The Trials of Rebuilding a Nation 1865-1877 Reconstruction The Trials of Rebuilding a Nation 1865-1877
ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLN The Conspirators April 14, 1865 Ford’s Theater in Washington D.C. Shot in the back of the head by a pro-Southern actor named John Wilkes Booth Lincoln’s VP Andrew Johnson becomes the President (he was a Democrat from Tenn) Powell Harold Atzerodt O’Laughlin Booth J. Surratt M. Surratt Spangler Arnold
Reconstruction Policies Presidential Reconstruction Congressional Reconstruction Lincoln’s 10 Percent Plan 10% of voters in the South had to take an oath of allegiance to the U.S. States had to abolish slavery and have it in their constitution Former Confederates would be pardoned Carried out by Andrew Johnson after Lincoln’s assassination Carried out by the Radical Republicans in Congress Was against the President’s Reconstruction plan Wanted the South punished for the Civil War
President Andrew Johnson (#17) Became president after Lincoln died (he was his VP) Democrat from Tennessee (former Confederate state) Impeached by Congress under the direction of the Radical Republicans and was not removed (missed it by 2 votes)
Bureaus of Refugees, Freedmen, and Land Bureau of Refugees: help those displaced by the Civil War Freedmen’s Bureau: created to support the newly freed slaves with education and housing; led to the beginnings of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Land: Land was redistributed and offered to freedmen and poor whites- “40 Acres and a Mule”
Civil War Amendments Near the end and after the Civil War a series of amendments to the Constitution were passed dealing with former slaves 13th Amendment- abolished slavery 14th Amendment- granted citizenship and due process to all people born in the United States regardless of race 15th Amendment- gave all African American men the right to vote Of course, the South found a way to disfranchise black voters (keeping them from voting)
The Conditions of Freedmen Sharecropping Black Codes Most freedmen fell back into field labor due to lack of education and other experiences Sharecropping meant having a very low salary and was a just a step up from slavery Black codes- “laws” that sought to limit the rights of African Americans Black codes: Limited choice of occupation Prevented from owning land Arrested for not having a job Curfews No interracial marriages
Ku Klux Klan Started in 1865 in Tenn as a fraternity for Confederate veterans Eventually came to resist the new freedoms and rights of African Americans Used terror tactics to incite fear There was resistance to the KKK waged by freed slaves and former Union soldiers
South Divided into Military Districts As part of the Congressional Reconstruction, Southern states were divided into military districts as a way to enforce the reconstruction policies and to protect the freedmen.
Election of 1868 Ulysses S. Grant (former Union general) is elected as President of the United States.
Election of 1876 Tilden Hayes Democrat Samuel Tilden won the popular vote over Republican Ruther B. Hayes Republicans claimed that there was voter fraud 3 Southern states that Tilden won. When the votes were recounted in these states, Hayes ended up the “winner” in all 3 states.
Election of 1876
Compromise of 1877 In order to avoid conflict over the Election of 1876, Northern Republicans and Southern Democrats came to an agreement known as the Compromise of 1877. Republican Hayes would be “given” the Presidency by 1 electoral vote In return, all remaining federal troops were removed from the Southern states, effectively ENDING RECONSTRUCTION!