Keeping in touch with NICE


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Presentation transcript:

Keeping in touch with NICE Student Champions workshop 7th February 2018 © NICE 2018. All rights reserved. Subject to Notice of rights

This isn’t goodbye… stay in touch! The NICE website is packed with information Full title: [insert full title of guideline/TA/evidence summary] Available at: [insert URL e.g.] This slide set is for the use of NICE medicines and prescribing associates. As such, it concentrates on key prescribing and medicines optimisation issues selected by the NICE medicines and prescribing team: see the guideline/ technology appraisal/ evidence summary for full information about other aspects of care.

Subscribe to newsletters and alerts Full title: [insert full title of guideline/TA/evidence summary] Available at: [insert URL e.g.] This slide set is for the use of NICE medicines and prescribing associates. As such, it concentrates on key prescribing and medicines optimisation issues selected by the NICE medicines and prescribing team: see the guideline/ technology appraisal/ evidence summary for full information about other aspects of care. Sign up!

Get social… Like us on Facebook by searching for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Follow us on Twitter @NICEComms Find us on Youtube by searching for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Full title: [insert full title of guideline/TA/evidence summary] Available at: [insert URL e.g.] This slide set is for the use of NICE medicines and prescribing associates. As such, it concentrates on key prescribing and medicines optimisation issues selected by the NICE medicines and prescribing team: see the guideline/ technology appraisal/ evidence summary for full information about other aspects of care.

Other opportunities Too soon for endorsement - too soon for Fellows programme. Some may want to work with us, can explore opportunities on NHS jobs. Shared learning also too soon probably but could raise with their teams when they start work

Stay in touch By email: To the team: