Describe the differences Name____________________ Period_____ Date_____________ Unit 9-Causes of the Civil War Social Studies Vocabulary Word/Term Definition The Three-fifths Compromise (1787) Describe the differences between the economies of the North and South Missouri Compromise Of 1820 Nullification Crisis of 1832 What was it? Why did it occur? Who were the two main figures? Wilmot Proviso What was it? What did it call for? What was its effect on N-S relations? Senator Henry Clay (what was he, from where, what compromises did he write, what was he known as?)
Compromise Of 1850 Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” What was it? Who wrote it? What were its effects? Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 What did it do? What was “Bleeding Kansas”? John Brown at Harper’s Ferry Who was John Brown? What happened at Harper’s Ferry? Dred Scott vs. Sanford Who was Dred Scott, what did he do, why, what was the final ruling? Presidential Election of 1860 Who won? What effect did this have on the Southern states? Confederate States of America Who were they? Why did they form? Who was their leader?
Describe the differences Name____________________ Period_____ Date_____________ Unit 9-Causes of the Civil War Social Studies Vocabulary Word/Term Definition The Three-fifths Compromise (1787) The agreement reached in 1787 that allowed the southern slave states to count three-fifths of their slaves for population and taxation purposes. Describe the differences between the economies of the North and South The economy of the North was based on manufacturing which led to urbanization and increased immigration from other countries. The economy of the South was based on agriculture and became very dependent on slave labor. Missouri Compromise Of 1820 The agreement crated by Henry Clay that allowed Missouri to enter as a slave state and Maine to enter as a free state and also set the 36x30N line of latitude as a dividing line between free and slave and free territory. The event that occurred when South Carolina, led by John C. Calhoun, refused to obey the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 claiming that they were unconstitutional. Andrew Jackson, President of the U.S. threatened to invade SC if they didn’t obey the tariffs but Henry Clay’s Compromise of 1833 keeps the peace. Nullification Crisis of 1832 What was it? Why did it occur? Who were the two main figures? Wilmot Proviso What was it? What did it call for? What was its effect on N-S relations? A bill suggested by David Wilmot that would keep any lands taken from Mexico from being slave territories. It caused more arguments in the Congress. Senator Henry Clay (what was he, from where, what compromises did he write, what was he known as?)
Compromise Of 1850 Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” What was it? Who wrote it? What were its effects? Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 What did it do? What was “Bleeding Kansas”? John Brown at Harper’s Ferry Who was John Brown? What happened at Harper’s Ferry? Dred Scott vs. Sanford Who was Dred Scott, what did he do, why, what was the final ruling? Presidential Election of 1860 Who won? What effect did this have on the Southern states? Confederate States of America Who were they? Why did they form? Who was their leader?