUT It’s important to remember that all of these people are waking up everyday and they are not sure what the next day is going to bring. Compare this number to how many students are in the school, have the students look around the room and imagine if everyone was waiting for a transplant.
115,000 Conversation Starter! If there are over 4,000 people in NJ waiting for a transplant, ask them how many people are waiting for a life saving organ transplant across the country. Speaking Points This is the number of people waiting for a solid organ transplant in the USA. This number changes minute by minute. Currently 20 people are dying everyday because we do not have enough organs to transplant.
Waiting List by Organ Kidney - 80% Liver - 12% Heart - 3% Lung - 1% Conversation Starter! Ask the students what the most needed organ is. Speaking Points Currently 80% of people are waiting for a kidney transplant! “Other” is made up of pancreas, kidney/pancreas, heart/lung and intestines. The kidney, liver and lung all have the ability to be donated through living donation. Kidney is the most commonly donated organ through living donation. One kidney can be donated as you only need one to live a normal healthy life. There are two donors required for living lung donation, each donating a lobe to the recipient. While the lung does not regenerate the remaining lung tissue expands and fills the space. A portion of the liver can be donated as it will regenerate. You MUST be 18 or older to be a living donor. Lung - 1% Other - 4%
How many lives can be saved from one organ donor? Conversation Starter! Ask the students how many lives they think can be saved from one organ donor.
Conversation starter! Ask the students about the liver! We can also do something incredible with the liver because it is the only organ that regenerates! The liver can be split and go on to help two people. Speaking Points 8 lives can be saved, the potential for 9 with a split liver! The heart, lungs (can go to two different people), liver, kidneys (can go to two different people), pancreas and intestine Anyone has the potential to be an organ donor regardless of medical history and age.
How many lives can be enhanced with one tissue donor? Conversation starter! See if the students know how many lives can be enhanced from one tissue donor.
be enhanced with tissue donation! More than 75 lives can be enhanced with tissue donation! Speaking Points Unlike organ donation, tissue donors do not have to pass away at a hospital or be on a ventilator, which means many more people are able to give the gift of tissue. Tissue donation has the ability to help more than 75 people.
Conversation Starter! Ask the students how each tissue donation can help someone Ask the students if they know anyone who has torn an ACL or MCL, this is a very common sports injury that many of them can relate to. Speaking Points Example of some tissue donation uses would be: Corneas can give the gift of sight. Heart valves can be used for heart defects and valve replacements. Bones can be used for spinal surgeries or in dental work. Veins can be used in cardiovascular surgeries or for dialysis patients. Tendons can be used in many athletic injuries, including ACL repair . Skin can be used in breast mastectomy reconstruction, babies born with cleft palates, and skin grafts.
The gift of organ donation is truly rare Conversation Starter! Ask the students what percentage of people have the ability to be an organ donor Speaking Points Being able to be an organ donor is an incredibly rare gift, not many people have the ability to do so.
of all deaths go on to become organ donors. Less than 1% of all deaths go on to become organ donors. Speaking Points When you break it down, it is 1/10 of a percent For organ donation to occur a person needs to have passed away on a ventilator so we can make sure the organs are functioning and healthy. In addition to that, when organ donation occurs it is typically a sudden, unexpected brain injury; an accident, fall, brain aneurysm, stroke, etc. Tissue donation is also rare happening at just 10% of the time
What can you do? There are many things a student can do the raise awareness for organ and tissue donation. The next slides will give a few examples.
Register! Conversation Starter! Ask the students how many of them have had a conversation with their family about their decision. Speaking Points There are different ways to register as an organ and tissue donor; you may do it on your drivers license, online or through your iPhone! You can register online at our website and just click the ‘register’ button if you are 18 or older - The new online National Registry allows those 18 and under to register their intent You can now also register as a donor on your iPhone in the health app! This information feeds directly into the National Registry. One thing just as important as registering is talking to your loved ones about your wishes. Even if you are a registered donor it is important to have a conversation about your decision. A great conversation starter at home can be found in the resource section at Instagram @NJSharingNetwork Spread the word! #IGotThePower Snapchat @NJSharing Twitter @NJSharing Instagram @NJSharingNetwork Conversation Starter! Ask the students how many of them are on social media Speaking Points If every person in this room went on to talk about what they learned today we could affect 100’s or 1000’s of people and potentially save lives Social media is an easy way learn more, get involved or message NJSN
April is Donate Life Month! April is a great time to get your school or community involved Blue and Green Day Hand out bracelets during lunch Create a mural in the school Honor a family Any idea can become a new way to raise awareness! Speaking Points April is Donate Life Month, a great time to advocate for donation. April 21, 2017 is National Blue and Green Day, but you can make any day Blue and Green day. Have the school dress up, take a photo, NJSN can post it on their Facebook page and tag the school Bakes sales, educational hand outs, morning announcements, sporting groups, registry drives any idea is a good idea to raise awareness. Hillsborough High School Donate Life Club honors Tim Piazza
Robbie Kelly represents NJ Sharing Network! Volunteer Volunteer with your friends Earn volunteer hours for clubs or college Help with mailings, 5K planning, and table displays! We host certified volunteer trainings once a month at our headquarters! Speaking Points NJ Sharing Network offers Certified Volunteer Training once a month at their headquarters, if enough students are interested we can come to the school to do the training. Students can volunteer within their community or at NJ Sharing Network. Different activities can be done, including mailings, table displays, health fairs and more. Robbie Kelly represents NJ Sharing Network!
Visit Conversation Starter! Ask the students if they have been to NJ Sharing Network before. Ask the students if they have visited Liberty Science Center before. Speaking points NJ Sharing Network has a state of the art Lab, walls honoring those who have given the gift of life, and plenty of presenters for an interesting and informative day. Liberty Science Center offers a Live From kidney and heart transplant and an interactive exhibit where you can learn more about donation.
Scholarship The NJ Sharing Network Foundation awards TWO scholarships. The scholarships are awarded to high school seniors who are awareness advocates or personally affected by organ and tissue donation & transplantation Speaking Points NJ Sharing Network scholarships are supported by Missy’s Miracles and Betsy Niles Scholarship Fund. The scholarships are offered to high school seniors who have a personal connection to donation OR have been an advocate for donation. Each scholarship will be for $5,000 total - $2,500 per semester. More information can be found at
5K Celebration of Life Anyone can start a team! Fundraise for an incredible cause! Easy to get friends and family involved Earn volunteer hours! Anyone can start a team! Speaking Points NJ Sharing Network Celebration of Life is 5K is not just a run/walk, it brings together donor families, recipients, those waiting, and those who have lost someone waiting Anyone can become a volunteer for the 5K, you do not have to be a certified volunteer Great way to get volunteer hours and learn about the organization, while meeting the people impacted by organ and tissue donation. More information can be found at
JOIN US! 2019 5K Celebration of Life May 19 – Long Branch June 2 - New Providence Speaking Points May 19th will be held at the Long Branch Boardwalk June 2nd will be held at NJ Sharing Network Headquarters in New Providence, NJ Potentially another date in July TBD! Videos about the 5K Celebration of life can be found More information about the 5K can be found here