Made mostly of hydrogen What is a Star??? Made mostly of hydrogen Huge spheres of glowing gas Gives brightness Produce energy through process of nuclear fusion
How are stars classified? Color & Temperature Size Composition (Make-up) Brightness (Depends on size & Temperature)
Function of a Star Hot Stars Cool Stars It fuses hydrogen into helium Not for a long time Burns fast & hot Burns slow It fuses hydrogen into helium Lasts long
How does a star shine??? High Mass Star Low Mass Star Radiates energy from nuclear reactions When it runs out of fuel, it dies & becomes compact High Mass Star Low Mass Star Evolve faster & die sooner Die quietly Die in Big explosions!!!!!!
Birth/Life/Death of a Star universe-works-a-star-is-born
On-line Lessons: The Birth and Death of Stars White Dwarf and Planetary Nebula Collapsing cloud Sun-like stars A new star Supernova Remnant and Neutron Star Red Giant Massive stars Birth and Death of Stars - Summary
Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram