How should slaves be Counted? South- slaves should be counted as people for representation (not because southerners wanted slaves to be treated as people, but because it would give them more votes in the House of Representatives) Southern economy was dependent on Slave labor.
How should slaves be Counted? North- slaves should be counted as property to be taxed (south treats slaves like property not people) Note: Many northerners had changed their thinking about slavery after the Revolution Dec of Ind ideas of equality and liberty
How should slaves be Counted? Why does it matter? A significant amount of the Southern population was slave, If slaves were not counted in the population of these states, they would drop below the populations of northern states, Meaning northern states would have more representation in Congress (House of Representatives)
Compromises on Slavery Three-Fifths Compromise an agreement made at the Constitutional Convention stating that enslaved persons would be counted as 3/5 a person in determining a states population in the House of representatives Congress has the power to regulate trade Cannot tax exports Cannot interfere with the slave trade for 20 years (until 1808) Fugitive Slave Clause- escaped slaves had to be returned to the owner even if they were caught in free states
Executive Branch How many executives should we have? 2 views Delegates who feared another king, better to prevent another tyrant 1 executive (President) good government depends on clear, timely, responsible leadership Resolution (answer) 1 President Limited powers, elected every 4 years
Executive Branch How to select the President? 3 views The People? Not a good idea because voters may only vote for candidates from their state (putting small states at a disadvantage Congress? Not a good idea for the President to feel he owes Congress for his job electors? Would be able to look beyond the interests of a state to make a wise choice Resolution (answer) Electoral College the group established by the Constitution to elect the president and vice president. States choose electors who choose the president and VP Number of electors from each states equals number of senators and Representatives from that state