Andy Wang
Product My products is hair conditioner(decrease the damage of shampoo) with Tangled's packaging. Like this one.
Consumer Profile Demographics: 1. Age: Most children, and many teenagers like cartoons. They will see the cartoon and like the cartoon very much, so maybe they want products about the cartoon, like the hair conditioner. The target marketing will be children from 0-9 years old, thats Primary customers and the secondary marketing is allowance customers, they pay much attention on their out looking, maybe they also want the beautiful hair in the cartoon.
Demographics 2.Gender: Because the main character is a girl and the packaging is lovely, girls is the main marketing. 3.Family life cycle: Because the target market is children, they dont have income, their parents will pay for them, but that not a problem everyone can pay for them, they are not expansive. If buy one can make your child feels happy, why not to buy one.
Demographics 4.Income level: The product is not expansive everyone can buy them, maybe just RMB for one. 5.Culture: culture is not a problem, just pay attention of how to promote and packaging, like not use bad colors.
Psychographics and Geographic Psychographics: Children will be attract by the packaging. So we need to let children see the products, that means we need to push the products to customers. Then they will ask their parents to buy. Children help us a lot. Geographic: The Product always use by people live in urban. People live in rural often dont too much attention on their hair. So the product will be sold in urban.
Marketing Mix Product Mix: The hair conditioner always sell with shampoo, many classmate want to sell shampoo, so we can sell them together. Promotion Mix: We need to promote obey the culture, talk about the movie and character, make people want to watch the movie, that will make people want to buy the product more
Marketing Mix Place Mix: The product would sell in supermarket, we also need to push the product, like put up posters on the door of supermarket. Consumers will see maybe have a idea to buy one. Price Mix: This kind of product is cheap, because people use them everyday, maybe 15~20 RMB is OK.
Conclusion In conclusion, the product is very useful and healthy. I think through the successful promotion we can sell it well. The marketing plan can be change by different countries and different culture. We also can sell our products together like a gifts, I make sure we can sell the products better!