MANPOWER Mr Bill Miller Deputy Director
OBJECTIVE Explain how the Missouri Army National Guard earns and distributes full-time unit support (FTUS) resources in order to accomplish our mission.
Definitions Requirement – the minimum number of full time personnel needed to perform a federal workload as required by law, regulation and policy; requirements are comprised of both Military Technician and Active Guard Reserve Personnel both referred to as Full-time Unit Support (FTUS) Managed Level of Resources (MLR) – FTUS Requirements receive an MLR based on the type of unit. Each MLR receives a percent fill for the Fiscal Year based on ARNG leadership priorities Authorization – authority to hire AGRs and MILTECHs based on MLR percentage of requirements. Full-time support (FTS) voucher – The FTS Voucher distributes AGR and MILTECH resources, both Dual-Status and Non-Dual Status, to the 54 States, Territories, District of Columbia and NGB (Title 10) on an annual basis. The FTS Voucher and supporting documentation can be found on the Full Time Support Management Control System (FTSMCS) at
Definitions (continued) Military Technician Dual Status (DS) – a federal civilian employee who is required to maintain membership in the Selected Reserve as a condition of the employment Title 5 National Guard Employee – a federal civilian employee who is NOT required to maintain membership in the Selected Reserve as a condition of the employment AGR Controlled Grades – an imposed statutory limit to the following pay grades: E8, E9, O4, O5, O6 that the ARNG can hire (W5 is not a controlled grade but managed similarly)
Process Requirement established. Requirements are all the jobs that could be performed in a military organization (Menu) Funding level or management level of resourcing (MLR) is established by NGB MLR is applied against requirements to establish an authorization
Process (continued) Most AGR authorizations are earned in the field. Techs are earned in field as well but they are for surface and aviation maintenance JFHQ has a earns a mix of AGR and Tech
Full-time support (FTS) voucher Voucher is published on Full Time Support Management Control System (FTSMCS) annually Shows requirements and authorizations by UIC and Grade Also shows execution rate by grade and UIC
PMAC Program Management Advisory Council (PMAC) Senior leadership council with representation from all senior commands and directorates in the MOARNG. Since there are more requirements that there are authorizations, the PMAC decides which requirements are authorized. In other words which requirement will have an authorization (authority to hire) put against it.