Warmup Questions 1. If your friend were gay, what would you say / do? 2. If your sibling were gay, what would you say / do? 3. If your child were gay, what would you say / do?
Unreal (second conditional) IF SUBJECT PAST TENSE … would, could, might PRESENT TENSE If I my friend she saw said were won a UFO “I’m gay” rich the lottery he my mom WOULD MIGHT COULD take lose get married borrow a picture. his job. easily. money
Unreal (second conditional) would could might not care live go in 강남 to Canada if my son my gf were won moved gay. the lottery. there.
What would you do…? If I were (명사/형용사/전치사) a doctor, I could save lives. If I won lots of money, I would… If I had a gay friend, I might… No “will”
What would you do? Three homophobic bullies are bullying a gay student. Homophobia (noun) / Homophobic (adjective) a bully = a bigger, stronger student who threatens weaker students to bully (verbal) = to tease, to bother, to (verbally) harass, to pick on to bully (physical) = to hit, to beat up (someone) to (physically) harass, to pick on
What would you do if you saw three (homophobic) bullies bullying a weaker, gay student?
Discussion 1. Who would you marry if you could marry anyone? 2. What would you do with millions of dollars? Where would you go? What would you buy? 3. If you could take a trip anywhere, where would you go? 4. What would you change if you were the President of Korea? 5. What would you do if you only had 1 week left to live? Who would you tell? Where would you go? 6. For someone you loved very much, would you move to a different country and never see your family/friends again? 7. If you could meet anyone from history, who would you meet? 8. Create your own question