The Insider Information Midterms The Insider Information
TOOLS for Midterms 5 easy steps to acing your mid-terms; an overview of important aspects Try to relax Outline Organization Long-term Studying Sleep
What Midterms Are A midterm is a comprehensive test of everything covered in first semester Not as specific as previous tests Focuses on general concepts and most important points On the report card, midterms have their own column Each quarter grade is counted twice and the midterm counted once to get first semester grade So, Q1+ Q1+ Q2+ Q2+ M /5 =First Semester Grade
What Midterms Are Midterms do affect your grades If they’re higher than quarter grades they can raise final grade If they’re the same as quarter grades have no effect If they’re lower than quarter grades they can lower final Schedule of tests can be found on calendar School goes from 8:00 to 11:15 No homeroom, go directly to first exam classroom Have 15 minute break to eat and then relax
What to Study Textbook notes/highlighted points Reading all of the material in your text can be very overwhelming! (don’t do this!) Studying old tests and quizzes is definitely helpful Some teachers copy and paste questions Many teachers base their midterm questions off of similar material, or question types. Class notes are the most important study material
What to Study (Teacher Sheet) Teachers will hand out sheets to students outlining topics and chapters to be covered on the exam Might also include important tests, quizzes, and homework assignments that should be reviewed May include types of questions that will be on the exam such as multiple choice, fill-in, short answer, concept map, or essay questions Study guide: try to complete it if given one
Subject Specifics English - symbols, themes, and motifs of each book read are important Math - try to create a practice test / practice problems to solve on your own, make flashcards for rules and formulas, or practice problems online (Glencoe) Biology - review processes and cycles, make concept maps on Inspiration, vocabulary Languages - vocabulary and grammar, practice reading and writing Const. Foundations know how a bill becomes a law know the different terms of lawmakers and the president vocabulary
What Materials to Use PowerPoint presentations - very useful, especially for biology! Try to take a small white board and marker to draw the different process (cellular respiration, photosynthesis, etc…) Concept maps are useful for hitting major topics. Flashcards for vocabulary, dates, concepts Punch hole in corner and put them on binder ring As you study a chapter in a book, it helps to create a small outline of it Print it out during Christmas break and study it later on Teacher-given rubric of what to expect on the exam
When to Study Christmas break: begin studying Atmosphere is relaxed Family members can easily quiz you on different topics Friends may be available to get together for study groups Once you return to school, things get hectic Make sure to bring home all books, notes, and other study materials over break Take a break from studying for Christmas Eve/Day All major studying should be done at least 2 weeks before the exam The last few days before the exam, review what you’ve studied and you will be ready to take your exam
Organization and Scheduling Organizing is the first step to taking midterms! Once organization is completed, make a study schedule Scheduling study time helps to allot time to studying and to stay on task Study continually during set study period Example schedule: Day 1: study A day classes Day 2: study B day classes Day 3: study A day classes, etc. Dedicate the most time to trouble subjects but don’t breeze by easy ones Commit to one or two chapters of each subject for each time you study Do not try to study an entire semester of material at once!
General Study/Memory Tips Mnemonic Devices - simple words, phrases, or songs that help to prompt your memory Extremely helpful, especially if you are the kind of person that experiences sudden blanks in the middle of tests Study groups (with other students) Also extremely helpful. Important especially if you have holes in your notes. Take turns explaining different concepts to each other, checking whether each other is correct or not. Stay on task! Parental Quizzing Ask a parent to quiz you on previous multiple choice questions, vocabulary, etc. Relax, if you are stressed out then you won’t be able to remember as much.
Dealing With Stress Take breaks 45/15 study method Study for 45 minutes, then take an ACTIVE break for 15 minutes (take a walk, do a little dance, eat a snack, whatever you enjoy) Don’t just nap, watch TV, or go online Don’t bring your notes with you during your break-it has to be a FULL break Don’t study for really long periods of time without a break You will overwork yourself You will be more tired You won’t absorb the information you’re studying Less productive and wastes time
Dealing With Stress (cont.) Try to do 1 fun thing over the weekend before midterms Watch an episode of a favorite TV show or movie Eat a hot fudge sundae Listen to your favorite CD Don’t do too many long fun activities Will stress you out more and you won’t have enough time to study sufficiently Make sure you study in advance You’re 85% more likely to remember the information if you don’t cram You won’t have to scramble to study and learn everything the night before if you start over Christmas break Make sure you understand everything If not, go to a teacher for help when classes resume Write down specific questions while studying Do not go to teacher and say “I don’t get it” without an explanation as to what you don’t understand
Dealing With Stress (cont.) Keep organized Go over all of your notes to make sure they’re complete and in order Write down any questions you have for the teacher Make sure you know what’s going to be on the midterm Use teacher-given exam outline Go to teachers to make sure you’re studying the right material and that you’re not leaving out sections or topics you need to study, if unsure of what to study Make your own detailed outline of what will be on the midterm Accordion Folder - can keep all tests and quizzes and homework assignments in there Keep your papers from year to year Might need them later on Math, science, and languages - especially important because these subjects build off of each other
If You’re Stressing Don’t try to cram Stay calm Study at a pace and place that are good for you Try studying an easier subject or an easier section for a certain subject Will help you to become less stressed Will be able to understand and remember what you’re studying Take a break Don’t take more than a 15-30 minute break or you’ll become more stressed Don’t sacrifice sleep! Sleep is very important - if you don’t sleep, you won’t remember what you’ve studied If you’ve been studying over Christmas break and the preceding weeks before midterms, you’ll be fine
If You’re Stressing (cont.) Eat a snack Something healthy: will help to re-energize you Crackers Nuts Fruit Special treat or candy: will make you happier Chocolate Popcorn Cookies Favorite candy Make sure you’re studying somewhere where you’re not being distracted Have a specific room for studying where it’s quiet and comfortable
What to do on Test Day Get a good night’s sleep Not just on test day, but for the entire week before Just the night before doesn’t help Don’t stay up cramming, just review then relax Eat a good breakfast and buy/bring something for break to keep energy up Be prepared for the exam with all materials needed (calculator, pens, pencils, loose-leaf, etc.) Get to school early Before the exam, take a deep breath and focus yourself If you’ve studied you’ll be fine, don’t let stress mess you up
Closing Notes Breathe and relax! Get started early You will do fine