First Report Due on completion of first solar cell fabrication Report to be in PowerPoint Must include statement of academic integrity
Title Page Class name/number Student’s names submitting report Date Academic integrity statement
Diagram of basic silicon solar cell “as fabricated in the Cameron clean room” This diagram/schematic must be original, not a cut and paste from an outside source, and must be of high quality, no hand drawn lines
Scanned copy of your traveler used in the fabrication of the silicon solar cell in the Cameron clean room
There were 10-12 tools used in the fabrication process Single page collage of photos (with captions) of the equipment used in the fabrication process There were 10-12 tools used in the fabrication process
Image of photo mask (transparency)used for your solar cell AutoCAD drawing preferred
Single page of photos and description of the solar cell sunlight simulator, test conditions, and testing of solar cell
Parameters to be included One or more I/V plots showing the performance of your solar cell, size, conductor pattern, and calculated performance parameters Parameters to be included Voc, Isc, Vmp, Imp, Imax photocurrent, Jsc Fill factor Efficiency Reverse leakage current at -2v
Conclusion page and evaluation of your solar cell