Do Now Why would it be important to understand how a person physically and cognitively develops in the field of psychology?
Now Read and complete Qs #1-2 I will lecture on Qs #1-2 You will have half the class period I will lecture on Qs #1-2 Second half of class period
Prenatal Development & The Newborn Unit 9 – Developmental Prenatal Development & The Newborn
Intro Developmental Psychology examines how people are continually developing physically, cognitively, and socially, from infancy through old age Much of the research done in this field of psych centers around these 3 issues Nature versus nurture How do genetic inheritance (nature) and experiences (the nurture we receive) influence our development? Continuity and stages Is development a gradual, continuous process like riding an escalator, or does it proceed through a sequence of stages, like climbing the bars on a ladder Stability and change Do our early personality traits persist through life, or do we become different people as we age?
Conception Conception is marked by when the sperm and egg come together. There is 1 egg and about 200 million sperm having a swim race to get to it. This 1 egg and 1 sperm form you!!
Prenatal Development As an egg and a sperm develop they get different categorized names Zygote fewer than half of all fertilized eggs survive the first 2 weeks, considered a zygote until you attach to the uterine wall (why we have periods) Embryo at this point of development the zygotes inner cells become an embryo and organs begin to form and function Fetus YAY you look like a human, this is from 9 weeks- birth during each of the stages genetic and environmental factors effect our development
Genetic & Environmental Factors Placenta it is formed from the zygotes’ outer cells attached to the uterine wall transfers nutrients and oxygen from mother to fetus. It also screens out potentially harm stuff Teratogens environmental agents such as drugs, chemicals, viruses or other factors that can produce birth defects Examples would be a mother with HIV and a baby is born with it, a heroin addict and baby is born addicted to drugs…ect Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) can causes physical abnormalities (often eyes spread far apart)a liking for alcohol, can cause brain damage, 1 out of 800 infants
The Competent Newborn Reflexes Habituation Sensation and Perception newborns come equipped with automatic responses ideally suited for our survival EX: when something touches their cheek, babies turn toward that touch, open their mouth, and look for nipple. Habituation decreasing responsiveness to repeated stimuli EX: after you’ve played with a new toy for a little bit, it becomes less interesting This idea helps us understand how the development of sight is for babies because if they are less interested in a repeated stimulus that means they can clearly see the stimulus Sensation and Perception We are born preferring sights and sounds newborns turn their heads in the directions of human voices, they prefer to look at things 8-12 inches away from the face which just some happens to be the distant from a nursing infant to his/her mother, babies can also distinguish their mother’s smell
Today Begin HW HW= Qs # 3-4 (Physical & Cognitive Development)