Science Teams
Scientific Coordination Objectives Lessons from GONG An LWS/HMI Case in Point
Objectives Impact instrument & operations development, and initial scientific & operational capability [ 60 months] Enable efforts larger in scale than an individual, or individual group, could undertake Focus Unlock the resources to do the work
GONG Teams Membership Original Teams Teams Privileged access to data Contribution to team objectives Publication of program Original Teams Inversions Models Low Frequency Data Reduction and Analysis Nearly Steady Flows and Magnetic Fields Magnetic Effects Mode Physics Teams Some were important in formulation and then withered away Some were extremely vital and played a major role in advancing the overall science Darwin…
Local Helioseismology Comparison Validate local-helioseismology methodologies & results pre-launch to achieve LWS/SDO objectives Some participants: H. Antia, C. Barban, S. Basu, R. Bogart, D. Braun, D-Y. Chou, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, T. Corbard, T. Duvall, L. Gizon, I. Gonzalez Hernandez, D. Haber, J. Harvey, C. Henney, F. Hill, B. Hindman, R. Howe, S. Hughes, J M Jensen, R. Komm, S. Korzennik, A. Kosovichev, J. Leibacher, C. Lindsey, P. Rajaguru, E. Rhodes, P. Rose, P. Scherrer, J. Schou, S. Kholikov, M-T. Sun, M. Thompson, C. Toner, J. Toomre, M. Woodard, J. Zhao, and anybody else who would like to join the party Umbrella/glue/support structure a la GONG Teams
Targeted Research & Technology Targeting is a two-way street Excellent science Necessary for success of HMI Necessary for success of SDO Necessary for success of ILWS
A Possible Approach to TR&T Each participant has own proposal Collective science words and identification with team ‘stapled’ to front of each individual’s proposal Commit to support science activities of team Synergistic value is beneficial to individual + Umbrella Science coordination Meeting support Joint publication costs
Issues Membership Central Committee vs Federation Umbrella/Science Support How “LWS”y for technical efforts Real value added ROSS