The Academic Marketplace Getting a Job Curriculum vitae Publish now! Finding opportunities – use all means, Especially email, phone calls from your advisor Letters of reference
Interviewing Defending your thesis How to interview individual faculty Ask to meet with students Tell what you would like to teach Advanced course Bread and butter middle courses Introductory courses Use their course numbers, titles!
Tenure and All That Teaching matters, too. Publish or perish. What counts, and how much? Teaching matters, too. “He who would save his life (career) will lose it, and he who will lose his life ... will find it.” Sometimes the system goes badly wrong. e.g., Iverson, Salton, etc. at Harvard There is life after tenure denial.
Miscellaneous Resources Re faculty salaries, see, pages 12-13. Re criteria for quality, see my document, “Criteria for University Faculty Re promotion and tenure, see the UNC-CH Chancellor’s Advisory Committee document, “Presenting an Effective Promotion/Tenure Dossier”