Function Transformations Family Parent Graphing Calculator Cubic Hyperbola Square Root Exponential
Families of Functions Do your Work in Pencil! Quadratics Cubics Hyperbola Square Root Exponential Linear
Quadratic x -2 -1 1 2 y 4 Parent Equation: General Equation: Domain: y=k General Equation: Domain: Range: x=h (Depending on if a is positive or negative) x -2 -1 1 2 y 4
Cubic Parent Equation: y=k General Equation: Domain: Range: x=h
Hyperbola Parent Equation: General Equation: y=k Domain: Range: x=h
Square Root Parent Equation: General Equation: Domain: Range: y=k Range: (Depending on if a is positive or negative) x=h
Exponential Parent Equation: a General Equation: Domain: Range: y=k x=h
Linear Slope = a Parent Equation: General Equation: Domain: Range: y=k x=h
Absolute Value Parent Equation: General Equation: Domain: Range: y=k Range: x=h (Depending on if a is positive or negative)
Sleeping Parabola Parent Equation: General Equation: Domain: Range: x=h Parent Equation: y=k General Equation: Domain: (Depending on if b is positive or negative) Range:
Circle x=h Parent Equation: General Equation: Domain: y=k Range:
Standard to General: Quadratic y = 3x2 – 18x – 10
Standard to General: Quadratic y = x2 + 8x + 25
Standard to General: Circle x2 + 6x + y2 - 12y - 9 = 0
Standard to General: Circle 4x2 - 24x + 4y2 + 32y - 4 = 0